Long weekend golf tour - Northern Europe


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May 11, 2022
Kent, UK
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Good morning all,

My golfing buddy turns 60 in summer 2024, to celebrate we're contemplating a long weekend of golf in northern Europe. We're based in Kent so can get to northern France, Belgium & Holland fairly quickly and easily.

Just wondering whether anybody here has played and can recommend any decent courses in these general areas? For info, ideally we'd be looking to at courses with a maximum green fee of £50-£60.

Any info greatly appreciated.
I've played Hardelot in France which is nice.
Also played Broekpolder in the Netherlands, not far from Rotterdam (which is a great city) some years ago, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looks like the latter is €80.
I've always preferred Rotterdam to Amsterdam. Fewer tourists, far gewer stag dos, great casino and some fabulous restaurants and bars.
I've always preferred Rotterdam to Amsterdam. Fewer tourists, far gewer stag dos, great casino and some fabulous restaurants and bars.
Thanks bud, I think Rotterdam will be our end destination.
I reckon our plan will be to drive on the Friday, leaving early AM and stopping for a round of golf somewhere on the way Friday midday ish. Then Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights in Rotterdam with a round of golf somewhere Saturday and Sunday before heading back Monday.
An option (among others) could be to base yourselves in Waterloo, Belgium. Nice small town, half a dozen easily reachable courses, and some historic context (if you're interested). We did Golf Sept Fontaines, Golf L' Emperor, & Chateau la Bawete.

Or Bruges - been twice; once played Dunkerque, Damme, and Oostberg, and the other, Royal Ostende, Palingbeek and Oostberg.

Did it through one of the usual golf companies. Don't know current prices but at the time it was very reasonable for Channel crossing, hotel/breakfast and the golf.
An option (among others) could be to base yourselves in Waterloo, Belgium. Nice small town, half a dozen easily reachable courses, and some historic context (if you're interested). We did Golf Sept Fontaines, Golf L' Emperor, & Chateau la Bawete.

Or Bruges - been twice; once played Dunkerque, Damme, and Oostberg, and the other, Royal Ostende, Palingbeek and Oostberg.

Did it through one of the usual golf companies. Don't know current prices but at the time it was very reasonable for Channel crossing, hotel/breakfast and the golf.
Thank you for the info. I'll check those courses out.

We'd be making the trip ourselves; I have a works vehicle with fuel paid for so travel wise we'd only need to pay for our crossing.
I think that in this case, Northern is meant to mean "not Mediterranean"
@Klimski might be able to help. He is based in The Netherlands and so should have some knowledge of the area.
Happy to chime in. Rotterdam isn't my back yard, but kudos for picking it over Amsterdam. The stand out course in the larger area would be Koninklijke Haagsche (near The Hague). It is exclusive and expensive but very good. Most other course will be parkland variety, usually with plenty of water. Leading Courses has a nice list. Hooge Rotterdamse has a connection with Joost Luiten and has a solid reputation. It has some undulation which is rare over here. Enjoy! PS: I happened to talk to someone at work today who recommends Golfclub Kralingen - founded in 1933, designed by Ken Cotton - the only problem is that if it's wet, the course doesn't drain very well. PS 2: At an hours drive from Rotterdam, you should also consider The Noordwijkse, at the moment it's my personal favorite course in NL. It is however a private members club, but they do allow greenfee players.
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