Lower Back fusion operation Pending….


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 22, 2012
Wolverhampton and Mar Menor, Spain.
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Not sure if this is the right section but the mods will move it if not appropriate.
Anyway I’m due to have an operation on my lower back and to be precise it’s a S1 to L4 fusion of those vertebrae….as I have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis at L4/5 and spondylolisthesis level 1 and a small disc prolapse at S1/L5.
so my question is does anyone know anyone who has had similar and have they returned to playing golf ok?
Many Thanks…..
I had a major prolapse in 2005 which I had surgery on in mid 2006
Had a discectomy and ended up fusing L 4/5
By my own admission I am a rubbish golfer, but it’s not much to do with my back, although you will have to rebuild your swing as your rotation will be different.

You will need months off before you even start

I still have the occasional twinge, which can stop me playing for a week or 2, but none have been caused by golf.

Take it slow, and if it hurts, stop

Good luck 👍
Not sure if this is the right section but the mods will move it if not appropriate.
Anyway I’m due to have an operation on my lower back and to be precise it’s a S1 to L4 fusion of those vertebrae….as I have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis at L4/5 and spondylolisthesis level 1 and a small disc prolapse at S1/L5.
so my question is does anyone know anyone who has had similar and have they returned to playing golf ok?
Many Thanks…..
Do not, I repeat, do not get fusion that involves metal work.

It will ruin your life.

Very best of luck.
I had suffered from two herniated discs at L4 & L5 for three years. I feel your pain, as I was in intense pain. Reached a point where something just had to give! I basically fixed myself in the end. Start of last year I embarked on a program of a combination of specific yoga stretches, a serious diet, a regimental walking regime, & finally a managed weight training program, which got me fixed. I lost two & a stones in weight, four belt holes, & regained some strength & mobility.

As for Golf, the problem I then had was due to being injured, I couldn't put in any cards & was disqualified from playing in many club competitions! That was extremely frustrating. Yes that's unfair, but an argument for another day.

Not sure if that relates but I didn't want to get involved in back surgeries if I could find an alternative. Seriously hope you can get your issues fixed. What works for one person might not work for another, so I hope you make the right decisions. Good luck!