

Oct 15, 2008
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i have a taylormade r7 tour bag that i use on a trolley.

i have a 2-part strap attachment to carry the bag but so far i can't work out how to attach the strap or if part is missing. there are no instructions to advise set-up.

any advice on how to attach the strap?

thx in advance

fat_croc! Yo dude.

I have more bags than I care to admit to. Not only do I not understand the strap system, I can't even work out how to carry the flippin' things even when the straps are on!

Sorry. Why do you want the straps for a trolley bag??
I had a similar problem when I was looking for a carry bag earlier in the year. I wanted to try the clevland but the one in AG did not have them attached and although I could get one end fixed couldn't get them to fasten in a loop to carry it. I left it where it was.

Seriously though you don't want to be carrying that big a bag (or even wheeling on a trolley). You will use so much energy that by the last five holes you will not be able to focus properly and I'm sure you will lose shots through careless thought processes and fatigue. Get something lightweight, especially for the winter
Unless your a silverback gorilla with the endurance of Paula Radcliff why oh why are you wanting to carry it, stick it on a trolley and get a nice light carry bag with the money you save from not going to a a chiropractor.
The only thing I can suggest is give it to your caddy!
I wouldnt carry

Get a nice trolly and save your body, or get a smaller bag.
Why does anyone who doesn't play on tour use tour bags???

lay the strap down on the floor so it looks like a figure of 8 in the sideways position and the inside of the straps facing up.

Lay your bag on the floor with the bottom to your right hand side

now just attatch the strap in that position to the bag. There should be 3 loops on the bag. right middle and left when its lying down.

Either clip it, or tie, what ever attatchment your straps have. Have a closer look at other bags on the net or instire for a better idea.
thx for all the comments. actually the bag was a gift so didn't choose it myself. i don't mind taking it around on a trolley at all.

thanks TonyN will try that out.

(or maybe i should just get the wife to carry it!)