My swing


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Afternoon all,

Just looking for some honest thoughts on my swing. Works on a couple things the last couple months and not sure where to go now. Been working on starting more centered and also flaring the feet slightly giving a better leg action.

I'm currently a 19 handicap but would like to really improve on that over the winter so come April and the comp season again I am able to compete. I know it's not as simple as that but why not put the effort in to try.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any reply's, be as honest as you like.



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Re: Asses my swing

I'm not playing you for money of 19 with a swing like that. ;)
Very nice.
One small point....
I'm sure you can see yourself there's still a little move to your right on the backswing, just keep working on staying centred as you are doing.
Do you fade the ball at all and if so, are you happy with it?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

I'm not playing you for money of 19 with a swing like that. ;)
Very nice.
One small point....
I'm sure you can see yourself there's still a little move to your right on the backswing, just keep working on staying centred as you are doing.
Do you fade the ball at all and if so, are you happy with it?

Thanks Bob, yes I do fade the ball. Sometimes too much, to say I'm happy with it, I'm not too sure. I wouldn't want to under go a major rehaul of the swing in order to hit a draw say but if I could make a couple changes to play a small fade consistently then id be happy with that. It's the ones that creep in that fade way to much that I don't like. Constency is what I'm after.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Re: Asses my swing

If the big fades start a little right, I'd turn your right hand a smidgeon clockwise. It's a little weak at the moment.
If it starts left and then fades alot it's a much more difficult fix


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

If the big fades start a little right, I'd turn your right hand a smidgeon clockwise. It's a little weak at the moment.
If it starts left and then fades alot it's a much more difficult fix

Id say it starts just left of target then goes right. Below is an older swing but the flight is what I don't like to see.


This one ended up about 5 yards short of the trees on the right hand side. To me it looks like with this one my turn was too flat but not too sure. I know I certainly came over the top more on this one.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Re: Asses my swing

Yeup, that swing was definitely more out to in.
Changing the path of your swing is not easy and can take months rather than weeks.
Try the grip change I suggested first and that should reduce the fade.
Keep us posted


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Yeup, that swing was definitely more out to in.
Changing the path of your swing is not easy and can take months rather than weeks.
Try the grip change I suggested first and that should reduce the fade.
Keep us posted

Thanks Bob will do. Just to clarify when you say turn it more clockwise is that clockwise as I look down on it so more under or clockwise looking on the video view so more on top?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

as said before with your other swing vid's you have a real good idea of motion & flow, with a pretty good set-up

my take on what's causing you too much consistency issues is swing sequence 'in time'
would say the biggest issue here is the overswing - if the overswing was there & you had not issues with shot outcomes that would be all good

but here it's leading to being arms/club out of sequence some on the ways back to the ball so body/shoulders return (with the problem shot outcomes) a ways too open with clubface open

would think the biggest bang for buck would be a bunch of practice on shortening down the backswing with all clubs - to what would feel do doubt like half a swing it wouldn't be at all - but everything getting ways past horizontal at the top is making it real difficult to successfully get back to impact in real good shape everytime

so feeling the hands go back to 10 o/clock with the body pivot
overswings feel powerful perhaps feel more of a 'flow' even but they often times generate less speed through the ball & lead to strike being applied inconsistently

some good practice with some rigor being applied to monitoring backswing length would pay some real dividends
along the lines of this takeback distance as seen in this vid - know it's an 8i here but the same would hold true through the bag

would keep a tight eye that ball position never creeps a ways too far forwards too target, & the shoulder alignment at set-up especially with driver/metals is good & parallel square to target line



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Re: Asses my swing

Thanks Bob will do. Just to clarify when you say turn it more clockwise is that clockwise as I look down on it so more under or clockwise looking on the video view so more on top?

More clockwise as you look down so a little more under the grip, but only a touch


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

as said before with your other swing vid's you have a real good idea of motion & flow, with a pretty good set-up

my take on what's causing you too much consistency issues is swing sequence 'in time'
would say the biggest issue here is the overswing - if the overswing was there & you had not issues with shot outcomes that would be all good

but here it's leading to being arms/club out of sequence some on the ways back to the ball so body/shoulders return (with the problem shot outcomes) a ways too open with clubface open

would think the biggest bang for buck would be a bunch of practice on shortening down the backswing with all clubs - to what would feel do doubt like half a swing it wouldn't be at all - but everything getting ways past horizontal at the top is making it real difficult to successfully get back to impact in real good shape everytime

so feeling the hands go back to 10 o/clock with the body pivot
overswings feel powerful perhaps feel more of a 'flow' even but they often times generate less speed through the ball & lead to strike being applied inconsistently

some good practice with some rigor being applied to monitoring backswing length would pay some real dividends
along the lines of this takeback distance as seen in this vid - know it's an 8i here but the same would hold true through the bag

would keep a tight eye that ball position never creeps a ways too far forwards too target, & the shoulder alignment at set-up especially with driver/metals is good & parallel square to target line


Thanks coach, the video makes sense certainly. And it is something I have been looking at trying to work on. It is a lot shorter than I used to be, used to be way past.

One thing I picked up on in the video is that he mentions the right elbow in going back being low and still pointing down when doing the half swing. I notice that my right elbow points a little behind me at that position, is that an issue? I feel that the right arm breaks down too much in the swing.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

Thanks coach, the video makes sense certainly. And it is something I have been looking at trying to work on. It is a lot shorter than I used to be, used to be way past.

One thing I picked up on in the video is that he mentions the right elbow in going back being low and still pointing down when doing the half swing. I notice that my right elbow points a little behind me at that position, is that an issue? I feel that the right arm breaks down too much in the swing.

would not worry or labor over the right elbow position on the ways back

working to a shorter top position so the swing motion arms/club can be a ways better in sequence to the body would be a good ways forwards

your right arm feels that ways more because of the issue in sequence as on the ways back to the ball the angles between lead hand/wrist trail hand/wrist to shaft breaks down some so then release happens nearer the trail thigh - not enough forwards in the swing arc (something spoke too on an earlier post & swing vid of yours little while back)

would work to a 'feel' of all full swings any club hands only go back to 10 - back stays looking to target a 'beat' as simultaneously the transition starts with weight into the leadside, lead hip rotates- feeling then of the upper body staying centered as it rotates through with a feeling of 85%+ on a strong lead leg through impact


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

would not worry or labor over the right elbow position on the ways back

working to a shorter top position so the swing motion arms/club can be a ways better in sequence to the body would be a good ways forwards

your right arm feels that ways more because of the issue in sequence as on the ways back to the ball the angles between lead hand/wrist trail hand/wrist to shaft breaks down some so then release happens nearer the trail thigh - not enough forwards in the swing arc (something spoke too on an earlier post & swing vid of yours little while back)

would work to a 'feel' of all full swings any club hands only go back to 10 - back stays looking to target a 'beat' as simultaneously the transition starts with weight into the leadside, lead hip rotates- feeling then of the upper body staying centered as it rotates through with a feeling of 85%+ on a strong lead leg through impact

Great thanks. I'll get to work on it after looking at the grip change first.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Been reviewing some swing, mine and some pro swings. And one thing I noticed was the depth of my hands. I notice mine seem too be seem to be behind my shoulder and behind the heel line, whereas the pros seem to be more in line with the shoulder and in line with the middle of the foot.

I have uploaded a picture but not sure if it worked or not. The yellow line is where I am and the blue where I see most pros being. Is this something to work on or not? Would it help at all with the length of my swing. It certainly feels a better position at the top.


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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Re: Asses my swing

how's contact at impact been goin & what's been goin down with general shot shapes etc

would not say the hands/handle were ways back of you - although you got to keep an eye on what's happening position-wise you have to be careful not to overdo it

sometimes better thinking of the whole of the swing - all your really doing in a swing motion is swinging back, little inside & up all provided by the arms with the body rotation plus the wrist set 'up' - so if you imagine that on an inclined hoop you stand in at set-up the hands/handle would end up, as a general guide, moving up on a line to the lateral distal part (end/tip) of the shoulder if the turn is bigger so swing just a little longer then they are roughly vertically over top of the distal end of shoulder

so it's in an ok range (there isn't just one position that works)

{folks on Tour are sometimes more vertical atop the swing so nearer over the neck than the shoulder tip - Furyk, Bubba, even Tom Watson - others hands/handle further 'behind & deeper' atop they all just make the adjustments at transition to hit good impact conditions}

gotta be careful over changing too much at once

- but if your experimenting through the off season maybes one ways to look at it takeback uo to the top (as well as the lead hand/wrist so thumb setting upwards as the trail arm hinges & folds - given the forwards spine angle at set-up which is pretty much 'kept' to the top then the shoulders again pretty much rotate at 90º to the spine angle so the lead shoulder rotates down a little as you turn - so you could keep an eye on that so the lead shoulder doesn't just turn/rotate back level as that's gets little ways too flat
so if the shoulders turned at approx 90º to spine with 'connected' arms the hands/handle would be moving somewhere towards the tip of the shoulder so atop the tip of the shoulder not back behind

so would look at shoulders nearer 90º to spine my take, & not stress over the hands/handle that pic it's in an acceptable kinda range


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

how's contact at impact been goin & what's been goin down with general shot shapes etc

would not say the hands/handle were ways back of you - although you got to keep an eye on what's happening position-wise you have to be careful not to overdo it

sometimes better thinking of the whole of the swing - all your really doing in a swing motion is swinging back, little inside & up all provided by the arms with the body rotation plus the wrist set 'up' - so if you imagine that on an inclined hoop you stand in at set-up the hands/handle would end up, as a general guide, moving up on a line to the lateral distal part (end/tip) of the shoulder if the turn is bigger so swing just a little longer then they are roughly vertically over top of the distal end of shoulder

so it's in an ok range (there isn't just one position that works)

{folks on Tour are sometimes more vertical atop the swing so nearer over the neck than the shoulder tip - Furyk, Bubba, even Tom Watson - others hands/handle further 'behind & deeper' atop they all just make the adjustments at transition to hit good impact conditions}

gotta be careful over changing too much at once

- but if your experimenting through the off season maybes one ways to look at it takeback uo to the top (as well as the lead hand/wrist so thumb setting upwards as the trail arm hinges & folds - given the forwards spine angle at set-up which is pretty much 'kept' to the top then the shoulders again pretty much rotate at 90º to the spine angle so the lead shoulder rotates down a little as you turn - so you could keep an eye on that so the lead shoulder doesn't just turn/rotate back level as that's gets little ways too flat
so if the shoulders turned at approx 90º to spine with 'connected' arms the hands/handle would be moving somewhere towards the tip of the shoulder so atop the tip of the shoulder not back behind

so would look at shoulders nearer 90º to spine my take, & not stress over the hands/handle that pic it's in an acceptable kinda range

Thanks coach. I haven't had the chance to get out yet as the course was closed last weekend and the ranges near me are closed at night. So just been working on slow swings in the house.

I'll keep that in mind about the shoulders, I have been trying to turn just before 90 on the slow swings as I feel that sometimes I'm over turning. So trying to make a smaller turn to keep that hands/arms in front of the chest and stopping at the 10 o'clock position. Should be able to get to the course Monday and spend a bit of time on the practice area. Plan to spend a couple hours doing some work on this backswing.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Managed to get out this morning for a bit of practice. Tried a few different feels to shorten the swing. Started with try to keep the arms straight, they still went to just before 12 position but were higher than normal so more width at the top. Tried this for a few swings.

Then tried the feeling of a half swing stopping way short at about 9. This had much better results with arms stopping at 10 with width. Stuck with this feeling the rest of the session with good results. Now it's not full speed but I'd say probs about 60%.

The grip change is feeling more comfortable too, feels like the hands work together better now. Also had a few shots with full flight instead of the nets. Was getting a nice wee draw with similar distance off the slower speed. Should be good for when up to full speed and better conditions.



Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Re: Asses my swing

Just thought I'd update this thread with a couple new videos. Had a lesson just over a week ago, working on keeping the hands lower starting the takeaway and also working on trying to keep the left leg from straightening to start the downswing causing me to cut across the ball. The hands an easier fix and working well. The leg action proving to be a bit more difficult but I'm getting there.

DTL - [video=youtube_share;bqhXAcLsvI0][/video]

Still need to work on swing length but that's a work in progress at the moment.

Any thoughts or comments welcome.