My swing

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Re: Asses my swing

Where is the ball positioned in relation to your stance/body?

How confident are you that the ball is where you think it is?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Where is the ball positioned in relation to your stance/body?

How confident are you that the ball is where you think it is?

For that shot it is middle of stance, driver is just inside left heal. Fairly confident it is where it should be. I did previously have a tendency to have it too far forward but have made an effort to ensure it doesn't creep forward.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Re: Asses my swing

Could be you've over done the change and moved it too far back.

That said.

In your latest video your path through the ball is still left. You ball also 'appears' to start left of your alignment.

The reason I suggest ball position is the issue as opposed to grip is your path into and through the ball.

Your path is to the left into and through the ball so If your grip had gone a touch weak, with the same path, I would say you would see more of a fade (Starting left and curving back).

In the image your face appears to match the left moving path and starts left into the net. I could have curved but we'll never know. The downside of hitting into a net and not seeing the flight

Bob will no doubt correct me on this :mad:

My path has changed dramatically through having lessons. So much so that I play everything significantly more forward of what's considered "Standard" and still get the ball to draw.

Ball position is massive for me.

One cause for your blocking the ball could be a lack of rotation in your downswing.

Here's an image of you at impact:


Your hips 'appear' to have returned to there address alignment and are pretty much square to the target.

Look at the picture below of Luke Donald. Notice how his hips have opened:


From your position you 'could' hit a block, but you could also hit a shank!

Again, Bob and Coach will give better diagnosis and info than me.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Re: Asses my swing

don't go chasing it. I got rid of my strong draw now struggle to hit anything but weak slices.

Plenty of work to do again this summer as I didn't do a tap all winter.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Could be you've over done the change and moved it too far back.

That said.

In your latest video your path through the ball is still left. You ball also 'appears' to start left of your alignment.

The reason I suggest ball position is the issue as opposed to grip is your path into and through the ball.

Your path is to the left into and through the ball so If your grip had gone a touch weak, with the same path, I would say you would see more of a fade (Starting left and curving back).

In the image your face appears to match the left moving path and starts left into the net. I could have curved but we'll never know. The downside of hitting into a net and not seeing the flight

Bob will no doubt correct me on this :mad:

My path has changed dramatically through having lessons. So much so that I play everything significantly more forward of what's considered "Standard" and still get the ball to draw.

Ball position is massive for me.

One cause for your blocking the ball could be a lack of rotation in your downswing.

Here's an image of you at impact:

View attachment 19156

Your hips 'appear' to have returned to there address alignment and are pretty much square to the target.

Look at the picture below of Luke Donald. Notice how his hips have opened:

View attachment 19157

From your position you 'could' hit a block, but you could also hit a shank!

Again, Bob and Coach will give better diagnosis and info than me.

Thanks Gareth, I see what you mean about my rotation. It is something I have been working on and obviously something I need to continue working on. As well as the path, thought I had gotten it to a place where it wasn't left anymore but clearly is. Better than it used to be but not where I'd like it, again further work needed.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Re: Asses my swing

don't go chasing it. I got rid of my strong draw now struggle to hit anything but weak slices.

Plenty of work to do again this summer as I didn't do a tap all winter.

I'm not pal. It's just a consequence of a more efficient movement I'm now making.

If I slide my hips I get a block, when I turn I boom the draw.

Like most things, it's getting our of the old 'bad' habits.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

would say that the areas to look over need to be along the lines spoken to earlier

(so keeping 'connection' going to the top to maintain the integrity of the trail arm angle at the top to near or at 90º so the arms don't continue to overrun, so long & sometimes across the line at top
- as any over run always means the arms got to start down first so shoulder so little move out and over weight staying on the trailside some too long and all that kind of stuff - with the arms/club coming from behind the body then the rotation of the hips upper body has to slow some before it should some of the reason hips are still pretty square on plus little ways of a rise up etc
- from which it's possible to play pretty good some of the time but is real difficult 'to time consistently' to get 'release' happening at the right place in the swing motion as it tend to start to throw the angles away too early in the downswing so trail arm straightens out too soon so that 'release' then taking place when hands opposite trail thigh {not lead thigh)
so there's a little ways of a flip release with the swing direction traveling rightfield to leftfield through the impact area
it's then real easy to get strikes off center little too much loft and depending where the face is looking plus where on the face the ball comes off of as to how the ball flies)

those small hip punch drills although a ways boring as I get folks want to always hit full shots, are real important in feeling how the weight, hip clearance, upper body rotation all have to work with the arms to have the 'release' take place more at the lead thigh so the hands ahead slight forwards lean shaft to deloft the face to get good dynamic loft and strike off of the best height on the clubface and also square the face - to optimum 'compression' at strike etc

if the net get used a fair bit for practice it's real important not to become to 'ball bound' (even though the object is too improve strike) so the focus still has to be getting ball out to target even if that target is an imagined one (given the net) as with the target in mind it's a ways easier to see the path the clubhead has to approach and leave the ball

so even if using net would put a stick down to 'target' ball just inside of stick with an allowance of 1/2 inch to toe of clubhead plus second stick halfways between ball and toe line with a say 1' square piece of card and some tape to attach at around midriff height on the net (which the stick by the ball is pointing at) at the distance the net is from the strike point then say with 8i,7i,6i (with full swings) the ball would be contacting the net somewhere at or just under the 1' square and with this the focus is moved away from the ball as it should be

if through the smaller pelvic punch drills the feeling of weight left, hip cleared hands ahead with chest rotation can be really experienced then it's a ways easier to repeat this first through 60% full swings to keep motion happening in sequence then up the speed to 80%


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

these drills (like the earlier one posted) all about having the sequence happen in good order so the hands release the shaft nearer the lead thigh to get that solid strike so all about finding and experiencing/feeling where the release should be with the hip cleared weight solid on the lead side



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

re the top of the swing here's a ways to feel where the trail arm is, the approx 90º angle and the 'air' between the hands and the trail ear - so that push aways with the trail arm from the drill position is crucial to 'feeling' the area the top of the swing is a deal better to be (though there's no such thing as overall 'perfect position' as mentioned in the audio)
so the hands/arms/club don't overrun and get overlong, so then a ways easier to start down in good sequence and not lose the angles too early so have the little ways 'flip release' take place around the trail thigh area

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Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

would say that the areas to look over need to be along the lines spoken to earlier

(so keeping 'connection' going to the top to maintain the integrity of the trail arm angle at the top to near or at 90º so the arms don't continue to overrun, so long & sometimes across the line at top
- as any over run always means the arms got to start down first so shoulder so little move out and over weight staying on the trailside some too long and all that kind of stuff - with the arms/club coming from behind the body then the rotation of the hips upper body has to slow some before it should some of the reason hips are still pretty square on plus little ways of a rise up etc
- from which it's possible to play pretty good some of the time but is real difficult 'to time consistently' to get 'release' happening at the right place in the swing motion as it tend to start to throw the angles away too early in the downswing so trail arm straightens out too soon so that 'release' then taking place when hands opposite trail thigh {not lead thigh)
so there's a little ways of a flip release with the swing direction traveling rightfield to leftfield through the impact area
it's then real easy to get strikes off center little too much loft and depending where the face is looking plus where on the face the ball comes off of as to how the ball flies)

those small hip punch drills although a ways boring as I get folks want to always hit full shots, are real important in feeling how the weight, hip clearance, upper body rotation all have to work with the arms to have the 'release' take place more at the lead thigh so the hands ahead slight forwards lean shaft to deloft the face to get good dynamic loft and strike off of the best height on the clubface and also square the face - to optimum 'compression' at strike etc

if the net get used a fair bit for practice it's real important not to become to 'ball bound' (even though the object is too improve strike) so the focus still has to be getting ball out to target even if that target is an imagined one (given the net) as with the target in mind it's a ways easier to see the path the clubhead has to approach and leave the ball

so even if using net would put a stick down to 'target' ball just inside of stick with an allowance of 1/2 inch to toe of clubhead plus second stick halfways between ball and toe line with a say 1' square piece of card and some tape to attach at around midriff height on the net (which the stick by the ball is pointing at) at the distance the net is from the strike point then say with 8i,7i,6i (with full swings) the ball would be contacting the net somewhere at or just under the 1' square and with this the focus is moved away from the ball as it should be

if through the smaller pelvic punch drills the feeling of weight left, hip cleared hands ahead with chest rotation can be really experienced then it's a ways easier to repeat this first through 60% full swings to keep motion happening in sequence then up the speed to 80%

Thanks coach. This video was taken from my warm up for the comp last week hence the net. I usually use the actual range when working on stuff where I can see ball flight, just use the net for warm up as it easier to collect balls.

I really liked the explanations in the automatic hands/arms video, made a lot of sense will give it a try when I can.

For keeping the trail arm from bending I have seen a drill where you put an inflatable band like a swimming band on the trail arm around the elbow to stop it from bending too much, is this something you think would benefit the connection or a waste of time?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

the swimming band can re real useful - thing is you really gotta make sure its a 'fit' that won't move around
and it's best placed so when the trail arm is almost at 90º it is just a fraction aways from touching the band - so not used as something you fold the arm right up up against and touch the band - that ways you get used to around 85º angle during regular every week sessions - so gradually over time of this kinda preventive practice use then when out in play the arm doesn't continue to break down past 90º

was at a tourney on the practice ground some weeks back warming up next to a Tour pro who was using a very same 'swim arm float' as well as a swingyde - something he said he did on a regular basis to remind him

know you not going to buy from here but it was this exact one

there's also a thing called a 'swing extender' that's a plastic triangle with a velcro belt
here's a vid of a teaching pro speaking of the placement - as above



Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

I Stopped on the way home last night to get an armband and took a few swing out in the front with it and it certainly does the trick. Much better position at the top, obviously going to take some work to ingrain it full time. But I figure 10 mins a night swing a club can't be a bad thing.

Here's some pictures of the top of back swing positions.

8 Iron DTL.jpg

8 Iron Face On.jpg

Driver DTL.jpg

Driver Face On.jpg


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

the swimming band can re real useful - thing is you really gotta make sure its a 'fit' that won't move around
and it's best placed so when the trail arm is almost at 90º it is just a fraction aways from touching the band - so not used as something you fold the arm right up up against and touch the band - that ways you get used to around 85º angle during regular every week sessions - so gradually over time of this kinda preventive practice use then when out in play the arm doesn't continue to break down past 90º

was at a tourney on the practice ground some weeks back warming up next to a Tour pro who was using a very same 'swim arm float' as well as a swingyde - something he said he did on a regular basis to remind him

know you not going to buy from here but it was this exact one

there's also a thing called a 'swing extender' that's a plastic triangle with a velcro belt
here's a vid of a teaching pro speaking of the placement - as above


Thanks coach, I had seen that swing extender before but the price seemed quite steep considering the armband I got only cost 59p.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Just thought I'd update for a bit of advice. Been going along nicely this year with some good results. But the bad shot for me now seem to be a pull. Too tee shots yesterday is what cost me a cut, both pulls both into trees with one ending up in a ditch and one OOB.

Here are my latest swings:



Nov 16, 2011
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Re: Asses my swing

There doesn't seem to be very much (if any!) hip rotation in the backswing. It's quite possible that adding some of that could help reduce the brain's perception that a long(er) backswing is needed - which, as the vid shows is not the case anyway! The rotation on the through-swing is actually pretty good, so it doesn't appear to be a case of 'cannot rotate the hips'!

Nice rhythm otherwise!