Penalty Stroke


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Just read on the web that Robert Karlsson was handed a penalty shot after the ball moved on a green after he had addressed it. it also says that TV replays were the reason this came about - nobody saw it move not even Karlsson.

If he had signed his card and the penalty added later, shouldn't he be DQ'd??

Great that he's won and showing form for next week but this seems strange to me.
he hadnt signed card.He was taken to the tour trucks to watch re runs of the incident after he had already been told by ref there was no penalty and after watching closely called a 1 shot pen on himself as he had grounded putter therefore adressed the ball.
So here's another question...

Should we be allowing watchers of tv/video to call penalties on players?

Answers on a postcard...............
from what I can gather it was a case of one ref over ruling the other,I think that the ref that got it correct had watched re runs on t.v.and the ref that got it wrong was only going on what Karlson and his playing partner told him what they thought to have happened.
No harm done,I have seen the replay and I did not see the ball move so how the hell the ref did I do not know....must have zoomed in and watched it 50 times!
Should we be allowing watchers of tv/video to call penalties on players?

Answers on a postcard...............

No postcard.....but I think NO. Once a moment has passed, it's not on to re-consider i.m.o.

Do they change the results of footy matches after the event?
Would they change the result of a snooker match after seeing the slightest touch of a ball unknown to player or ref?

Once the hole has been played and the players are happy, then leave it. If someone in a video booth spots an obvious infringement the player should seen by the officials after the 18th and before the signing. Unless the evidence is conclusive, leave the score.

I don't know the exact details, but if a player decides to "come clean" after the game and their is no excuse for not spotting a problem at the time, DQ is the only option?
If the issue is really hard to decide (with video) and no-one can say for sure.....leave it be.
was this an official video or tv coverage?
if the former then only if it's used at all venues (the argument for not using it for football), and on 100% of shots, otherwise it's too open to dispute.
if the latter then we can all be refs and have a phone in.
Something not mentioned, that was talked about on the Sky coverage, is the fact its common practice to mark the ball & replace on the putting green, hence only a one shot penalty instead of a two shot penalty, as by marking then replacing his ball, he has been deemed to have replaced the ball to its original position.

And as Robert Lee pointed out is one of the silliest rules about grounding putters & occilating balls on greens.

Jack Nicklaus is known to not ground his putter in windy conditions. Though you try not to ground a putter in windy conditions, its not easy & I hover most of my clubs at address, right from driver down to putter.