Iron striking drills - need consistency


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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Just wanted to update this thread a bit. I've ben working hard on the things mentioned and I'm seeing a definite improvement in my striking, there's still the odd bad one (obviously) but its probably closer to 75% clean contacts compared to the 50% it was before, and I'm taking a few divots (some are even behind the ball!;) ) so its definitley going in the right direction.
One thing I am struggling with though is the left wrist cock. Been trying to flatten it but it just feels wrong (probably after so many years of cocking the wrist). When I try it I tend to pull the ball left of target. Is it something worth perservering with? Are there any real benefits further down the road or is it more a case of if its not too broken than don't fix it?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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One thing I am struggling with though is the left wrist cock. Been trying to flatten it but it just feels wrong (probably after so many years of cocking the wrist). When I try it I tend to pull the ball left of target. Is it something worth perservering with? Are there any real benefits further down the road or is it more a case of if its not too broken than don't fix it?

good to hear you having some progress in a good direction

you meaning you feeling some difficulty in 'setting' the hands/the lead wrist as a moving part of the backswing around the area of the hands just past the trail thigh ?

which then in turn has having the lead wrist/back of lead hand more in flat condition at the top somewhat difficult ?

or is it more halfways down in the downswing where the lead wrist tends to be still a ways to 'cupped' (extended) rather than be more flat to a tad bowed (flexed to pronated)

'cupped' (extended) lead wrist in the backswing/top of swing/downswing is going to have the club face in some degrees of 'open'
folks can play and manage the ball flight with a 'cupped'(extended) lead wrist - all of a matter how they manage the motion overall

as to why you are having some issues with it fraid as often with golf could be a bunch of contributing factors

- could be around how the grip hold is made in both hands so for instance could be that the trail hand is working more to prevent the flatter lead wrist condition as for the lead wrist to be 'flatter' the trail hand has to hinge backwards on itself a tad
- could be how the arms move as they go back as there has to be a small amount of rotation (or supination) in the trail forearm
- along with that to get to the top the trail shoulder also is then working to externally rotate (by that meaning the trail shoulder goin back to the top stays 'flat' or 'open' as opposed to the trail shoulder being 'hunched in' (internally rotated) in the backswing to the top

if you getting much better strike conditions as you are doin then would keep working to the drills & build on that - having a flatter lead condition is more desirable as it's easier then to produce better impact conditions (all other things in a swing motion being equally well 'in place')

would look at whether it could be anything to do with the trail hand working to prevent the lead hand being flatter
remember too that both hands work a tad differently in 'setting' if you look at that the lead hand the main setting motion is the 'thumb' working directly upwards so the focus of the movement is from the 'snuff box' joint in the wrist at the base of the thumb pad put your trail index finger on wrist at base of thumb & you can feel a tad of a hollowed 'box'
so if you at address with just the lead hand on the 'set' of the lead wrist just lifts the club head vertical towards you

the trail hand though is hinging back on itself a tad in when the lead hand set starts to take place (so more like the way folks would move a paint brush horizontal stroke on a wall say)


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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good to hear you having some progress in a good direction

you meaning you feeling some difficulty in 'setting' the hands/the lead wrist as a moving part of the backswing around the area of the hands just past the trail thigh ?

which then in turn has having the lead wrist/back of lead hand more in flat condition at the top somewhat difficult ?

I think this is it, I get to the top of the backswing and the wrist just wants to cup. I think the problem is where it feels so unnatural to keep a flat wrist I end up concentrating so hard on that I forget about the weight shift and go back to square one. I'll keep working at it over the winter but I think I'll concentrate on getting the weight moving forward so its ingrained then worry about the wrist position.
Thanks again for the advice!