Me and my driver video clip


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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If you're happy then keep doing what you're doing.... my opinion is that you could be better :whistle:

I'm always looking to improve James, I didnt post this so that I'd only get kind comments. We both have to be realistic about what the knackered old body can do but I am willing to learn so long as changes don't hurt my game too much in the grooving.

The point that I was making though was that I'm hitting straighter and still long (for my age and size) so any changes have got to be for good reason. Any tips are valued James and you know me well enough that I will give any sound tips a try.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
We both have to be realistic about what the knackered old body can do but I am willing to learn so long as changes don't hurt my game too much in the grooving.

I'm always realistic..... that's why I've compared your swing to Tigers in this pic below...:rofl:

Left pic is you at address, I've drawn yellow lines on the middle pic (you at impact) to show that your hands are more targetwards than your eyes at impact.... and just a little more than they were at address (to be honest there's not much difference there at all)... I've also drawn a red line to show where your right arm is and what angle it is at....... and on the right is Tiger :p


Now I'm not for a minute suggesting you can do what Tiger does.... but every 1cm closer to his position you get the less you will cast/flip the club and the better you'll hit the ball.

Just my thoughts to help get you to a solid single figure golfer..... :whistle:


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I'm always realistic..... that's why I've compared your swing to Tigers in this pic below...:rofl:

Left pic is you at address, I've drawn yellow lines on the middle pic (you at impact) to show that your hands are more targetwards than your eyes at impact.... and just a little more than they were at address (to be honest there's not much difference there at all)... I've also drawn a red line to show where your right arm is and what angle it is at....... and on the right is Tiger :p


Now I'm not for a minute suggesting you can do what Tiger does.... but every 1cm closer to his position you get the less you will cast/flip the club and the better you'll hit the ball.

Just my thoughts to help get you to a solid single figure golfer..... :whistle:

I tried doing what Tiger does but it seemed to upset most of the ladies in the village where I live!

I see what you're asking me to do. The difference appears to be that I try and sweep the ball off a high tee and you're swing is more like I've tried to hit my irons ie hands more forward, less loft at impact, presumably giving a lower, more powerful flight?

I will give it a try, thanks James