OK..time for another Forum Golf Day..who's coming?


Tour Winner
Jan 15, 2007
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OK, chaps and chapettes. Following upon the success of the Blairgowrie day out, organised by Toad, I think it's about time to organise another.

Here's my plan.

We play in August when the weather is meant to be fine. This'll also allow us time to plan. It'll be upon us before we know it.

We play at a course which is relatively cheap but which can cater well for a decent sized party and which is fun to play. I'm thinking around £50 for golf, pre match rolls and 2 course meal afterwards.

Location is always gonna be a problem, given our diverse residences, but I would humbly suggest Glen Golf Club in North Berwick. Here's a link to the website. Trust me. I've played it many times and you would all have fun.


I've chosen North Berwick because it's right on the A1 and we might be able to tempt forumers like Dodger et al from down south to come and join us Jocks.

I know it's a bit of a journey for the northerly chaps but they're the keen ones.

Once I have rough numbers, I'll book a date to suit all. I'm only considering playing on a FRIDAY. It's cheaper, the course will be quieter and we can all take a day off!!

Who's coming? :D

Oh, here's a map

What I would give.....just checked out the route planner.....
Maybe I should re-route my family holiday, I'm already taking in Edinburgh.
Would love to but 260 miles is a long way for a round of golf!

Maybe al catch up with you guys when you lay the north west of england somewhere(if you ever do)

Certainly interested in an outing down to the Glen. Dependant on dates etc. (later in the month would be my preference,) but if I can I'll get time off to be there.

Nice course for that time of year.

Good stuff , guys.

So far (dates depending) it's


Roll up, roll up. 12 would be a nice number to get a little discount and I'll cater dates to suit those who respond.

Any more takers?
Ah, the die-hards are coming out of the woodwork, now. Good stuff lads. It's now the magnificent 10.


Keep them coming. All welcome.

I'm hoping we will arrange a Scottish "west coast" day out sometime. Maybe Madandra, Boabski or some of the Glasgow boys will be able to take on that challenge at some point. We're all so over the place!

I took the view that we had had a northerly meet at Blairgowrie. There are quite a few forumers from the east coast so I thought the Glen meet would be handy. I'm sure an Ayrshire meet would be great. Maybe get a chance to play one of the classic courses when they're doing winter rates as they can be pretty pricey.
John, sorry to be vague but I can't say for sure till I've got some golf under my belt after my back trouble. Would like to go though.

Out of interest how long would it take to drive to from new town area in Edinburgh?

Hope we can get a bit further 'north' than Blairgowrie at some point, it's south for me!

For future should target that new one by Aviemore or Boat of Garten, only 2.5 hours from Glasgow.
Good man, Stu. Would be good to see you there if you can make it and have fully recovered. There's still quite a bit of time. Wanted to allow plenty to let people plan a day off.

From the West End of Edinburgh (with the current longterm roadworks for the trams) I'd say 40 minutes max to North Berwick. You want to get onto the A1 then shoot left towards Longniddry then down to North Berwick. Once you're out of the town it's only 25 minutes.. No need to go through Edinburgh at all from up North, though. Just catch the City bypass then the A1. Much quicker.

And, yes, everywhere is south for you. You're almost Norwegian, man. :D