Oh crap - Broke Ankle

Giving the amount of time that has passed since your initial post, I hope you've managed to sort your ankle out. A dislocated kneecap is a common injury that normally takes about 6 weeks to heal. It's often caused by a blow or a sudden change in direction when the leg is planted on the ground, such as during sports or dancing. Most people can walk on their legs, and bend their knees, while they are healing, as long as they use the athletic tapes from https://dunbarmedical.com/product-category/taping-wrapping-padding/athletic-tape/. It may feel wobbly, and you may have some discomfort. Walking and standing are fine, as long as it's not too painful.
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I was told it was a contained spiral fracture of the fibia (apparantely a useless bone), and been put in plaster until can go to trauma clinic for proper assessment sometime this week. The complication was that I also dislocated my knee (which caused the ankle break), so I have to rest that as well. Hoping that when trauma take a look at it, they say good news ...... ah well, looks like my summer golf is out of the window .. and only just got my sim in the garage fully setup and working :-(

The break will probably heal nicely. They (Doctors etc) will probably be looking at any damage to the various parts in the knee following the dislocation. I had a spiral fracture on my hand about 8 years ago - the break healed in 5 weeks, but the range of motion and the tendons took a lot of phyiso and time to get me back to normal.
I hope you only have the quick healing time and then good to go. Given the bloody weather we're having this "summer" you've probably saved yourself from downpours and hurricane winds!

Good luck matey.
Giving the amount of time that has passed since your initial post, I hope you've managed to sort your ankle out.
The ankle was the easy part, it was the knee that was the problem, and 2 years on is still giving me niggles every so often. I was getting physio, to strengthen up the knee and ankle, and then COVID hit, which meant not more treatments with a professional, so just try and strengthen it as much as I could at home, no gym so just body weight exercises

Don't know if it is due to age (mid 40's now), or the type of damage I did .. but even now if I have done a hard game of golf (ie. hills and really going after shots), or out on the bike, hill walking etc, my knee and ankle can ache (not always) ... suppose just have to put up with it, although it does still seem to be improving
The ankle was the easy part, it was the knee that was the problem, and 2 years on is still giving me niggles every so often. I was getting physio, to strengthen up the knee and ankle, and then COVID hit, which meant not more treatments with a professional, so just try and strengthen it as much as I could at home, no gym so just body weight exercises

Don't know if it is due to age (mid 40's now), or the type of damage I did .. but even now if I have done a hard game of golf (ie. hills and really going after shots), or out on the bike, hill walking etc, my knee and ankle can ache (not always) ... suppose just have to put up with it, although it does still seem to be improving
Your post reminded me of this tweet I've seen a few times.


It's sad but true. I think past a certain age, any injury you get is just never going away. About a year ago I stubbed my thumb on a football while playing in goal down the park, it still hurts now if I press it in a particular way. And that wasn't even a proper injury.
Having broken many bones over the years (tib and fib, ankle twice, arm, wrist, shoulder blade five times).........and having no knee ligaments..............and having dislocated my right arm eight times, I can assure fellow forum members, that the body heals AND compensates. I have to hold my left knee in place all the time, otherwise it would dislocate. Doesn't make for the prettiest golf swing, but I can cope. There's quite a few out there who look more disabled than me!!