Macmillan Cancer & GoSober


Tour Rookie
Aug 23, 2012
Macmillan Cancer Support have launched the GoSober campaign to raise funds. They are asking participants to go without a bevvy for the month of October.

I'm going to give it a bash and climb back on the wagon; I need to cut down on the booze as I've piled on a ton of weight since falling off the wagon last year. And its for a good cause too.

Anyone else doing it?
Fantastic cause, one of my mates lost both of his parents over the past 2 years and the Macmillan nurses were truly fantastic!

I might consider doing it, however while not a big drinker (as in big sessions) i do drink a lot. i have at least 2-3 beers or wines every day... Probably about 6 units a day, or 30 a week... Hmmmm might have to seriously consider doing this and then re-evaluating my drinking!
I'm not suppose to drink but have been getting a bit lax and having a few at the weekend. I would do it but planning to have a good tuck in at the H4H day as Mrs Homer is dropping me off and picking me up and I have the next day off
Think I might give this a go, a fantastic cause and a good excuse to lay off the pop for a bit. I'm away for the last weekend though so that may be a challenge, although it won't hurt if I fall off the wagon and do a few days into November to make up for it.

I'm not suppose to drink but have been getting a bit lax and having a few at the weekend. I would do it but planning to have a good tuck in at the H4H day as Mrs Homer is dropping me off and picking me up and I have the next day off

Looking at the website people can buy you a 'golden ticket' so you can have a night off.
Think I might give this a go, a fantastic cause and a good excuse to lay off the pop for a bit. I'm away for the last weekend though so that may be a challenge, although it won't hurt if I fall off the wagon and do a few days into November to make up for it.

Looking at the website people can buy you a 'golden ticket' so you can have a night off.

They can indeed, but to do so, its a minimum £15 donation... I'm much the same as Rooter in my drinking habits, a couple of beers or glasses of wine every night; occasionaly though, i do have a bit of a binge. I'm not old at 42, but the hangovers are taking longer to shift. :D

Plus, I've piled the weight on, so using this event as the catalyst to come off the sauce can only be a good thing, both for the charity and my own personal health.

I haven't put a link up or asked for donations, as I'm unsure of the board rules. If anyone wants to donate, however, they can do so.. just PM me for details. I'll be spamming the link on Twitter and Facebook too, for those who follow me.

Best of luck if you decide to do it! :thup:
I'm not suppose to drink but have been getting a bit lax and having a few at the weekend. I would do it but planning to have a good tuck in at the H4H day as Mrs Homer is dropping me off and picking me up and I have the next day off

You're not supposed to drink....then don't!