My dodgy swing...


Nov 16, 2011
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Tough to really see much with the short focal length and angle of the camera.

But you seem to have lost your balance at the end of the swing. Touch of Early Extension the cause?

Hitting it to 10 feet though, I'm not sure I'd care!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Took this today, hitting an 8 iron on our down hil par 3. Hit a good shot and missed the 10ft birdie putt! Anyway, if you have any constructive comments or pointers, happy to hear them!


to 10' a real good result, good going there

given the angle of the lens & light & shadow along with the dark pants & top difficult to see

worth maybes considering (if you go into settings & put vid in slow-mo play back then even though it's dark you can see the overall movement a ways better)

if you look at the start position of the head silhouette against the cloud & as the takeback starts look at the loss of vertical height (the lead knee has real bend to it)
so the head & upper body/chest is also lowering & moving slightly forwards to the ball

often times this can mean the weight stays too much on the lead leg during the takeback/backswing - check where you feel you weight is when you get to the top of the swing - is it in a position that would allow you momentarily to lift the lead foot from the ground any
at the top is the weight nicely supported into trail leg, or is too much still on the lead leg? if you can't move the left foot up any then it's too much on the left

along with this it can also mean the secondary spine tilts a little ways too target & not secondary spine tilt away from target - you can check in a mirror stop atop swing is spine leaning towards target some, head sometimes with this also moves little ways to target - impossible to see this from this angle or available light but worthwhile checking over in a mirror

the brain is always trying to balance out motion so given the upper body is moving little ways downwards & towards the ball (the lead knee bend)

from the top then the motion to balance this former motion out is from the hips is to straighten up some along with the spine to raise back up the vertical height - it's just that 'law of opposite actions' which happens intuitively to what happened on the way back to the top - so intuitively helps prevent the dumping of the club in the ground & allows with an more upwards swing movement to get club to ball - why the shaft exit point in the through swing is a ways high up out
if the timing of this motion is out any could lead to both fats & a kind of thin, at the extreme end tops, maybes too high ball flight

looks like you've put in some good work in set-up & posture etc

if you of a mind maybes worth considering that it might help some towards little more solid striking & a more penetrating ball flight that during off season to work on keeping the vertical height some by calming the lead knee action

- so helping along the ways in making sure the chest doesn't move forwards & downwards during the takeback

- so the weight pressure turns into the inside of the right leg, right foot & is more off the lead side during the backswing
- so that law of opposition action & reaction doesn't hinder you any

as then the motion to the ball can better start with the weight pressure transfer back to the left foot along with the left hip rotating left (so hips not moving towards the ball/target line & straightening up) that ways the body/chest can rotate left right shoulder under with nice arm extension so the club exit is more on the shoulder plane angle
imagine keeping the tush/butt line along an imaginary rail all the ways to the top then down to impact - so the butt isn't moving off this rail any

the motion back to ball as can be seen with an elite player Tour pro sure there is a little ways loss of height during the downswing but that's possible as they've pretty much kept the vertical height during the backswing

but if in a backswing the vertical height is lost some with also a slight chest forwards to ball motion then there cannot be any lowering of the downswing motion
- which is one of the components that enables good pressure being applied to the ball at impact

- as if there was the club would just bury in the ground some distance before it can get to the ball - so the opposite reaction has to kick in - hips straighten up some & move forwards to ball some & the spine then straightens as the brain looks to try to maintain balance to enable the club onto ball strike


Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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Thanks both. Thanks for taking the time coach, there's a lot to digest there! I'll start with the lead knee, that I recognise