My swing


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

one of the biggest issues most folks of any playing standard come up against one ways or another is how to get it all in the connected right shape at impact - sync, connection, arms to body motion so the club gets delivered in the 'right' bit of space at the right time - the further this is off, speaking generally the nearer the handle & hands are to the trail thigh (as opposed to ideally being opposite the lead thigh) when the clubface contacts the ball

that 'connection' into impact - the sync, timing of made a bunch more problematic to achieve if the club getting to the top so arms to body motion is out of sync, this out of sync can happen arms/club don't travel far enough with the body motion - or arms/club travel a ways too far - either present a timing issue in the downswing

this particular swing (only looking at one, others could be different) arms & club traveling a bunch too far to the turn - means arms/club start back just before the body motion or at the same time - put the arms/club have a good ways further to travel than the body does - instinctively compensation made in the downswing to try to match it all back up - so tends to mean upper body lower body has to 'hang back' some to get the clubhead to the ball - means release happens early, angles lost some hands/handle at the trail thigh clubhead infront bit off a scoop upwards - so missed contacts etc - means the trail shoulder, trail part of the chest, trail hip isn't really getiing 'through' the shot so a bit of a stand up early release/flip motion

as said before there's a decent idea of motion - just really about 'marrying' body to arms on the ways back to then be in a little better shape to be able to transition well to be able to get back to impact in a little ways more decent shape, hands leading forwards leaning shaft to transfer the energy to ball better - so common golf parlance - 'compress the ball'

to that, my take, what would help a bunch would be linking the lead shoulder with the lead arm/hands/handle/club in the first motion of the takeback

check the face on vid by the time the club gets to horizontal there's currently not much upper body rotation happened, then the chest rotates some then the arms carrying on some more so club shaft a ways past horizontal at the top - real difficult to then get all that back from there consistently

so a feeling of linking more the lead shoulder (& with that obviously the chest & shoulders follow) movement with the hands/handle/club (so the path or anything is not being changed any) then by the time the lead arm is horizontal to the ground the body will have rotated a bunch more and there will be only a small amount of further rotation with the arms to get to a top position where there will be more natural width (hands/handle a ways from the trail ear) with shaft just short of horizontal

with good sequencing to start down, lower then upper, everything has a much better opportunity to be in sync back to impact, nothing has to 'hold' back and the trail side can 'go through' the shot, 'trail shoulder through the middle of the ball' kinda feeling
hands lead forwards leaning shaft and the strike doesn't break down, no flip, trail side comes through so there's extension through the follow through - no feeling of standing up along with the upper body cramped and trail arm angles gone before impact


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

images just to visualize the previous post speaking to lead shoulder (so turn of upper body) moving more with the arms & club when club in similar position how ultimately it helps get the impact conditions in better shape as the trail shoulder (trail side) gets little ways further through the shot

try a feeling of as you are coming down in the downswing the lead hand knuckles 'turn down' some as if they point to the ground so the lead wrist is a tad bowed

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Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Thanks coach. The points are clear and I see what your saying. I'll get to work on that and see where it takes me.

I assume that due to lack of upper body turn when the club is parallel to the group my trail arm is breaking down earlier than it should? I notice in the pictures Adams trail arm looks quite straight.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

Thanks coach. The points are clear and I see what your saying. I'll get to work on that and see where it takes me.

I assume that due to lack of upper body turn when the club is parallel to the group my trail arm is breaking down earlier than it should? I notice in the pictures Adams trail arm looks quite straight.

think it's possibly more to do with the lead shoulder being connected in movement from the off - so rotating/turning down & back more connected in 'time' to the arm/hands/handle moving from the get-go of takeback

for sure the the trail arm doesn't fold straightways - that said you gotta guard against it being 'held' artificially real straight as that too disconnects the arms and turn - general guide when the shaft 1st horizontal to the ground there's normally a tad of space between trail elbow and side maybes couple inches, so it's not tucked tight into the side
one thing fairly crucial to this at set up is a 'soft' trail arm (so not dead straight at address) with the inside of the elbow facing more to the ball/target line (or someone watching from face on view) & not the inside of the elbow facing more to target - that ways the trail arm when it folds will function little ways better


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

think it's possibly more to do with the lead shoulder being connected in movement from the off - so rotating/turning down & back more connected in 'time' to the arm/hands/handle moving from the get-go of takeback

for sure the the trail arm doesn't fold straightways - that said you gotta guard against it being 'held' artificially real straight as that too disconnects the arms and turn - general guide when the shaft 1st horizontal to the ground there's normally a tad of space between trail elbow and side maybes couple inches, so it's not tucked tight into the side
one thing fairly crucial to this at set up is a 'soft' trail arm (so not dead straight at address) with the inside of the elbow facing more to the ball/target line (or someone watching from face on view) & not the inside of the elbow facing more to target - that ways the trail arm when it folds will function little ways better

Thanks coach, makes sense. I'll get to work on it this week.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

may help some 'feeling -wise" as the takeback & turn puts the shaft at 1st horizontal it's more the continued upper body turn that 'folds' the trail arm - rather than the turn stopping and a more actively independent 'bending at the trail elbow' neither with any 'lift' of the lead arm or lift of the lead shoulder to get the arms/club to the top - so 'feeling' of the turn controlling the arms and the 'folding, hinging' of the trail arm, when the upper body turn stops (the hip turn stopping around 45º restricts any upper body 'overturn' - but the hips need to turn to allow the upper body to turn well - trail hip not turning deep but kept from turning has the tendency to over-straighten the trail leg - unless tour flexible!) the hands/arms/club stop at the same time -there's no further lifting or pushing of the arms alone to continue on


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

may help some 'feeling -wise" as the takeback & turn puts the shaft at 1st horizontal it's more the continued upper body turn that 'folds' the trail arm - rather than the turn stopping and a more actively independent 'bending at the trail elbow' neither with any 'lift' of the lead arm or lift of the lead shoulder to get the arms/club to the top - so 'feeling' of the turn controlling the arms and the 'folding, hinging' of the trail arm, when the upper body turn stops (the hip turn stopping around 45º restricts any upper body 'overturn' - but the hips need to turn to allow the upper body to turn well - trail hip not turning deep but kept from turning has the tendency to over-straighten the trail leg - unless tour flexible!) the hands/arms/club stop at the same time -there's no further lifting or pushing of the arms alone to continue on

Thanks coach. I tried it in the house last night, and it feels different but could see it working. I started with the feel of moving the lead shoulder and arms at the same time, certainly seems to work well.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Got out yesterday for a few holes. Worked on just go using on starting the backswing with shoulders. Feels better after a few holes. Driver swing getting better focusing on this. Overall better shots. Obviously it's not 100% there yet but can see improvement straight away which is good. Couple of videos from yesterday.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

Got out yesterday for a few holes. Worked on just go using on starting the backswing with shoulders. Feels better after a few holes. Driver swing getting better focusing on this. Overall better shots. Obviously it's not 100% there yet but can see improvement straight away which is good. Couple of videos from yesterday.

cool good it's going better

just couple of things to be aware of watch that with the turn there's very little lateral movement back off of the ball (upper body/head) - with ball on a tee it's a little ways easier to accommodate lateral (if minor) but ball on the ground becomes pretty untenable for sound contact - so the turn is still around a pretty centered spine/head (though there'll be a tad of movement)

just watch that lead hand hold on the handle doesn't get too weak & too high up in the palm (so seeing only 1 knuckle) - so little ways too rotated anti-clockwise on the handle - looks a tad weak from the face on vid so just monitor the lead hand hold some
so handle lying diagonally in the bottom of the palm & the base of the fingers - looking down seeing around 2&1/2 knuckles on the lead hand at set-up
hope it goes good


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

cool good it's going better

just couple of things to be aware of watch that with the turn there's very little lateral movement back off of the ball (upper body/head) - with ball on a tee it's a little ways easier to accommodate lateral (if minor) but ball on the ground becomes pretty untenable for sound contact - so the turn is still around a pretty centered spine/head (though there'll be a tad of movement)

just watch that lead hand hold on the handle doesn't get too weak & too high up in the palm (so seeing only 1 knuckle) - so little ways too rotated anti-clockwise on the handle - looks a tad weak from the face on vid so just monitor the lead hand hold some
so handle lying diagonally in the bottom of the palm & the base of the fingers - looking down seeing around 2&1/2 knuckles on the lead hand at set-up
hope it goes good

Thanks coach, I'll look out for those, next time I'm out.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Just a further update here on my swing.

Been working on the leg action on the downswing and trying not to extend early. Been seeing some good results with this and it has completely changed my path on the way down. Hitting some nice wee draws now.


Left the face open on this one but as the round progressed I adjusted my grip and was hitting it better.

First comp of the year on Saturday, looking forward to it and hopefully these changes will help shoot a lower score.
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Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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Re: Asses my swing

I don't know what the rest of your games like to get the 19 cap, that looks a fairly solid swing jeez, I don't fancy having to give you a load of shots. Sorry I have no real advice as I'm no expert just thought I'd let you know you have a nice decent swing.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

I don't know what the rest of your games like to get the 19 cap, that looks a fairly solid swing jeez, I don't fancy having to give you a load of shots. Sorry I have no real advice as I'm no expert just thought I'd let you know you have a nice decent swing.

Thanks, it's more just not being able to put all part together on the day for the high handicap. Have put a lot of work in since August last year so hopefully this year will be different. First comp on Saturday so here's hoping for a cut.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

one shot at a time, stay in the present, and keep a hold on your emotional reactions .... let got of the 'past' immediately and no 'future' until the card is signed ..... check the card good before you sign it


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Been playing some good golf the last couple weeks but have been struggling a bit with some blocks off the tee, which have been affecting scoring.

Anyone see in the swing below that could be causing the blocks?
