mini cf


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Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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had a lesson today, sort of blow the cobwebs off.
anyway discussing various things with the pro and we decide to check my clubs. I had them bent 2 deg up about 18 months or so ago.
he brings back the strike board - absolutely consistent on the 4 deg up mark. face impact is pretty consistent too - toward the toe. he said that that much bend isn't a good idea and if I go for new clubs I'd have to have them made to that spec. He also thought I could do with 1/2" on the shaft.

(didn't check what flex I need but he said he'd throw in a full cf with the next lesson though as he only has Pings and Cobras I'm going to have to go elsewhere to try some clubs out, still like the look of the AP2's and Mizzies - not sure I could hit the MP's though),

(handy as we find out about bonus at the end of the month - if there is one)


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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If you like the AP2's and the Mizzy's i would check out the Cobra S2 forged version if your pro stocks Cobra's....
You might like them ;)


If you like the AP2's and the Mizzy's i would check out the Cobra S2 forged version if your pro stocks Cobra's....
You might like them ;)

Yep but if you are going to buy really ugly clubs like Cobra you might as well get some Pings :D

Really though, TM have some forged cavities coming out soon. If you feel you cant hit the MPs will the AP2 be any easyer? I would bet you could hit them both though with the right shaft.


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Jun 9, 2009
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had a lesson today, sort of blow the cobwebs off.
anyway discussing various things with the pro and we decide to check my clubs. I had them bent 2 deg up about 18 months or so ago.
he brings back the strike board - absolutely consistent on the 4 deg up mark. face impact is pretty consistent too - toward the toe. he said that that much bend isn't a good idea and if I go for new clubs I'd have to have them made to that spec. He also thought I could do with 1/2" on the shaft.

(didn't check what flex I need but he said he'd throw in a full cf with the next lesson though as he only has Pings and Cobras I'm going to have to go elsewhere to try some clubs out, still like the look of the AP2's and Mizzies - not sure I could hit the MP's though),

(handy as we find out about bonus at the end of the month - if there is one)

Why would you need 1/2 inch on your shafts. I remember you being a foot shorter than me and i use standard. Unless you have very short arms :D


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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patrick, that's what the man said and he's the second to have said I need longer, however I will await a proper fit.

Alex, I have hit a few balls with an AP2 fitted with Project X 5.0, hit it quite well - much more testing required though. As to the MP's not tried them yet.

kid, must admit I didn't look that closely at the S2's (he had them right next to the Pings :eek:!) but the Cobras that I have seen have masses of offset - that I don't need.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Why would you need 1/2 inch on your shafts. I remember you being a foot shorter than me and i use standard. Unless you have very short arms :D

He may tend towards a toey contact, and one of the responses by a fitter to that is to extend the clubs slightly.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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Why would you need 1/2 inch on your shafts. I remember you being a foot shorter than me and i use standard. Unless you have very short arms :D

He may tend towards a toey contact, and one of the responses by a fitter to that is to extend the clubs slightly.

by 'eck you're good Ethan! all the impacts were the toe side of centre.


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Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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visited DG today to try out some clubs - they do make it hard work though. not the staff or their willingness to tape up anything you want but the hit and miss selection of clubs, for example only two Titleist models, AP1 and CB710.

In the end I tried three, MX300, and because I loved the look of them CB710 and MP68, all with stock Regular shafts. A few to loosen up and establish a baseline with my 6-iron then had at it.

Firstly I could hit all three with almost equal facility and at least halved my usual dispersion with all of them. Secondly despite all being weaker than my M565's I didn't lose any distance or height with any of them.

Of the three the CB710 was the best, more clean hits, silky smooth and quite forgiving; next the MP68, clean hits were great but it's less forgiving and it was harder work. the MX300, just didn't have the same feeling of smoothness as the others, and I found it less forgiving than the CB710.
and this with stock off-the-shelf demo clubs, actually getting something that fits me is looking promising.

I've learnt one thing, ignore the 'a high handicapper can't' stuff and go with your instinct. I think my bad is mostly down to poor shot selection (choice of two - it's Hollywood!) exacerbated by ill-fitting clubs.

on Sunday I shall allow AG to tape some up for me.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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maybe both, it depends what clubs they stock - not that I wholly trust AG's monitors either.
Pretty much go with an open mind (within reason); the main idea is to try as many clubs as they'll put up with to find the best for me. then I'll get the fitting done at the manufacturer's fitting centre or even an independent club builder.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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back from AG, kind of disappointed with the range of clubs in stock. it looks a lot but by the time you discount the Nicklaus and the lumpy, clumpy clubs it's much reduced - yes I am being fussy.

Tried AP2's, Nike VR and Ping S56
once again no problems hitting any of these, still getting lots (too much?) height and not losing any distance.
for me the Nike's are the least forgiving of any I've tried so are out. The AP2's were so much better than the Pings that at the moment it's a Titleist shoot-out.

where and what next?