My swing.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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all a ways dark with the clothing - immediate first thought - release the eyes straightways after impact so you can get through to a balanced finish.
by that mean do it by turning the head towards target so your eyes can 'follow' the flight. what you do by keeping it all 'down' is restricting your ability to get through with any extension to a good ways balanced finish.

would flare the left foot towards the target some at set-up.

realize difficult but different color bottom to top helpful in bad light conditions. best to see both face on & dtl gives better idea even though it's 2d vid but both angles help some.
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Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2015
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I had to slow ur vid down to see what is happening. Surely if you transferred ur weight sooner to your front foot, in my mind, it would eliminate that heel slip
I will be watching this thread closely to see what others have to say
Ive just started to purposely lift my front heel on my backswing which gives me more shoulder turn but then I plant it down to start my backswing taking the pressure off my front dodgy knee

Just seen the_coach reply, certainly seems your head isn't following the flight stopping your complete follow through
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Very sharp tempo. I see what the coach is saying about the head staying down through the hit. Does it also move back?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Ive noticed when slowing it down that the hips go forward slightly but the shoulders also stay back, I have no doubt that isn't helping with the leading foot either


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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all a ways dark with the clothing - immediate first thought - release the eyes straightways after impact so you can get through to a balanced finish.
by that mean do it by turning the head towards target so your eyes can 'follow' the flight. what you do by keeping it all 'down' is restricting your ability to get through with any extension to a good ways balanced finish.

would flare the left foot towards the target some at set-up.

realize difficult but different color bottom to top helpful in bad light conditions. best to see both face on & dtl gives better idea even though it's 2d vid but both angles help some.

Cheers coach, I didn't originally plan on snapping it tonight or I would have considered my attire.

Regarding the comments, closing the foot in is a bad habit, but if nothing more the video has given me a few highlight points,

Grip, transition at the to And also I've noticed I don't release the club through impact which is no doubt costing power.

I'll try and get some better vids in a daylight situ over the weekend,


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Some jazzy foot work going on there. Left heel seems to jump back a the start of the downswing. Could be a factor in your head dipping back.

Ive had a couple of swings to see what that feels like. Pretty sure I would catch it fat if I did that.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I do catch a few fat/thin but i blame that more on not hitting down on the ball

I have s tendency to protect the left knee as there is no acl at all in that knee


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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let your head turn once the balls been struck - so the eyes follow the flight, you'll get a ways better release.

grip very possibly would help some if more back to neutral in the fingers v's to mid right shoulder.

but would look at the two other things first off, lead foot flared a tad (that will help the hip turn & clear) but if you can let the 'eyes' release that will also help the release & extension through the ball. that ways the fastest part of the swing is through the ball. what your doing currently will be slowing down the clubhead into impact some.

often times helps just prior to swing just put yourself in a good fully balanced finish position - don't swing there - just put yourself there, weight 85/90% on left foot favoring the heel, hip full cleared, right foot on toes at 90% (sole to some folk behind you) right knee to left knee, chest fully rotated so pointing a little ways left of target, good 90º angle at the left elbow, shaft at an angle passing just below the skull line of the head. right shoulder nearest part of you to target spine pretty much vertical.

just hold that a good bunch of seconds to absorb where you are. then make a good bunch of 60% effort rehearsal swings (no ball) to get to that position you just felt.

folks often times surprised by the results, how when the brain has a good idea where you're trying to get to come the finish of a swing, that you can then swing 'through' impact with the goal of finding that balanced finish, that folks can achieve that rather than keep the ball as their swing target so more of a hit & they can't find that balanced finish.

get the weight left from the top, then you won't leave too much trailside which has a tendency to put the low point before you reach impact - so can catch it fat, or if you sense that may be going to happen you'll pull up some so catch it a ways kinda 'thin' as the clubs low point still trailside but then the leading edge is working upwards into impact.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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What is you thoughts on that left heel movement coach? is it something that would concern you?

Feel like the weight isn't moving in the right direction. Maybe the flaring of the foot might facilitate a better movement without endangering the left knee.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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for sure the left foot, my take, would be a ways better flared out which will help with the hip movement primarily. letting the 'eyes' follow post impact would be the quickest ways to get a bunch of improvement I feel.

would need to see the dtl view to maybes have an idea of whether the left foot spin is really an issue or not (could be the flare would help negate it, if not totally remove it)
you'll see many a Tour player lead foot spin out some so not always a real issue to strike.

depends what the upper body is doing through rotation. as the right shoulder moving out then a ways flat through the downswing/throughswing that can cause the over rotational pressure that leads to a lead foot spin out, but that would give issues of contact - if that's happening would be something you'd need to have a look at.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I had a look at Bubba as he some of the he best dancing feet around. He spins completely around but the heel doesn't go quite so early.

It seems to happen at quite an import time in the swing here.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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makes a bunch of difference when the clubheads moving at 125mph !!

but as all Tour players are using 'ground pressure' so from start of transition weight is going 'downwards' into their lead foot into the ground, any lead foot 'spin out' that happens won't tend to happen until later on in the motion.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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makes a bunch of difference when the clubheads moving at 125mph !!

but as all Tour players are using 'ground pressure' so from start of transition weight is going 'downwards' into their lead foot into the ground, any lead foot 'spin out' that happens won't happen until later on in the motion.

Exactly. I had a look at Rory. At the same point where oddsocks heel is moving back, you can see Rory is applying real force into the ground.

Real source of untapped power there OS. :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Ok I've read the thread back two or three times fully to ensure its bedded in for tonight's range session but I'm me Struggling with one issue.

Grip- fine can watch that
Head eye release - fine with that

But starting the swing ground up in struggling with. Last year the pro I had lessons with had me trying to get the feeling that I was pushing my trailing foot out of the side of the shoe and into the ground. This was to get the right leg at act as a coiled spring and offer resistance against the back swing in order of obtain a greater core speed and better weight transition - is there any other drills I can use to try and use the ground force more efficiently

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Ok I've read the thread back two or three times fully to ensure its bedded in for tonight's range session but I'm me Struggling with one issue.

Grip- fine can watch that
Head eye release - fine with that

But starting the swing ground up in struggling with. Last year the pro I had lessons with had me trying to get the feeling that I was pushing my trailing foot out of the side of the shoe and into the ground. This was to get the right leg at act as a coiled spring and offer resistance against the back swing in order of obtain a greater core speed and better weight transition - is there any other drills I can use to try and use the ground force more efficiently

Have you tried a pause drill?

Swing to the top, pause, then (slowly) feel the lower half lead the swing and keep the arms and shoulders passive.
