Ladies day attitude problem


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Is it just me or does anybody else get the impression that on ladies day, they think they own the club outright and that men should be banished.

We have a closed tee between 10.00-13.30 on thursdays which everybody respects, however last week it was "bloody men taking over the course on our day" and today it was "these men can't wait to push in on ladies day"

Seems to me that there are some bloody almighty chips on shoulders.
No problems with Ladies at my course. It's the seniors that think that they own the place. They have their allocated day which is fair enough but they monopolise the 1st tee most days of the week between 7.30 and 9.30 and they give you funny looks when you turn up as if to say "what are you doing here shouldn't you be at work?. We are retired and are entitled to the tee ahead of you during the week". Rant over.
Hi mwj
Would be curious to know how many lady members yours has and roughly how many turn up. Presumably they can also play other times if they want to? Agree no reason they should feel they own the course (unless they actually do!)

It will also be interesting to see if any ladies respond to my GM article, or of it really is only men who read it (apart from me!)

Totally agree with Driverman. The women at Royal Ascot have Tuesday morning as their designated time and everyone knows that and therefore tee off either before the tee restrictions or after the ladies have gone out.

THe women are very respectful and whenever they are out and I have been playing either as a single or in a group (not just Tuesdays) they are always very willing to let people through.

The seniors however are a different breed. There are a number of greedies (small societies within the club) that tee off at the same time every week. They don't have pre booked times but they have a habit of sending one 4 ball and one other out and then take forever for the first group to tee off.

You go out and see one fourball and think thats not too bad by which time another couple have drifted out. The first group wait until a 2nd fourball has congregated. Then you think you will follow and suddenly another group will appear and the single has been saving the spot for his cronies. In the end you end up behind 3 or 4 fourballs. We have complained and the committee has told them that they cannot save the tee and should let people ready to play through but it falls on deaf (literally in some cases ) ears.

Even when you are on the course they have no intention of letting other groups through even when it is clear the course ahead is empty and there are some of their own cronies queing on tees.

Then in the clubhouse because they are there most days they have this superior attitude about them as though they have some sort of divine right to be served first etc.

Strangely you never see many of them in the medals and stablefords when other members are around, particularly those who are sticklers for the rules. They get so use to giving each other free drops and 3 foot putts.

I'm not against all the seniors at my club just certain cliques. They know who they are!!!
Ali, we have a large ladies section at the club which is a good thing in my eyes as golf shouldn't be just one big boys club.

The problem is a certain clique of 20 or so. They are terrible to be honest, they slag off the course (then talk about only making an 8 on a par 4), the staff, the management, the facilities etc and quite often they back-stab each other.

Driverman/Homer, I know what you fellas mean about the seniors, the same faces at the same time for god knows how long so I have been told.

In response to your question there must be at least 20 regulars every Tuesday and at least another 10-20 who play at weekends particularly in competitions.

I haven't played with any of them (except the odd Texas scramble every year) but they all seem friendly when you see them in the clubhouse and at social events. Actually now I think about it there even one or two lookers (note to self don't let Marge see this post!!)

They are always courteous on the course and unlike medwayjohn they are normally fairly complimentary about the course (I think they realise their golfing limitations so if they get an 8 so what!!)
"They are terrible to be honest, they slag off the course (then talk about only making an 8 on a par 4), the staff, the management, the facilities etc and quite often they back-stab each other."

Ah, just like the men then!

We no longer have "Ladies Day" that's all history now. The ladies are ordinary members and pay the same full subs as any male ordinary member. Yes there's still dissent from some of the gents who used to tee off at 6.30 on a saturday and now can't because the ladies have the tee until 11am for one of their cometitions, but , it's 2008 and times have moved on. If they pay the fee then fair enough.
"We no longer have "Ladies Day" that's all history now. The ladies are ordinary members and pay the same full subs as any male ordinary member. Yes there's still dissent from some of the gents who used to tee off at 6.30 on a saturday and now can't because the ladies have the tee until 11am for one of their cometitions, but , it's 2008 and times have moved on. If they pay the fee then fair enough.

Sounds good to me. Just checking where you're from - ah, I should have known!

"bloody men taking over the course on our day" and today it was "these men can't wait to push in on ladies day"

It sounds like the lady making these comments was more than likely a feminist with her period.... :D :D :D

On a serious note i've never had a problem with any of the women members at my course....i find them polite and respectful ;)
"We no longer have "Ladies Day" that's all history now. The ladies are ordinary members and pay the same full subs as any male ordinary member. Yes there's still dissent from some of the gents who used to tee off at 6.30 on a saturday and now can't because the ladies have the tee until 11am for one of their cometitions, but , it's 2008 and times have moved on. If they pay the fee then fair enough.

Sounds good to me. Just checking where you're from - ah, I should have known!


Agreed. Having these antiquated cliques only promotes a division that has no place in 2008.

The foostie old duffers cliques need breaking up as well- if anything they're even more infuriating than the manhaters.

I chose my current club very carefully with this in mind. No one gets privilages, anyone plays when a tee time is available and there's no band of crusty old f@rts carving the place up by their own inbred parameters.

The only slight dividing line that exists is between members and non-members and that's one I fully support. Ive paid my subs. and get a few more options about tee booking for doing so.

Having said that in MWJ's case the 'hardcore' of lady members would probably be devastated if you robbed them of their once weekly chance to throw mud.

I think in clubs with these deeply entrenched almost sectarian-like divisions could do a lot worse than chuck the whole blinkin' lot of them out and re-write the constitution. Such behaviour is killing clubs ,putting off members and sending out all the wrong messages to outsiders looking in.

Many may be happy having to 'wet the beak' (from a well known gangster flim) of some degenerate numptie in order to play on a saturday morning but for me? - no thanks.

It cuts both ways ladies and gentlemen, it cuts both ways.

I don't think we suffer from any of these problems, at least I've never seen or been involved in any. Ladies traditionally play Tuesdays for their medals and Seniors Wednesdays but the first tee is usually free by mid-day.

Got to say though I find this 'I find them all very polite and respectful' stuff a bit weird. What are they supposed to do, curtsey? Surely not in their hobble skirts!
As I'm not a member of a club, I can't say too much about ladies days but I'm not sure where all the stuff about ladies being slow, not very good, and always grumbling about men, courses, committees etc. There's plenty of men I could name who do all that. And judging by the h/c info in people's signatures, I reckon my Ma (no doubt amongst others) could take most of us apart in less time than it takes her to run up a pair of cutains
Mercifully no such problems at my club: we have two courses, the short flat one ("Wee Course") is played by juniors, seniors, ladies and those just starting to play the game. The "Big Course" is too hilly and difficult for many and I can honestly say that in 11 years of membership I have never seen a lady golfer play it. In practice, the Wee Course is frequently busier than the Big course. Which is, quite frankly, great !
A few years back, my wife and I played with friends at one of the more upmarket courses on the NW side of the city. As it was a hot summer sunday afternoon, my wife was wearing tailored shorts, not a problem at most courses at that time of year. Our friend had to go into the clubhouse to ask if this was acceptable as he's not the sort who would wear shorts on the course (unless on holiday abroad!). He was informed that since there were no lady members, there were no rules as to how ladies should dress on the course, as a consequence the shorts were acceptable !

Just as well since she had no long trousers with her that day.