Matt Wolff - textbook swing


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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Sorry but i do not agree. All of them do not say he is doing it all wrong. Far from it.

Having said that, a pro isn't going to tutor you to swing it that way. Why would they?

They wont at the moment, because they dont know why his swing works and makes him an elite golfer. Equally, they dont know why what is taken for a textbook swing today (and that textbook version tends to evolve with the decades aping the swing of the generational great on the mens pro tour of the moment), works either, but are following the crowd.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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If you get out of position at one point you will need to change something else, at another point in the swing in order to get back into position, hence re-routing the swing on the down swing, or various different hand positions into impact, etc

'Out of position' suggest there is a correct position. What is the justification for one being correct? Why is Wolff not correct all the way, and A Scott, or J Rose are the ones who go off track and have to implement corrections in their swing to bring the club to the right dynamics as they contact the ball ? 'Re-routing' is only from the perspective of a particular method being correct.

Tiger man

Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 1, 2015
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'Out of position' suggest there is a correct position. What is the justification for one being correct? Why is Wolff not correct all the way, and A Scott, or J Rose are the ones who go off track and have to implement corrections in their swing to bring the club to the right dynamics as they contact the ball ? 'Re-routing' is only from the perspective of a particular method being correct.
Have you been abused by a beautiful, textbook swing. The facts are that Wolff is a massive outlier on the PGA tour, yes every players swing has quirks, they are human but the vast majority follow a more on plane swing path which makes it easier to deliver the club consistently.


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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Thats just playing with words though. The process determines the outcome. No one seems to understand the process to achieve the desired outcome in golf. A particular process is taught - sometimes with good results, sometimes without. And then completely wrong, processes, such as Wolff that contradict the general doctrine, produce results that are just as good or better than the orthodox. Which really does question the teaching.

No, it's not. A process can determine an outcome, but the same outcome can also be achieved in other ways, hence the outcome itself is more important than the process to get there. Even people who have never consciously considered this will have subconsciously accepted it, do you think anyone believes a lanky 6'5 man should swing the same way as a chubby 5'1 woman?

The pro I am talking about has a philosophy around impact being the point that matters, and how we get there is individual, but not a free for all. You don't have to have a certain swing to achieve it, but you must understand that certain movement patterns and physical abilities will complement each other. Just to give a superficial example of what I am meaning here, on a simplistic level a player who rotates faster will need a clubface that is more closed on the downswing.

Maybe you think Wolffs swing is completely wrong, but that's solely your own opinion, his coach understands it, and has even provided some explanation of it, with the caveat that this isn't the move he would just teach a complete beginner, but it's what works for Wolff.

I think the bigger issue with most pros is how they teach - generally focussing on static positions, rather than what they teach.