My swing.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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strike (contact) & movement through the ball seems a good ways better now the eyes not stuck down after strike.
think it could be better if at address the left foot angled out a little ways more. so if you at the position you were on that mat on this vid, the left foot would point at the left corner of the mat.

{would be useful to see the dtl if that's possible to see the path back & down to impact & your top position, plus the angles of your posture, spine & head.}

but if you look real close the left foot movement it's happening at transition - at your shortened top position the left heel is just off the ground (not necessarily a problem in itself)

then when you bring the heel back down as you start the downswing it's the heel that comes down turning inside towards the trail foot, so movement-wise at this point the left has not spun out towards target although it appears it has, first off it's the left heel that has turned back some as it comes down.

think it feels snatched a ways tempo-wise as you don't get a full shoulder turn in, left shoulder doesn't get to or behind the ball position.
so you are trying to generate a bunch of force in a short time with some fierce rotation as you start down.
(difficult to tell from this front on angle but maybes the spine angle is a little ways too upright at address which tends to make the head angle downwards to ball which puts the chin real close to the chest makes it difficult to turn to the top, to nearer the image below)

if you imagine a vertical coming up in front of you at address from the ball make a bunch of 'easy' backswings to the top having your left shoulder turn at least to this 'line' (image below), so you get to feel where you want more to be.

angle that left foot out - then with short iron make a swing half your normal speed to make that just felt turn to the top. then smooth start down through to a full finish you hold for a least couple seconds.
you should be able to do this without the left heel turning back at transition so you start to feel a more stable left foot.

do a bunch of time at this speed, get say 5 on the bounce so that the left heel stability is sound.
then just increase the speed to 60%, 5 again good then up to 70%, good 5.
then up to 80% stop if you get 5 don't try to go any further. at any speed the heel turns back drop back down to the previous good speed.

check that address posture isn't a ways too upright from the hips, check the chin not more down on the chest so there's no space.
