Inferring gross score for a hole


Sep 21, 2014
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Marker is using a column to add scores up as round progresses (column beside column recording the actual gross scores. If card is submitted and gross score isn’t recorded for a hole, but the cumulative score is entered, is it permissible to infer the gross score from the cumulative?
Crikey..that's a new one. Never heard of anything like this.

Rule 3.3b makes it pretty clear about gross scores being entered and everyone's responsibilities.

AFAIK "Adding up" isn't mentioned on the Rules and I've rarely seen folk putting it on a scorecard.

I think you can't "infer" anything on a scorecard. So I think you've got a do score for the hole.

But the Rules Folk on here will know better. 🤣🤣
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The cumulative score is only recorded every two or three holes. For the last hole only the total for the 9 is recorded in column B, and has forgotten to actually write the score in column A. The total fir the 9 recorded in column B against 18th hole) is then repeated in the In total in column A.
Say the player's total score for the inward half is 42, the only number the scorer will see recorded for the 18th is 42 and so he should take 42 as the gross score for that hole. :DAlternatively, being an astute sort of guy, he will have sussed out what's going on and determine that the player has failed to record his gross score for the 18th and DQ him if it's regular stroke play or give him nul points if it's Stableford. As already said, the player is required to record his gross score for each hole.
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Say the player's total score for the inward half is 42, the only number the scorer will see recorded for the 18th is 42 and so he should take 42 as the gross score for that hole. :DAlternatively, being an astute sort of guy, he will have sussed out what's going on and determine that the player has failed to record his gross score for the 18th and DQ him if it's regular stroke play or give him nul points if it's Stableford. As already said, the player is required to record his gross score for each hole.
He won't be disqualified but the score of 42 will count. Disqualification only happens when the score recorded is lower than the actual. This happened years ago in the Durham County Championship when a former multiple winner did that. His score was 100 plus, which gave him a lot to do in round 2.
If there is no score the the ninth hole in the hole score column, it will be do. Other columns are, imo, irrelevant.
He won't be disqualified but the score of 42 will count. Disqualification only happens when the score recorded is lower than the actual. This happened years ago in the Durham County Championship when a former multiple winner did that. His score was 100 plus, which gave him a lot to do in round 2.
Think you've misread the OP. The gross scorers are recorded in Column A and the cumulative scores in Column B, including the 42 on 18. So no gross score has been recorded for 18, therefore it's a DQ in strokeplay or zero pts for the hole if stableford.
The adding-ups are irrelevant.

You can total your score for nine or eighteen wrongly - the correct adding will count.
You sign for the correct score on EACH hole.
No score entered on a hole = no score on that hole,
because that is what the player has signed for.