My swing


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
Hello fellow forumers

I would really appreciate some advice and opinions on my swing. It has improved recently and ball striking is much better but still far from ideal. I noticed I am taking my hands inside during the takeaway so a drill to fix that would be fantastic.

All other advice gratefully appreciated.



Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I can't see any videos or links, but a drill I was given for taking the club back too far on the inside was to take the club back to parallel to the ground, then stop. Check the position, and if it's too far inside adjust it. Then just turn your shoulders to complete the backswing and hit the ball.


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
I can't see any videos or links, but a drill I was given for taking the club back too far on the inside was to take the club back to parallel to the ground, then stop. Check the position, and if it's too far inside adjust it. Then just turn your shoulders to complete the backswing and hit the ball.

They are showing on mine, technology hates me so I am sure I have done something wrong

Here is the link


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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As you know yourself, you come back on the inside too quickly. You then come back down on a classic over the top steep motion. Pulls and slices being the main shot shapes.

The coach will post some great videos to sort your right out. nice tempo to the swing. Few changes will see a dramatic improvement in your game!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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hip slide on this is a good thing to try.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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as you say you are taking the club back by bringing it around inside too much. this is setting you up at the top of your swing to start transition with your shoulders & arms swinging outwards (instead of downwards) so the club is approaching from outside the target line & them swinging left some through impact. which can result in a number of unwanted outcomes.

not a bad tempo to the swing so even given the path issue to can give the ball a healthy crack.

{grip is an issue you'd want to look at, at some point, the left hand a little weak back of left hand too much towards target left hand a little to much rotated counterclockwise on the handle, right hand has the thumb down the center of the handle (as opposed to being angled thumb pad to rest on the left side of the handle) which could indicate the handle a little ways too much in the palm & not in the fingers.}

so ideally to start a better path to impact, the takeaway needs to be on a little better path going back then up to the top. clubhead needs to stay 'outside' the hands going back over the first 12" to 18" of travel. couple of alignment sticks will help you out some as shown in this drill. you could as well 12" straight back from the ball put a tee into the ground you want the clubhead to travel over on it's way back in the takeaway to backswing.

once at the top in a bit better shape, imagine there's an inclined hoop your clubhead is resting on, & that hoop travels back down to the ball so the hoop would be forming a gentle arc from the 'inside' back to the ball. you can 'see' how you'd need from the top for the right shoulder arms/hands & club would have to travel down first in order for the clubhead to stay touching the hoop then round about hip height only then would it start to work 'outwards' to the ball. from the top if you move the upper body & arms/club outwards first you can see how the clubhead would then move away from that 'hoop' so then you are forced to bring the clubhead very steeply down too late in the approach to the ball so then have to swing leftwards through impact to get club onto the ball.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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a bunch of things already to look at but one last thing to consider. before looking at this vid, go to your face on swing vid, & pause it in your backswing when your left arm is first parallel to the ground, look carefully at where the club shaft is in relation to your wrists & left arm. then note where the club shaft is in this vid when his left arm is first parallel to the ground.

for a drill with an 8i or 7i, tee a low ball up (better on a tee for two reasons, first takes the concern of ground contact before the ball out of the way. but will also shows you how the how you need to retain the angle until your hands get up to the right thigh in order to have a shallower attack angle into the ball from the inside in order to make solid contact, with the ball on the tee if you get too steep you won't be able to have contact from the middle of the face.
the object here is you go back to the left arm horizontal with the shaft at 90º (as in the vid) then at around 50% speed so nice & slow swing through so when the right arm in the through swing is approximately horizontal to the ground you again have that 90º right arm to shaft angle, to your swinging L to L shape.
objective is to have that L shape both sides of the swing, & swing good & smooth to get solid contact.



Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
Thanks for the help guys I really appreciate it. I started on the first drill this morning getting the take away and fold to the top. I did try Region 3s tip too in between and together they seemed to make a difference. Much steeper back and more room to get back onto my downswing, hit a few great shots so will continue to work the drills and add the new ones once the last feel comfortable.

Thanks again will record and post my swing again in a couple of weeks to see if the changes have taken.

edit one thing I forgot to mention is the video posted by gary and the the first by the coach have conflicting advice. One says fire the hips early and the other says hold back. I have a issue with sometimes falling back and keeping weight on my right foot so my instinct is to try and transfer the weight early and fire the hips to get my weight going forward. Is there anything extra I need to bear in mind when choosing this option?
Last edited:


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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edit one thing I forgot to mention is the video posted by gary and the the first by the coach have conflicting advice. One says fire the hips early and the other says hold back. I have a issue with sometimes falling back and keeping weight on my right foot so my instinct is to try and transfer the weight early and fire the hips to get my weight going forward. Is there anything extra I need to bear in mind when choosing this option?

Just be careful that you don't throw your right shoulder out towards the ball when your hips go. As it said in one of the videos, it's not easy to turn the hips without the shoulders, and if the shoulders go early you'll still come over the top.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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looking at the swing motion in order. things to work on would be getting the club going back on a better plane going back (as an aside you don't have the same swing - downswing as the guy in the vid who needs to feel a lateral hip slide)

then getting the correct direction of the transition move from the top.

your downswing & how it starts down is pretty much a direct reaction to the action that took the club up to the top.

so currently club goes back inside left arm half way back continues to go back to the inside, with more of a wrist roll, that the left wrist/thumb setting upwards on the snuff box joint the 'radial fossa' the joint the thumb/wrist sets on.
this is why there is a difference between the 90º set angle when the arm is first horizontal to the ground in the last vid on the thread to the position you are in if you freeze your front on view when your left arm first horizontal, you'll see there's hardly any angle formed & also it's already a ways behind you pointing further behind.

if you just hold your left arm bent at the elbow so outstretched hand flat palm fingers pointing away from you around 12" in front of your face thumb in a relaxed up position.

without moving anything else just set the 'flat' hand with the wrist towards you so the thumb points at your face (thumb in relation to the wrist is moving only 'upwards').
look carefully at this action you'll see facing you where the thumb joins the wrist 2 little bones that's the 'radial fossa' which allows the only set movement you want to make in a golf swing with your left hand. the thumb sets upwards on this 'joint' in the backswing & coming down into impact the thumb (so hand) sets downwards. this up & down motion is the only motion the left hand/thumb/wrist makes in a golf swing (no rolling no side to side bending) imagine holding a small hammer to tap a small tack in with just a hand (not full arm motion) motion you just move it 'upwards' away from the tacks head, then 'downwards' to tap the tack in.

so if you can get this left hand set to 90º plus take the club back keeping the left hand angle as explained in the vids, you'll get to a top of swing position where the shaft is more over the top of the right shoulder 9not behind you) then it's important that you feel the right shoulder arms club move firstly only downwards (so coming back down that 'hoop' to hip height before the club head then will have to more out to the ball through the centripetal force of the swing motion) currently your first move the right shoulder arm/club move outwards towards the ball target line (so straightways from the top the clubhead leaves that 'hoop' on a wrong out to in path.

whilst it's entirely true the lower lead side left foot. knee, thigh, hip make the first move in the transition (start of downswing) there should be no big lateral slide left with the hips, lower body first move is best felt by applying some downwards weight pressure through the left leg/foot but you also very much have to feel the right shoulder moving downwards.
very easy if you concentrate on a lateral hip move to still turn that right shoulder out so swing over the top, moving the hips left alone won't stop an ingrained outwards move of the shoulder.

all those vids with the drills alignment sticks explain pretty well the sequence of how to start to change the swing motion.

it will just take a deal of position work, mirror work, recording swing on cell, with the rods etc. in place to check as you go, so you can monitor what you do carefully - do it without & you'll fall back into doing what you've always done but 'thinking' your doing something different & you won't get the change you want.

also it's always best doing all these drills, swings at around 50/60% speed, doing it slowly you have time to be aware & feel if you are getting the 'move' 'positions' correctly - it's impossible to do that at your normal swing speed.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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edit one thing I forgot to mention is the video posted by gary and the the first by the coach have conflicting advice. One says fire the hips early and the other says hold back. I have a issue with sometimes falling back and keeping weight on my right foot so my instinct is to try and transfer the weight early and fire the hips to get my weight going forward. Is there anything extra I need to bear in mind when choosing this option?

the main thing to take from that first video is the head cover gate that he sets up. our very own bob is a big fan of this. I am too. if you can get yourself swinging though that gate it really doesn't matter a hell of a lot what you are doing in the back swing. what happens through that hitting zone is the most important thing.

don't think too much about firing hips. just let your body make the natural adjustments to hit the ball and not make contact with the two headcovers. its not that easy. you will hit them, but with some work it will start to happen.

this is something I go back to time and time again.