Lateral Relief Stance


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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When asked about taking lateral relief (with a one shot penalty) when a player seems his ball unplayable, I say that what the player is doing is simply moving his ball to a position within two lengths of where it was at rest (reference pt). There is nothing in the rule for unplayable ball LR (19.2) that says the relief enables a stance to be taken (as opposed to situation when free relief is provided when the player stance comes into things).

The ball in the new position could still be unplayable, indeed the drop might have to be made into the same condition that made the ball unplayable in the first place, but that’s tough. The player can keep going taking further lateral relief drops (each with one shot penalty) until he determines that his ball is in a place from which he can take a stance and hit it.

Am I correct with my simple summary in bold. All lateral relief provides the player with is the opportunity to move his ball. Nothing else.

Of course the prospect of having to take multiple successive drops should make any player consider his other two relief options (three in a bunker)

Steven Rules

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Mar 18, 2022
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Clarification 19.2/1 covers this issue

No Guarantee Ball Will Be Playable After Taking Unplayable Ball Relief

When taking unplayable ball relief, a player must accept the outcome even if it is unfavourable, such as when a dropped ball comes to rest in its original location or in a bad lie in another location in the relief area:

*Once the dropped ball comes to rest in the relief area, the player has a new situation.

*If the player decides that they cannot (or do not wish to) play the ball as it now lies, the player may again take unplayable ball relief, for an additional penalty, using any available relief option under Rule 19.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Pedant warning.
It's not 'simply moving'. He has to drop the ball as specified in the Definition.

Was there an underlying issue for raising the question?
Yes. A players ball is in the boundary hedge behind a green but not OoB. The ball is unplayable.

The player cannot find a place two club lengths from his ball position (the reference point) clear of the hedge but not nearer the hole at which he can drop his ball - or even if he could he could not take a stance to play it towards the green. He asked me what was the ruling, he couldn’t go back in line with the flag as that took him OoB. He knew about going back to the tee. He asked for clarification as to whether there was anything he could do in respect of lateral relief, taking a drop for one penalty.

Rather than go into lots of different scenarios I reduced taking lateral relief to…

‘What you are doing when taking lateral relief is simply taking the option of moving your ball - nothing else’ (one shot penalty dropping within two club lengths of its reference point and not nearer the hole).

I know the ruling 🙄 - my question is about my simplification of explaining the rule for lateral relief, whatever the scenario, as I had never thought of it in the way I came up with and had never had it explained to me in that way.