Just some final thoughts on the Solheim Cup.


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 5, 2009
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Wie was fully entitled to ask for the ruling on the GUR, it was the rules official who made the mistake. By the way she is 19(20 in October) so I think that is young enough to still be called young. Personally I thought some of her golf was the best of the tournament, her long iron play was superb.

6 hours for a round of golf, having played a round similar in time quite recently I can say that this is far too long. I think they have got to stop this caddie lining you up malarkey. It used to be on the putting green but now we have it on the tee, fairways, hazards etc. I mean who is playing the shot the golfer or the caddie? And what’s the thing with both the golfer and caddie having the A to Z of Rich Harvest Farm, just to find out you are 127 or 128 yards from the pin.
There was one point on Sunday when the European player was asked to play first by the rules official even though both the players and the caddies said that the American was further away. ?

Now to the Americans!! I have had many many holidays in the USA, I have even been there on their National Day of 4th July a couple of times and taken all the jibes from them, and yes they get many things wrong, but one thing you can not take away from them is the love of their country.
I have spoken to a guy who didn’t know if he had work the next day and how he was going to put food on the table for his wife and 6 month old baby, and I have spoken to an ex military guy who was having a new $1.1 million dollar home built in Tennessee but the one thing they had in common was their love of their country. It’s a pity that a lot of the people in this country haven’t got the same love for this country.

Yes some of the antics of Kim and Wie was questionable, but let’s not take away from them the love of their country. Our problem is that the European team is made up of players from a number of different countries so you are not going to get that same feeling of I’m doing it for my country. Let’s face it who thinks of themselves as European? Or are we British, English, Scottish, Welsh etc. How many other sports do we have a European team.

Agree with someone’s (sorry cant remember who) comments about Matthews I thought she was absolutely brilliant. Does anyone else thinks that she looks and acts like Tom Watson?

Finally, I would just like to say that I enjoyed the event, I don’t know whether its live sport or that the big underdog went to the home of the overwhelming favourites and up to an hour from the end nearly came away with trophy.
I think I’m just a sucker for live sport and this funny game we all love.

Bring on Celtic Manor!!!


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Ok, so here's my thoughts on it.

Why can't the Europeans play singles? 8 all going into the final day, and with 2 hours to go there is blue all over the board, but they can't close it out. Laura Davies particularly. Why? 3 up and lost.

Kim, munter, enough said.

Wie? Played great golf. One of the few who could get any action when hitting into the greens. It is only a matter of time now before she finally delivers a win in a tournament. May be her advisors have finally got it right.

Play was far too slow. By miles. A joke.

Why did they all play with a small hard backed book in their rear pocket? Can't be comfortable, and there must be room in that great big tour bag for that book.

Didn't like the war paint. Looked stupid. Didn't like all the running about with flags either. Ditto for looking stupid.

Why hold it on a course where there are only 50 members, and you can't play it? Ditto Loch Lomond and also the Masters. This doesn't promote the sport in the right image, and makes it look knobby and exclusive. There must be other suitable courses in the US for this event.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Now to the Americans!! I have had many many holidays in the USA, I have even been there on their National Day of 4th July a couple of times and taken all the jibes from them, and yes they get many things wrong, but one thing you can not take away from them is the love of their country.
I have spoken to a guy who didn’t know if he had work the next day and how he was going to put food on the table for his wife and 6 month old baby, and I have spoken to an ex military guy who was having a new $1.1 million dollar home built in Tennessee but the one thing they had in common was their love of their country. It’s a pity that a lot of the people in this country haven’t got the same love for this country.

Yes some of the antics of Kim and Wie was questionable, but let’s not take away from them the love of their country.

The "love of their country" is without question. The Yanks are one of the (if not THE) most patriotic people on earth.
But does that give them the right to scream and holler the way they do????
I love my country. If I ever get the chance to go and watch a Ryder Cup I will.
But I won't behave like them. No way. Not unless I was sooo pissed I didn't know what I was doing. And then I'd deserve to get lobbed out on my ear. I've been on holiday to the States and love the country (and people) to bits.
Just a shame that events like this are spoilt by the minority.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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The whole thing was awful IMO. All the atmosphere was contrived by either the players themselves whooping and hollering or by some inbreds (European & American) handing out song sheets which made it sound like a school sports day. War paint, ribbons, stamps on the ball...yawn.

Whilst there was some scintilating shots played by both sides over the piece, was anyone else amazed by the frequency of shots that would be commonplace in a Sunday roll up??

Fats, thins, tops they were all on show. I think it was Inkster that "hit" a fairway wood so close to the shaft that it shot off just missing her left foot!!

Luckily the Ashes highlights were on the other side. Solheim cup should be a novelty sport akin to monkey tennis :D


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I think they can be excussed the odd poor shot mate, the pressure to perform in front of the crowd must be immense.

That said, they were still laying up on a 470 yard par 5. Why? Most of them could have made it, and most who laid up subsequently made a hash of it.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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We're not talking about poor shots here though Murph. A poor shot for even an "ordinary" club pro is one that isn't flushed or is pushed/ pulled. These were Sunday morning golf shots, a single figure amateur would be horrified to hit one never mind a pro at the top of their sport.


Head Pro
Aug 21, 2008
Louth, Ireland
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my thoughts... :D

-Wie was fully entitled to ask for a ruling on the GUR from the referee and whatever he/she said Wie would almost have abide by.

-I think USA won because of the immense support they had from the spectators and the team spirit. Although it would have been tough for Europe to get supporters over to the US they could have at least shown some team spirit. Although I have to admit the face painting was a bit excessive

-I didn't think it was very well covered...I couldn't find much about it online or live scoring :D

I hope we can show some support next time when it comes to Ireland in 2011 :D


I think big Laura played the last 2 holes like a 36 handicapper and her demise ruined any slim chance the Europeans had. Blame 100% at her door given her vast experience.

Matthews was awesome all week, her general play and overall performance was truely professional and it was just nice to watch her go about her business letting the golf do the talking.

As for Kim, I wouldnt p1$$ on her if she was on fire, just cant stand her loud brash look at me attitude, how people can say that shes good for the game is beyond me, she degrades the ladies game if you ask me.

Finally onto Miss Creamer, its always a pleasure to see Paula.


Tour Winner
Feb 9, 2009
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Before the event started i was quite looking forward to watching a couple hours in the evening. When those stupid Yanks started their whoopin' and hollerin' That was it for me. They looked and acted like a bunch of schoolgirls....pathetic for supposedly professional sportspeople.

I thought it sent womens golf back years , awful event


Before the event started i was quite looking forward to watching a couple hours in the evening. When those stupid Yanks started their whoopin' and hollerin' That was it for me. They looked and acted like a bunch of schoolgirls....pathetic for supposedly professional sportspeople.

I thought it sent womens golf back years , awful event

Its no worse than the Yanks on their own patch at the Ryder Cup. Its part of their make-up. Kim was the Boo Weekly of the Yanks side and to be honest its gone boyond a joke.

The spirit of the game has been eroded.


Assistant Pro
Jun 25, 2009
West Lothian
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Kim's dancing on the first tee and gesturing to the crowd to make noise and cheer was more like a concert than a game of Golf.

It reminded me of what happened after Leonard holed that put in 99 at the Country Club - Just at all times - on every hole - after every shot etc. Running about hip bumping and high fiving for no reason!!

It's almost like they had to do something to make it exciting as the Ryder Cup. As the standard of golf isn't as good as the Ryder Cup they made it in to one big carnival.

Watched very little as it was one of the most annoying things I've ever seen on TV.

As for the face paint - i didn't realise the USA team was full of 5 year old children!!


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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What was it with the chants on the 1st tee?? It was like a brownie camp!

2 things struck me from the limited time I spent watching it.

1)The majority played like fannies.
2)The majority acted like fannies both on the course and in the crowd.

And reason 1 is why I wouldn't cross my road to watch split arses playing golf.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I thought the event as good but not spectacular. I found the whole first tee thing shallow and embarrising on both sides. There was some pretty good golf, and a lot of bad played and thought the venue was pretty suited to the event.

I thought Wie was a revelation in the way she played and acted and hope that now she is a young lady she'll have the courage to make her own decisions, get a good management organisation and won't let her misguided (at best) parents push her into Mens events etc

I thought the singles showed the lack of depth in European golf. Matthews looked a class above (and a new mum as well) and I though the Tom Watson analogy was pretty good. Davis was erratic all week but with her experience should never have had anything but a win from that position.

I think womens golf as a spectacle needs to attract a bigger audience and six hour rounds and caddy's lining putts and full shots up isn't going to do that. It needs to be outlawed from the game at all levels. As for US jingoism, its what we've come to expect. They are fiercely proud of their country and I've no problem with that but they need to realise that there is a time and a place, and running all over greens hollering because you've made a putt for a half (Kim) isn't it. Sadly the atmosphere will only continue in the same vein everytime the Ryder and Solheim cups are played in the States so you'd be better offf watching with the sound off


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 14, 2009
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Isnt this the type of behaviour we have come to expect from that former colony? This happens at the Ryder cup each time its played over there,yet we applaud them when they hit a good shot etc. Will we lower ourselves to there level or are we above that and show a genuine respect for the game and its traditions.

I personally am now at a crossroads reguarding this issue,i will be at Celtic Manor next year and i find myself leaning towards 'Americanisation' in my support of Monty and the team.


Dodger, you may be trying to stir up a hornets nest with your constant snipes and grypes at womans golf however your term "split arse" is just derogatory and uncalled for. Its not a nice term and would like you or the mods to edit it.

This has nothing to do with PC crap which overtook the foxy thread.

Big and clever; it is neither and has no place on a public forum which has both has male and female posters.


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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It appears totally PC....why mention it then Craw if it aint? Re the females ability to play this great game professionaly that's my opinion and I aint apologising for it,womens golf is dreadful to watch end of.

Re my termanology I am sorry if it upsets you but for christ sake come on...you canny have much to worry about if this is upseting you.