My swing



Re: Asses my swing

to me your lower body looks to static and you look like youre casting the club.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

Just thought I'd update for a bit of advice. Been going along nicely this year with some good results. But the bad shot for me now seem to be a pull. Too tee shots yesterday is what cost me a cut, both pulls both into trees with one ending up in a ditch and one OOB.

on your swing youtube pages under 'settings' there's the ability to play the vid at 0.25 speed

so if poss then run the vids at that speed easy to see what's going down and also pause to get a better picture of what's goin down at certain points - although swing motion is just that 'a whole motion' & not just a particular 'still frozen image frame' still it's good to understand exactly what 'points' that motion is goin through

pulls are to some extent goin back to the stuff my posts mentioned earlier on in the thread - that tendency for the angles on the downswing starting to get lost a ways too early so happening tad before & opposite the trail thigh so the arms/hands structure not transporting the hands/handle with 'angle' up to the ball/lead thigh area - have a look at the face-on vid in that youtube 0:25 speed setting as its a ways easier to see and understand what's goin down

always check shoulder alignment. hip, feet this one dtl swing shoulders look to be a tad open to start off while foot line maybes a tad closed - would always train/practice and shoot on cell with some alignment sticks down essential for really checking all that stuff out

there's a point in the face-on vid when the top of the swing looks pretty good shaft nicely short of parallel at the top there - but then the arms/club carry on a ways - so my take would be to revisit the drills etc on all that stuff (small swing drills etc)

so in that slow-mo setting goin back to the face-on vid in that swing motion getting to halfways down when hands are past hip level and hands/handle are at the area of the trail thigh there's no real 'angle' remaining between club & lead arm their condition is already in a straight line

so given that there's then a need for arms/club to go through still in that more straight line relationship as there's no angles left to release so then there will be some kind of a flip - by that meaning extension of the lead wrist to a 'cup shape' through the strike this is always going to point the face angle and loft leftfield some ball will start were the face is looking

so get that no-one much wants to do these but a tremendous help so really get some change goin again my take would be - back to those small swing drills, hip punch etc to begin to get the hands handle more to the lead thigh with those angles still thee that's a ways crucial as then with the angle the hands hands can travel leftfield some as this 'sends' the clubhead down and out to and through the strike

if it's possible to view swing page in youtube slow-mo (.25) take a real close look at the actual top of the swing (face-on vid) and the start down although the weight in the lower body gets/transfers to the lower left side the upper body and the head also goes also towards target so head is getting in-front of the ball this a big part the reason the 'angles' disappear little ways too early in the downswing

so another good reason to re-visit those hip punch drills to be able to execute these at slower speed without the upper body/head moving in front of the ball


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

There doesn't seem to be very much (if any!) hip rotation in the backswing. It's quite possible that adding some of that could help reduce the brain's perception that a long(er) backswing is needed - which, as the vid shows is not the case anyway! The rotation on the through-swing is actually pretty good, so it doesn't appear to be a case of 'cannot rotate the hips'!

Nice rhythm otherwise!

Thanks, i have tried working on hip turn and it felt like it had been better. I can see that with limited turn there's just no space to come down so the club goes out a bit over the top. Found a couple drills to feel proper turn. Thanks again.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

on your swing youtube pages under 'settings' there's the ability to play the vid at 0.25 speed

so if poss then run the vids at that speed easy to see what's going down and also pause to get a better picture of what's goin down at certain points - although swing motion is just that 'a whole motion' & not just a particular 'still frozen image frame' still it's good to understand exactly what 'points' that motion is goin through

pulls are to some extent goin back to the stuff my posts mentioned earlier on in the thread - that tendency for the angles on the downswing starting to get lost a ways too early so happening tad before & opposite the trail thigh so the arms/hands structure not transporting the hands/handle with 'angle' up to the ball/lead thigh area - have a look at the face-on vid in that youtube 0:25 speed setting as its a ways easier to see and understand what's goin down

always check shoulder alignment. hip, feet this one dtl swing shoulders look to be a tad open to start off while foot line maybes a tad closed - would always train/practice and shoot on cell with some alignment sticks down essential for really checking all that stuff out

there's a point in the face-on vid when the top of the swing looks pretty good shaft nicely short of parallel at the top there - but then the arms/club carry on a ways - so my take would be to revisit the drills etc on all that stuff (small swing drills etc)

so in that slow-mo setting goin back to the face-on vid in that swing motion getting to halfways down when hands are past hip level and hands/handle are at the area of the trail thigh there's no real 'angle' remaining between club & lead arm their condition is already in a straight line

so given that there's then a need for arms/club to go through still in that more straight line relationship as there's no angles left to release so then there will be some kind of a flip - by that meaning extension of the lead wrist to a 'cup shape' through the strike this is always going to point the face angle and loft leftfield some ball will start were the face is looking

so get that no-one much wants to do these but a tremendous help so really get some change goin again my take would be - back to those small swing drills, hip punch etc to begin to get the hands handle more to the lead thigh with those angles still thee that's a ways crucial as then with the angle the hands hands can travel leftfield some as this 'sends' the clubhead down and out to and through the strike

if it's possible to view swing page in youtube slow-mo (.25) take a real close look at the actual top of the swing (face-on vid) and the start down although the weight in the lower body gets/transfers to the lower left side the upper body and the head also goes also towards target so head is getting in-front of the ball this a big part the reason the 'angles' disappear little ways too early in the downswing

so another good reason to re-visit those hip punch drills to be able to execute these at slower speed without the upper body/head moving in front of the ball

Thanks coach, I'll revisit.