Is a GPS device going against the spirit of golf.

At every level of golf you need to know the distance to the target and how far in the conditions you hit your various clubs. The gps or laser just gives that information easier than pacing, yardage books etc. I have used measuring devices since the first day they were allowed and would never play without. It is a nonsense to say that they are against the "spirit" of the game as (in most) golf clubs they are perfectly legal - every member can use one if they want and I dont see "spirit" superseeding "the rules".

Finally, when I first got my laser (I have both gps and laser now, and use one or the other) I did a check between peoples visualisation of distances to the reality and, in most cases, the estimated distances were often around 20 yards out and for me thats about one and a half clubs.

I heard Colin Montgaomerie telling some playing partners in a Pro Am a while back that in a short while the Pro's will be using them in competition too as it will speed up play.

I am pretty much blind in one eye. This makes judging distances harder for me.

If I play against you, will you wear a blind fold to level the field?

The world is not a fair place. Yes, GPS gives an accurate yardage, at a price, and some can't (won't) afford it. Some are happy guessing yardages, some not. Some can afford the latest driver etc, some can't. Some can afford Prov1 balls, some can't. Some are talented, some aren't. Some have lessons (cheats) some don't, some practice (bigger cheats), some don't.

Unless you are going to standardise all the kit, practice sessions (like F1), lessons (free for every one?), so no one has any advantage, you are not going to have a level playing field. It is impossible.

Why single out gps?

Excellent post Murph.
Would you like to explain why, as it seems im alienating myself here for having an opinion or opening a discussion.

Not sure I can! It's just a feeling really, I'm playing golf primarily against myself, yes i like to play for a couple of quid but its how I do compared to how i've previously done that matters to me.
I switch the phone off, the blackberry off and its me my clubs & the course.

I wouldn't mind playing with someone who used one, although if it was anyone I knew they would get the p taken!
It might be to do with the standard I am currently at, but tbh even when i get down to single figures :cool: i don't think that will change

I also want to be able to do it myself, not have my phone tell me which club to use, like i wouldn't want my playing partner to tell me which club to use.
Finally, when I first got my laser (I have both gps and laser now, and use one or the other) I did a check between peoples visualisation of distances to the reality and, in most cases, the estimated distances were often around 20 yards out and for me thats about one and a half clubs.

this i would definately agree on, and this is sort of my point. Yesturday me and one of the others were going off course markers that effectively are incorrect. On regular occasions one of us would either come up short or bundle through the green.

Now we were going of yardage markers, and the other 2 (one a mid 20's capper) would never ever be long or short. direct was he's issue but he would 99% of the time be pin high or there abouts.

I think clubs need to relook at markers now and maybe use a skycaddie to replot 150 markers for sure as some times 150 from one side of the fairway is 180 from the other side. If GPS is an accurate way of measuring distances, i do see no reason why clubs can use one to put in 200, 150, 100, 50 yard markers on the course. Instead is seems its now left to the memebrs to either by their own measuring devices or play with inaccurate distance markers

Maybe this is actually my beef.
I don't get the pride in getting a yardage correct. Especially if the resulting shot is junk.

Surely the pride should be in hitting the correct shot?
...... high h/capper?

yes :o, for now ;)

Have average handicaps come down since gps/laser guns etc?

For the people that use them?.... yes, probably. Just like strokesavers probably help people that use them. I can't be difinitive with my reply as I haven't interviewed every player that uses one, but I think you'll be hard pushed to find many low h/cappers who think they are against the spirit of the game.
I don't get the pride in getting a yardage correct. Especially if the resulting shot is junk.

Surely the pride should be in hitting the correct shot?

well you could look on it a perfect 8 iron from an incorrect distance is neither here nor there. If you beleive with the course markers your hitting from 145 (chose an 8 iron) no matter how sweet it is if your 3 yards through in the crap the shot was to no avail.
Definitely not against the spirit. It is available to all in the same way as yardage markers and strokesavers and so the decision is with the individual. If you can afford one why would you want to make the game even harder by not knowing accurately how far to go. I am all for a challenge but high and medium handicappers need as much help as they can get. My SC is invaluable from 100 yards and in for getting the right wedge
I'd be interested to know whether those who are against the use of GPS devices actually have a SatNav in their cars, or do they prefer to do it the old way with maps?....

'Driving like it should be' :D
I don't get the pride in getting a yardage correct. Especially if the resulting shot is junk.

Surely the pride should be in hitting the correct shot?

I have a hard job in understanding the logic in this statement. I don’t get any pride in knowing the yardage; I don’t know anyone else who does either. It just makes club selection easier. Now, if you hit a good or bad shot, well that in the hands of the golfer.
For the people that use them?.... yes, probably. Just like strokesavers probably help people that use them. I can't be difinitive with my reply as I haven't interviewed every player that uses one, but I think you'll be hard pushed to find many low h/cappers who think they are against the spirit of the game.

I'm not saying they are against the 'spirit' at all.
Just that they are not for me. I want to develop judgement not rely on a machine - it's quite obvious that people using them get very attached - i can do without that thanks!
I'm pretty sure it's not incorrect yardage assessments that are the reason I'm at 28 - although I have had a few good rounds lately - probably should be about 26 now (see my other post, got a lot of info backlogged to be processed (quite happy to use a machine for that ;))) is that a mid-handicapper yet?
When I first took up the game, clubs were blades, putters were short, and there weren't yardage markers on the courses I played, at least.

When I got back into it a couple of years ago, people were using hybrids, long putters, drivers the size of a house.

Rediculous, I thought.

But I use them all, because they make the game more fun.

I'm still rubbish, but I enjoy the game as much, if not more, than ever.

Use the GPS, and enjoy it.

I have checked the yardage markers at my club, and most are pretty accurate. That said, some of them play short, even though the yardage is correct, so local knowledge still comes into it, and anyone playing that hole would think the marker was wrong.

There is no excuse for courses having the markers wrong. I doubt if many are though.

I bought my GPS because when I played at Princes, the marks on the fairway are coded to the stroke saver. The pro shop lost a sales opportunity, by not selling me a stroke saver, and I didn't enjoy my round as much as I should have done as a result. Being a links it has no trees to judge scale etc, I found guessing impossible. No fun at all thinking 4i or 8i?

I have also played RCD, where they haven't let SkyCaddie map it. Again, very hard to judge distances, as there are no fairway markings. You are supposed to hire a caddy, but at £160, a round is expensive enough without spending more on a bag carrier. Yes, you get a stroke saver, but counting yardage from the front of a bunker is fine if you know which bunker you are standing beside. At RCD, this is not an easy thing to work out.

Each to their own, but most I know who have tried one, have not switched back to not using one. Smiffy aside. And we all know what a knob he is.
I don't get the pride in getting a yardage correct. Especially if the resulting shot is junk.

Surely the pride should be in hitting the correct shot?

I have a hard job in understanding the logic in this statement. I don’t get any pride in knowing the yardage; I don’t know anyone else who does either. It just makes club selection easier. Now, if you hit a good or bad shot, well that in the hands of the golfer.

This was aimed at the 'I like to work out my yardages myself' guys. What's the point?
Hi mate,

I play off 24 and use a caddylite, so far I would say it has not lowered my h/c but has enabled me to pick the correct club for the distance that is displayed, I have no doubt that when/if I ever hit the ball proper for a round then this with the information that the distance is correct will work to help solve that problem.

I like the GPS as it means I have even less to think about when I am unsure of the distance left. As for not everyone being able to afford them , that is the same for most things. I just saved and i am glad that I got one.

I do see where your coming from , but there are so many things that people use now compared to the old days that help them.

Cheers and happy golfing mate
