Tour Winner
In support of divot.....I know where he is coming from, but I agree that even a good SW isn't quite as good at getting over those besker bunkers!! I think divot was referring to general shot game chips around the green.....??.....
In support of divot.....I know where he is coming from, but I agree that even a good SW isn't quite as good at getting over those besker bunkers!! I think divot was referring to general shot game chips around the green.....??.....
MVP,i was just trying to give him a we bit of advice, as you do with all that custom fit [****], why do you come on here and try and slag folk off when you dont like what they say.
Navada Bobs were selling the MD superstrong cobalt for £34.99. A great bargain at the best of times but these wedges get a tremendous write up in the golfing press.
Like brendy said IF he asked advice on playing shots around the green...but he didnt.. he asked for advice on a lob wedge.Brendy thats what i was trying to say to the guy that made the first post, but as usual mvp buts in, i think he is one of the guy,s with all the gear and sits in the clubhouse an talks a good game.
Just need to remember that they don't call it the blob wedge for nothing.
At least he isn't after a 64°. that would be silly.