More surgery for Tiger

Mel Smooth

May 4, 2017
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Tiger is still box office.

He hasn’t been competitive since the car crash. But everyone wrote him off before, and he came back and won his 15th major.

Because of what he was, not what he is capable of - nothing wrong with that but he's definitely a side show to the competitive golf - and as it seems he's really only prepared to tee it up in the majors plus the odd PGAT event those opportunities to see him are very limited.

Not many people went up to Troon specifically to see Tiger, he may have been part of the attraction but it would only be handful of Tiger fans that went specifically to watch him, and that wouldn't have bothered if he hadn't been playing.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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Not to me he isn’t ’box office’…

What makes him box office?

I’d want to watch either a charming & engaging personality, and/or Scheffler-level golf ability. Tiger at the back end of 2024 is neither of those. Despite what Sky and the rest of golf media says
You're on a thread purely dedicated to Tiger Woods having surgery, and important enough for you to come on and comment. If Theegala or Harman were having surgery, I seriously doubt anybody would take the time to start a thread on it. And if they did, I doubt you are I would be in here at all to even have this conversation :)

It is things like that which make him box office. Some people love to talk about his past greatness, others love to talk about how he is past it. He generates so much opinion, and the sponsors / broadcasters will love it.


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Jul 22, 2019
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When did Jack Nicklaus retire? I know he played up until 2005 in some of the Majors, when he was around 65. Without going through every year, in 2000 (aged around 60) he played 8 tournaments, including all 4 Majors. In 1995 (aged around 55) he played 11 tournaments (including 4 Majors). Note, these are just PGAT associated events, not sure if he played in anything else?

I'm in agreement that I don't think Tiger Woods has much of a chance in winning anything of note in the future, unless his short game suddenly gets to genius levels again, which might give him a glimmer. And, given all his injuries, if I was his medical adviser I'd have thought it would be good advice for him to stop playing, and enjoy the rest of his life without risking further physical pain and surgery.

However, at 48, if he still has a desire to play at the highest level, then why criticize him for that? His drive should surely be admired. It is not like he is now the level of a 20 handicapper, and there are plenty of other younger pro players on the PGAT we would say stand next to no chance of winning either. I'm guessing there will come a day in the future where we'll see a picture of Tiger waving a teary farewell on the bridge at St Andrews, but he obviously thinks he has a few years in him yet.


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Dec 17, 2018
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I personally don’t care either way but I would guess that the definition of box office in this scenario is if his presence increases, decreases or has no effect on the numbers of people watching a tournament.
Without the facts to hand, I would presume that he significantly increases viewers so he is therefore ‘box office’, a single person’s opinion of whether he is box office or not is irrelevant.

This is exactly it.

Golf is different from most other sports in terms of longevity of career. Nicklaus, Player and Watson kept playing long after they were "past it", they were / are still able to entertain the fans even though they had little chance of winning.


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Dec 17, 2018
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No, I love my wife.
She's more than enough for me.

I reckon a large percentage of men with that level of fame/wealth/adulation, and crucially opportunity, have slept around. Not all, but just think about the size of their egos. Imagine travelling around the world and staying alone in hotel rooms with women throwing themselves at you every day. I can resist everything except temptation.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I reckon a large percentage of men with that level of fame/wealth/adulation, and crucially opportunity, have slept around. Not all, but just think about the size of their egos. Imagine travelling around the world and staying alone in hotel rooms with women throwing themselves at you every day. I can resist everything except temptation.
The thing that gets me is how many of his entourage had to lie for him..
Mrs Woods, you want to speak to Tiger? I'm afraid he can't come to the phone right now, he's out hitting balls/in the shower/having dinner etc.
When did Jack Nicklaus retire?
I think he won his last Major at 46 and he wasn't injured.
However, at 48, if he still has a desire to play at the highest level, then why criticize him for that? His drive should surely be admired.
I don't think people are criticizing Tiger as such, it's the media that focus so heavily on him, unless you're a Tiger fan, people would rather see live golf rather than Tiger pulling up in the car park.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
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If the media hype and Social Media access was around d in the 60s and 70s you can bet your bottom dollar Arnie, Jack and Gary would have been all over everywhere all the time...
Tiger is box office whether you like it or not.
He pulls in crowds when he's playing, hell he even pulls in crowds when he isn't.
His days of playing at the top level are over but hes still the #1 needle mover.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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The thing that gets me is how many of his entourage had to lie for him..
Mrs Woods, you want to speak to Tiger? I'm afraid he can't come to the phone right now, he's out hitting balls/in the shower/having dinner etc.

I think he won his last Major at 46 and he wasn't injured.

I don't think people are criticizing Tiger as such, it's the media that focus so heavily on him, unless you're a Tiger fan, people would rather see live golf rather than Tiger pulling up in the car park.
The broadcasters are probably only showing what is proven to be "box office"? If most people were bored with Tiger Woods, fed up with all the coverage, I suspect the broadcasters would be doing everything in their power to show stuff that the people DO want to see.

I'm not sure the coverage of Tiger is as bad as people make out? Sure, he probably does get more coverage than everyone else. But, again, I'd rather see a bit of Tiger talk that watch Theegala or Harmon pull into the car park, even if their odds of winning are better. There still seems to be plenty of golf on TV, it isn't like Tiger is taking up 80% of airtime. Perhaps that is just people's perception, because they get so infuriated every time they see him and makes it feel like he is taking up all the airtime. And, pre tournament, there will be a lot of talk about Tiger so that will also lead to the perception that it is all about Tiger (although personally, I couldn't give a hoot about pre tournament chat, so it wouldn't bother me what they talk about) And, when it comes to the weekend, I feel we still get comprehensive coverage of the leaders most weekends when Tiger is not in contention


Assistant Pro
Nov 2, 2014
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I don't think people are criticizing Tiger as such, it's the media that focus so heavily on him, unless you're a Tiger fan, people would rather see live golf rather than Tiger pulling up in the car park.
Absolutely right.
The sycophancy knows no bounds.
There will be players actually on the course and taking shots, but we are force fed montages after montages of Woods, replays of Woods, history of Woods, blah blah blah.
Even when he's missed the cut we still have to suffer this never ending *ss licking.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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Absolutely right.
The sycophancy knows no bounds.
There will be players actually on the course and taking shots, but we are force fed montages after montages of Woods, replays of Woods, history of Woods, blah blah blah.
Even when he's missed the cut we still have to suffer this never ending *ss licking.

Yeah, they showed tiger arriving at course and changing his shoes in the car park, instead of live golf on the course.

This was important coverage, I was desperate to know if he tied his laces with a double bow.