New Driver shaft needed


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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I need a bit of help looking for a new shaft for my driver.
I need something high launching as I don't have a particularly high fight or launch. (Relatively low spin too)
It needs to be stable (reason why I'm currently using a heavy X stuff shaft) but give me a bit of assistance in getting the ball flying.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Been hugely impressed with the Matrix black tie, may be too low launching for what you are looking for, maybe look at the Red tie as that launches a bit higher.

Alternatively, look to get the higher launch from more loft on the head?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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real difficult not knowing anything about the current launch conditions - AoA, Dynamic loft, swing speed etc

could be that it's a ways to do with set-up angles & ball position + tee height - set-up often is a large part of these kind of issues -secondary spine angle at set-up & maintaining that into the ball in particular

the g25 at 10.5 shouldn't be giving a low launch, low peak height - is the current shaft maybes too stiff as a starting point

real difficult to say how any shaft will release in folks hands - down to the swing motion going on as the 'launch' of a shaft is only a function of how folks 'load' it through transition

if any swing action is a ways extreme in movement that's producing low dynamic loft, strike location so low launch with not so much spin - spin rate a major factor in getting 'air' to the launch & flight
change of shaft may bring some minor help but won't necessarily override the motion

best answer is there the possibility of getting to a specialist fitter as they as a norm carry big range of shafts plus have the LM's to monitor what's going down at strike so in the position to give the best outcome - even if it's some hours of travel would be worth the trouble for sure

meantime would spray the face up (foot or dry shampoo spray) check the norm strike pattern - e.g. too low off of the face, face delighted - closed any going to massively play into low launch & flight with not so much spin

generally you wouldn't want too stiff a shaft with a high kick point & not too heavy but current shaft at 75g wouldn't class as heavy though - that's if driver & shaft is the same as the sig.