Posted Team Card - one score incorrect.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I recently did the card for a three man team 2 from 3 counting stableford comp. I had to record the scores for all three of us...not just the two counting. We also separately submitted individual cards.

On one hole I needed to get a ruling on my score for the hole before submitting the team and individual cards - handing the former to the Pro in the office for him to check and do results - the latter posted in the returns box - but I forgot to check and submitted the two cards as required. Almost immediately I had submitted them I remembered, and being the honest chap that I am, I immediately went back to ask the question - knowing full well that if I was wrong then my posted individual card was wrong and I'd be DQ'd. I did not expect to be able to get my card out of the returns box to correct my score.

But what of the team card? All three players scores were recorded for the hole. If I'd got the ruling wrong would my incorrect gross for the hole DQ the team, or does it mean my score is just ignored for that hole - or indeed for every hole?
Without checking the rule book I believe if your score is higher than actual on the card it's acceptable, but not is it's lower (Strokeplay) I guess it's the opposite with Stableford.
I recently did the card for a three man team 2 from 3 counting stableford comp. I had to record the scores for all three of us...not just the two counting. We also separately submitted individual cards.

On one hole I needed to get a ruling on my score for the hole before submitting the team and individual cards - handing the former to the Pro in the office for him to check and do results - the latter posted in the returns box - but I forgot to check and submitted the two cards as required. Almost immediately I had submitted them I remembered, and being the honest chap that I am, I immediately went back to ask the question - knowing full well that if I was wrong then my posted individual card was wrong and I'd be DQ'd. I did not expect to be able to get my card out of the returns box to correct my score.

But what of the team card? All three players scores were recorded for the hole. If I'd got the ruling wrong would my incorrect gross for the hole DQ the team, or does it mean my score is just ignored for that hole - or indeed for every hole?
Did the committee specify which was the 'counting' card? On the face of it, the card returned to the pro would seem to be it "handing the former to the Pro in the office for him to check and do results". In which case IMO you are off the hook :)
There were two comps running in parallel. The individual and the team. I think for convenience the individual card was completed and entered into our system and individual results generated by the system; the team card had to be manually checked for the two best from three stablefords on each hole. PH of each player was same for both comps. My score on the team card was therefore the same as that on my individual one. No mention on comp details was made of 'master' card.

If my interpretation of the ruling for me on one hole was wrong, and i should have penalised myself a shot, then my gross score for that hole was wrong on both cards and it should have been one more than I signed for and submitted on both. I assume in that case I would have been DQd from the individual comp for signing for a wrong gross (lower) score. But what happens to the team card that wss submitted containimg my incorrect gross. Is my score (and stableford pts) for that hole simply ignored; are my scores for every hole ignored as my incorrect gross had me DQd - but the team is not DQd. Or is the team DQd for my ruling error and incorrect gross score on one hole?
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Thank you for fully explaining the situation.
I think the following relating to Fourball format would apply to the team event.

23.8b(1) When Breach by One Partner Means Side Is Disqualified.
A side is disqualified if either partner gets a penalty of disqualification under any of these Rules:
Stroke Play Only
Fortunately my honesty in raising my potential rule breach immediately after I'd submitted the cards did not result in any DQs as I was advised that I didn't break a rule and so my score on the hole was correct.

That said...another member hearing me raise the question did actually sound a bit surprised at my 'honesty' in raising the matter - especially as I'd already submitted the cards.
Thank you for fully explaining the situation.
I think the following relating to Fourball format would apply to the team event.

23.8b(1) When Breach by One Partner Means Side Is Disqualified.
A side is disqualified if either partner gets a penalty of disqualification under any of these Rules:
Stroke Play Only
Seems tough, but I can understand why since a playing partners play will be influenced by that of his partner, and his partners score - especially in four-ball, but also in the Am-Am type team format I was playing in.