Long Open Letter to Cameron and Co - How true!

The letter is what it is. Starts gently with some general common sense then blames the woes of the country (although it was probably originally written by an American) on Islam. Nonsense of course.

That is not to say that we are not in a bit of a mess though. There is a lot that consecutive governments have got wrong and we are seeing the fallout now.

Blair, Brown and now Cameron have been and still are a long way short of an acceptable policy on health, benefits, manufacturing, taxation, immigration, defence, the media (BBC has a lot to answer for) and education. Although on the latter, unlike Tiger, I am actually encouraged by Gove's recent proposals on the return of O Levels.

To highlight this, I am tempted to share with you an email I got this morning from a young lad I interviewed for a role in my company yesterday. I have offered him a second interview but his response to accept was so badly written and spelled that I have subsequently told him he is out of the running.

And as stated above, the apathy that we have for politics is partly to blame. Low turnouts mean we get what we deserve.

It would all be different and much better if I was in charge.