Oh crap - Broke Ankle


Sep 26, 2017
Newport, Wales
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Well, there goes my budding professional golf career ... NOT lol

On Thursday last week, dislocated my knee and broke my ankle (not playing golf lol) ... now stuck in plaster with a potential upto 6 month recovery time, off to see trauma clinic sometime this week. Has anyone else on here broken their ankle, and what is the usually recovery time before can be playing again, and how did you ease yourself back into the game

Ah well ... time to watch many many many golf videos ;-)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Well, there goes my budding professional golf career ... NOT lol

On Thursday last week, dislocated my knee and broke my ankle (not playing golf lol) ... now stuck in plaster with a potential upto 6 month recovery time, off to see trauma clinic sometime this week. Has anyone else on here broken their ankle, and what is the usually recovery time before can be playing again, and how did you ease yourself back into the game

Ah well ... time to watch many many many golf videos ;-)
Not good. Simple advice is to listen to the health professionals, stick to the physio plans and use the winter to build up slowly to ensure you can come back in 2020. I sympathise as I've done my back in at the moment and can't even bend over a putt


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Been there, done it.
It really does depend on how bad a break it is.
Mine was shattered and I needed a screw through the heel to hold it on as well as plates either side
I couldn't put weight on it for 9 weeks and had 3 month's off work.
Didn't feel confident enough with it to start playing again for nearly a year.
Was told I'd be lucky to get 50% mobility from it, seem to have got about 80%
Take it slow, do the physio and don't rush it.
Good luck


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Broken ankle pffft... Who do ya think you are, Mr McIlroy! Get back out there you wuss

I'll give you 10 days to get used to crutches then get on the practice putting green, then get chipping once you're used to the cast. There's also a technique where you can swing one legged if you build a bit of a pirouette into your swing for full shots

Good luck

p.s get well soon (y)


Assistant Pro
Oct 19, 2017
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family member broke theirs a few years back, just around 60. It was at least 3 months of crutches but think fully healed now. Figure general health will make the biggest difference.


Sep 26, 2017
Newport, Wales
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I was told it was a contained spiral fracture of the fibia (apparantely a useless bone), and been put in plaster until can go to trauma clinic for proper assessment sometime this week. The complication was that I also dislocated my knee (which caused the ankle break), so I have to rest that as well. Hoping that when trauma take a look at it, they say good news ...... ah well, looks like my summer golf is out of the window .. and only just got my sim in the garage fully setup and working :-(


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Having done both I would be more worried long term about dislocating your knee than breaking your ankle! The bone break will most likely heal easier/better than the ligament damage you will have done dislocating the knee albeit you may have some ligament damage to the ankle too. I would want to find out what ligament/tendon damage has been done and how to get that fixed when you go to your appointment as well as just the bone

Hope you make a speedy recovery


Sep 26, 2017
Newport, Wales
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Just spoken to the Trauma clinic (over the phone) and they advised that after the looking at the x-rays, the specialist does not want to see me for 2 weeks. I queried that I also did damage to my knee and not just ankle, they just said, that is what the specialist has said :-(

Deleted member 1740

Feeling your pain mate, i broke my 4th Metacarpal in december last year and my hand is still not right. Haven't swung a club since last october.


Nov 16, 2011
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I had a 'clean' break of left Fibia a while ago. Seven weeks in plaster, but very quick, once plaster off, getting back to normal activity.

As fundy posted, it's likely that knee (ligaments) will be the bigger ongoing problem.

Good Luck.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Dislocated my left knee at 26 finished my football days forever I was gutted .
62 now and would still play if I could..
I was told to take up a non contact sport ,tried snooker but I was crap so golf.
Biggest prob was my ACL it was stretched a bit and made my knee unstable.
Cycling was the prescription and it worked.
Does not hinder my golf at all and I got down to 1.4 cap.

It can take 18 months to get back fit enough to play.

Stood on a torch last February and tore my left ankle ligaments that was horrible injury.
Still not getting on my left side properly now as it’s ingrained in my swing.

Bottom line is it takes what it takes time wise.
Do what the doctors say and don’t rush back to soon.

You will be on here everyday then , keep us posted .
Good luck.


Sep 26, 2017
Newport, Wales
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Just thought would drop a quick update, seeing as it is 4 weeks on. Seems like my fibular is repairing well (pic attached), am in a boot and been told to start putting more and more pressure on it, to hopefully within 6-8 weeks to start looking at getting rid of the boot (although the pain I still feel, makes me question that .. but apparently, the pain does not fully dictate damage etc)

In terms of my knee, physio has started well, lots of exercises to build the quad, which in turn helps to strengthen the knee. And my range of movement is coming on well

So .... from the initial assessment in A&E 4 weeks ago, I am quite pleased with the progress made, although I still don't think I will really be seeing much of the golf course this year. However, I did hit an 8 iron in my SIM the over day, with a 70 yd carry ... so there is still hope :)



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Just thought would drop a quick update, seeing as it is 4 weeks on. Seems like my fibular is repairing well (pic attached), am in a boot and been told to start putting more and more pressure on it, to hopefully within 6-8 weeks to start looking at getting rid of the boot (although the pain I still feel, makes me question that .. but apparently, the pain does not fully dictate damage etc)

In terms of my knee, physio has started well, lots of exercises to build the quad, which in turn helps to strengthen the knee. And my range of movement is coming on well

So .... from the initial assessment in A&E 4 weeks ago, I am quite pleased with the progress made, although I still don't think I will really be seeing much of the golf course this year. However, I did hit an 8 iron in my SIM the over day, with a 70 yd carry ... so there is still hope :)

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Glad things are progressing but my advice is write the season off, do the physio and get back to 100% and hopefully totally pain free and use the simulator and range to build strength over the winter and get the technique back ready for 2020. Hope it carries on in the right direction but remember less is more in these cases so don't push it


Sep 26, 2017
Newport, Wales
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Agree, I wont be doing any more sim work yet ... I was just in there with my kids, with them having a go ... and I just needed to swing a club lol

Think you are right, good thing with Sim, as you say, I can work on it over the Winter, without doing the walk. I have been advised to try and keep putting more and more weight on the ankle and knee, as time goes on, which will help the bone to repair itself .. so managed to get out for a hobble around last night .. clocked up something like 3000 steps throughout the day, which seeing as I had been doing something like 300 .. was well pleased


Sep 26, 2017
Newport, Wales
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Well ... managed to get 9 holes in yesterday (short course) and to be honest, the knee and ankle held up pretty well, although they are aching today and need to rest up. Luckily I have a SIM in the garage, so over the last couple of weeks, have been gradually seeing how I get on with playing, and yesterday was the test

Still think I have a couple of months to go, before I am able to get back on the 18 holes ....... but this is a step forward. Also have to say, the golf was also not that bad .. maybe this time off watching loads of YouTube videos has helped. The shot I was must happy with ..... Drive on the 8th (310 Yd Par 4) .... hit the driver 195 yds (there was no roll, it stopped where it plugged) and managed a par .... YAY :)


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Well ... managed to get 9 holes in yesterday (short course) and to be honest, the knee and ankle held up pretty well, although they are aching today and need to rest up. Luckily I have a SIM in the garage, so over the last couple of weeks, have been gradually seeing how I get on with playing, and yesterday was the test

Still think I have a couple of months to go, before I am able to get back on the 18 holes ....... but this is a step forward. Also have to say, the golf was also not that bad .. maybe this time off watching loads of YouTube videos has helped. The shot I was must happy with ..... Drive on the 8th (310 Yd Par 4) .... hit the driver 195 yds (there was no roll, it stopped where it plugged) and managed a par .... YAY :)
That’s good to hear.
Listen to your body ,if it’s hurting stop.
Muscle will come back gradually so be patient you have all winter.
Good luck.


Sep 26, 2017
Newport, Wales
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That’s good to hear.
Listen to your body ,if it’s hurting stop.
Muscle will come back gradually so be patient you have all winter.
Good luck.

Yep, that is what I was thinking .. let the body do the talking. I am finding, like you said previously, it takes a bit of work to trust being able to get the pressure on my left side fully, but it is getting there .... so glad I have the SIM


Q-School Graduate
Nov 13, 2008
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Breaking my ankle is what got me into golf as I had to give up football.
Smashed it to bits, operations and plates,pins and screws put in.
Off work for 3 months and started playing golf around 6 months after I did it.
It’s horrible being injured but patience is usually the key.
Putting shouldn’t be too hard going though?