Pre-Registration of Supplementary Cards


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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It was during a discussion, although it was based more on WHS. Practically, under WHS, a player doesn't pre register, enters their own supplementary, handicap record changes, and this only comes to light to handicap secretary a few days later. The handicap sec should not refuse a score for handicap (even if score or scorecard not entered, a score can be entered if found by other means, rather than a simple NR).

So, despite not following pre registration guidelines, their score will still count.

Under CONGU, from an admin point of view, it is easier to refuse score, as that score must always be entered by, or accepted by, the handicap committee before it goes into system. But, not under WHS.

So, given we are a few months from WHS, I don't want to start enforcing a strict policy now, when it will be impossible to enforce from November. Also, I want to give golfers the opportunity to enter as many scores as they wish, to help in their WHS calculation. Never much of an issue before, as supplementary cards were quite rare at our club. However, they have become more popular for members. Also as all scores will be sent via email to me, I fully expect many of the physical scorecards will not have been posted when I get round to filing them away. That is inevitable, and I don't plan in chasing all the players this applies to, deleting scores or disciplining players for a likely innocent oversight
I suspect you have been relying on the US implementation re 'general play'.
The CONGU draft says
(iii) Registering Intent to Submit a Score in General Play
A player is required to pre-register their intent to submit an acceptable score in general play for handicap purposes.
Such pre-registration must be made:
- Before the player starts the round, and
- In the manner prescribed by the Handicap Committee

The US makes no mention of this


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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We have yet to implement new Supplementary Card procedures but the first to come in will be via the IG app and my understanding of the app is that it cannot happen and with the app everything is automatic and does not need any committee involvement at any stage.

For those without the app we are probably going to go the email method, we have set up a specific email address for the process already. My initial thoughts are that having set up a process for relatively few players that they will need to pay attention to what is required and must follow them.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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The Yorkshire Union will be using the Golf Genius app for its contactless scoring for their next open. My club will be one of the trial clubs for ClubV1's app in the next week or so. I gather HandicapMaster have their app ready. And I think I saw post here saying the new Scottish system is up and running. So we seem to be catching up with the rest of the world.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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The Yorkshire Union will be using the Golf Genius app for its contactless scoring for their next open. My club will be one of the trial clubs for ClubV1's app in the next week or so. I gather HandicapMaster have their app ready. And I think I saw post here saying the new Scottish system is up and running. So we seem to be catching up with the rest of the world.

We have been running dummy comps this week using Handicapmaster and Masterscoreboard and it has been working a treat. We have our first qualifier tomorrow which will be very interesting.

Old Skier

Tour Winner
May 10, 2013
Instow - play in North Devon
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The Yorkshire Union will be using the Golf Genius app for its contactless scoring for their next open. My club will be one of the trial clubs for ClubV1's app in the next week or so. I gather HandicapMaster have their app ready. And I think I saw post here saying the new Scottish system is up and running. So we seem to be catching up with the rest of the world.
Be interested in any feed back on the V1 app once it's up and running