Looking for more driver tips (Videos attached)


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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So following on from my last thread have taken some of the stuff on board and took to the course and my pro and have seen an immediate improvement so have now videoed again to see what else to look at.

The main things I have changed are, Narrower stance to encourage rotation; I've found this to help through the bag so I think I've been too wide with everything. From a logical point of view it makes sense as with too wide a stance my right leg is kind of in the way of the in to out path.

I've also taken Bobs recommendation for straightening out the right foot to lessen the overswing(still big). I have been trying to get more on my right side in the back swing and my spine is still slightly tilted away at the top- perhaps something I could work on more? Still an improvement though as previously was reverse pivot.

What I've not changed is my grip- I know a lot have mentioned on how strong it is but having discussed with my pro he is sure it is fine for me and my swing so will stick with it for now. When I do try and weaken my right hand for some reason I tend to cast my hands even more resulting in bigger out to in and steeper swing.

One thing I've noticed from face on is I lose the wrist angles too early on downswing so probably an area I need to work on?

on the GCQuad best drill the pro could give me was a bottle about 2.5-3 feet behind ball down target line. I actually found the more extreme I could make it the better the path so putting headcover about 2 feet behind the ball and meant always at least 0.5 degrees in to out- was usually between 1.5-0.5 degrees.

videos below- target line is about 1-2 feet to the right of the curtains line in the middle.

https://youtu.be/25OLz1dauAU - DTL solid hit.
https://youtu.be/BUiSwHZXnsI - DTL. feeling of bumping hips and dropping hands for in to out. Hit wide right face open
https://youtu.be/ao_VkFH5PjE - DTL. felt heely. started on target line so probably veered right
https://youtu.be/3U9GGfuk5mM- face on- good hit with headcover drill
https://youtu.be/JMIj3fmJc_o - face on clipped headcover and hit ball way right
https://youtu.be/20pUz6HJr1g - Face on with exaggerated practice pre strike

Thoughts appreciated on where to go next. Are there any good Lag drills out there or is it just a good idea to practice holding onto angles longer and rotating?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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only thing would add to my previous advice - would be the last thing you want to be doin is trying to 'hold on' to 'the angle' (lag) & speaking to that need to ditch that exaggerated move you doin completely as that is only goin to make stuff a ton worse

given the set-up & shot issues that result to be real honest am at a loss as to why advice would be to keep the driver set-up as it is & to keep the way that both hands are set on the handle - if the end goal is to improve shot results by improving the swing functionality


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Hi coach, appreciate you are a pro too so both giving conflicting advice. Can you explain why you think the exaggerated move will makes things a ton worse? shotwise and numbers wise it seems to be going in the right direction?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Right now trying to minimise slice. I realise face(to path) also an issue but from lessons pro agrees my biggest issue when it’s going awry is path


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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would just say the exaggerated move of trying to hold on to lag especially with the driver then mostly that will mean the clubhead remains way too far back of the body & arm motion - so the face angle is far more likely to remain open at strike - the clubhead & shaft more likely not to be 'released' through impact - so effectively more difficult to square up

find also with a ton of folks who have both hands in such a strong position on the handle means there's also an instinctive reaction to try to 'hold off' the face cause if the 'club was released thru impact' the result would be ball goin leftfield

realize changing a grip hold is often times a contentious issue

am not saying you should go against the advice of your Pro he's the guy on the ground giving the one to one


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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What problems are you trying to fix?

inclined to agree Bob, it all looks OK to me. But I'm no swing expert.

In fact it looks a nice swing to me, I wouldn't mind it and i'm 12 shots lower than the OP.
Having a great textbook swing is all well and good, but there's more to golf than.

The OP seams way to hung up on mechanics THB, all the stats in the world won't get the golf ball around the course in a low number.