Not feeling the love


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
I don't know about anyone else, but have things 'heated up' around here recently?

I won't mention any names, but there appears to be some very unfriendly 'wind ups' going on. I know that the forum has had quite alot of new blood recently, and some of those seem to have made very early aligences (sp) with some of the longer term forumers in the mistaken belief that it will make them more easy accepted. This has wound up a few other 'lifers' on here. This has been brought up through PM and openly in the forum. Noticed how some have gone missing recently in an effort to dissolve the situation? Though hopefully not for too long.

I admit that we should have the right to express our opinions and views on here, and do it in a way that is unoffensive to others. However the tone and language here recently has changed this once quite placid, but conjovial place, into something more akin to a pub outside a football ground and not a golf club.

Now before all you, 'get of your high horse, this is the free internet' bridgade start flaming. I am not against you expressing your views, but the one thing that differentiates this forum from so many others is that a national publication puts this up here for us to use free of charge, and if they feel that this forum in anyway devalues the magazine, I'm sure that they'll pull the plug.

I enjoy a laugh, a bit of sarcasm, a bit of wit, but I think that the forum is about to turn a corner down a road that I wouldn't like it to go down.

I am not a moderator, I don't work for GM or IPC, I am a forumer who would just like to keep it civil, amuzing, informative and above all enjoyable. We won't all agree with each other, or even 'like' each other, but (as the youth of today might say) keep some respect.

Go on flame me!


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Actually, no, I won't, as I feel a bit this way too. While it doesn't do to stagnate with the same old members, and new blood is always welcome, I feel the forum aspect (as in debate, not arguement) has been a bit lost recently in a few cases.

Sides have been taken, offence has been taken, lines have been drawn, and may be this is not a good thing.

A bit of chill wouldn't go amiss, me included.


Tour Winner
Jan 7, 2008
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Agreed one hundred percent. It is now much more likely for someone to shoot a thread down rather than give it some time and consideration or ignore it, then it ever was when I first started participating not that long ago. You can't single people out and their is nothing wrong with newbies but a bit of grace and good manners never goes a miss and I think this is a timely reminder to this effect. Lets have some general forum etiquette displayed by all members!

And whilst on this note i think this is a great forum that will continue to provide entertainment and information for people for a long time. There are some great people on here and I believe everyones input is valued (except maybe first post business sales!) so lets try and keep it that way and keep all matters on the public pages to purely golf and generally civil matters.


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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Since going on holiday in July, added to my laptop going in for repair I seem to have lost the rythm of the forum in recent weeks. It just got a bit manic for me and I found myself not even reading most threads or posts.

This is 'forum evolution' and I guess that the tenacious typers will settle down once the cycles and topics start to come round again. As a bit of an old git I must say that it is cyclical and we have seen it happen 3 or 4 times. I don't want to stifle peoples opinions and my comment regarding homerjsimpson was an observation NOT a dig. If I have offended ANYBODY please PM me and let me know.



Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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Madandra.....Will go with you on this(although I don't think that they're any real malicious posts on the site)
O.K. some may have strong opions and are entitled to but HEY we can rely (or not!)
I put some footy comments on......but with my team I expect to get slagged off!!!
These comments are on OOB's not the main thread! :eek:


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.

I was commenting on the general feel of the forum recently, not on an individuals behaviour, please don't feel it necessary to offer general apologies or to invite pm's. That was not the intention of the OP, and far be it from me to suggest that we all kiss and make up in this thread. After all, I am a mere 'junior' to yourself in post age!


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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Post age means nada Hapless. Due to one of my customers having a forum elsewhere they have a posts per day average and I think this is a bad idea as it can stop people making a genuine post because they have already commented on 8 or 9 topics already that day.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Haplesshacker has hit the nail on the head. As one who has put a bit of sarcasm into certain posts recently I can't be 'holier than thou' on this post. I have always found this to be one of the best forums I frequent (Others are sports & work related ones). Generaly we're a more tolerant lot on here, but, this has changed a little as HH says. This was one of the reasons I started looking at this forum and then signed up, it seemed a friendlier place. Yes there have been the odd spats in the past, (anyone for Custom Fit..) but we've moved on from there, (hopefully). I agree with the comments about the personal attacks and foul language used in the retorts to some posts. This shouldn't be happening, we have respected all opinions on here whether agreeing with them or not, but to launch into a vitriolic attack on another member is not on. Lets get back to the balanced view of things. We've got a good mix of memebers on here with a wide range of abilities and aspirations. Its a good mix to have, lets keep it that way.

Appologies if I've offended, lets keep it clean and uncluttered and enjoy the 'golf talk' on here as long as possible.



Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
Talking off golf is fine, in my book. Threads 'meandering' around is no bad thing, it makes it far more 'conversational' and sometimes more interesting. After all, how many times can we suggest a good mid priced ball for a high handicapper without injecting a bit of fun into it?


Tour Rookie
Jan 16, 2008
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Disagreeing with someone is fine, a healthy debate is always welcome but I have noticed some posts getting personal recently.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a bit of banter but I've seen a few naughty words recently which isn't on.

I'm up for a big group hug if you all are :eek:


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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Healthy debate is what keeps it interesting, someone posting a thread say for example "my new umbrella", do you really want everyone saying what a lovely umbrella it really is and good luck with it? If someone has had bother with it then why not mention it, it could help the original poster look out for that problem in the future and possibly avoid it hapening to them. What isnt on is negativity without reason. I hope I dont fall into this category, I usually try to inject a little bit of personal experience or objectiveness (is that a word??) sometimes I can be a little subjective, we're only human though eh?
If im ever out of line I expect someone to let me know.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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I am a "newbie" and enjoy it here. I hope that I can contribute (in a positive way) to the general friendliness on the site. I am looking forward to playing more golf next year and the possibility of meeting up with some other forum members for a friendly game or two at sometime in the future.
I have noticed a few barbed attacks on people who seem to be coming onto the site trying to sell something straight away or promoting websites. It initally came across as a little rude but I can understand it to a certain extent.
I am a member of a photographic forum and for sale ads are not permitted unless a forum member has made 100 posts or has been a member (contributing) for at least a month or two and it seems to work quite well.
Other than that, I am enjoying the site


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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slagging the abUsers (ie those who just come on to promote naff gear and naff websites) can be highly enjoyable - especially if carried out with a certain style; outright abuse and questionable language has no style.

I like being on here, you can meet a better class of poster and if you find someone objectionable, Ignore them.

for me, less the hug more the haka?


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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I must admit I have been less interested in logging in nightly lately because the only topics that kept popping up turned into arguments and got boaring to read. I hope that can be put behind us all and we can get back to where we this time last month.

Cheers to all with my pint


Assistant Pro
Oct 17, 2008
Im a "Newbie" on here and only came across the forum by chance and decided that joining a golf forum might be fun.

I've created some topics such as asking for opinions on a possible new golf bag and not only did i get some great advice on what bag i could get, but the conversation lead to my holiday in a few weeks to the USA and some advice for when im over there. However, on another post which i didn't post, people started getting after the person who started it and it turned into something nasty. The whole thing was taken out of context and i think certain people got carried away.

Even being a new member, i can see the obvious sales type posts and just choose to ignore them as i had read a few posts that got abit aggresive and went a bit far.

At the end of the day we are hear to talk about bits and bobs, golf related or not, and have a fun! Some people just need to chill out and realise that its just a bit of FRIENDLY fun! I think eventually people who just like to disagree in a none friendly way will just go away.

If I have ever said anything out of order I am sorry, im not that type of person and have joined just for the crack!




Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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As one of those I think being identified in the OP as someone who seems to have gained a "fan club" especially regarding the spammers on here (Homers going to get you etc) let me point out that whilst originally playing it up to it slightly, I have always responded negatively to unwanted spam and blatant liggers on here and it is not a recent change of tack. I haven't tried to curry favour woth any of the newbies by pandering recently.

Madanadra and others have pointed out on here and via PM several things and I appreciate and valuse thier opinion and as many of you will have noticed (peterpumpkingeater thread being a prime example) I am being more tolerant of what appears on the surface to be a freeloader and hope they will contribute to other threads.

There have been occasions on here recently where perfectly valid threads (HTL's etc) have been torn apart for no good reason. Sadly it always seems t be the same names with an axe to grind or an inappropriate comment to make. I don't want to build up a whole resume of blocked names as everyone is entitled to their views the old less is more adage applies and if you can't say anything of valuse, say nothing.

To those on here I've hacked off with my (hopefully amusing) repostes to spammers I'm sorry and to Madandra in particular and others, no offence was taken by anything said. I consider 99% of those on here to be virtual mates and those I've met have all been great guys who enjoy this facility and the great game of golf. I don't want the forum to turn the corner and go down the wrong path eithe so if I do seem to be attracting a following or post something untoward please PM and put me right