Interesting times for our club.


Tour Winner
May 8, 2012
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A couple of weeks ago the pro at our club announced he was leaving as he had been made an offer he couldn't refuse at another club. As he's an independent pro the transition was very quick and he left last Wednesday. He was a great teacher and friend to myself and many others at the club with many of us wondering how long it would take to get a new pro.
Well last Friday I got a call from one of the clubs proprietors to tell me they had found a new pro and the kids lessons would go ahead at the same time as usual. Unfortunately Natalie was doing a mini triathlon for sport relief on Saturday morning so wasn't going but I took an hour to myself in the afternoon to hit some balls on the range and the new pro, Richard, was still there.
The first thing I noticed was his car, strange I know, as it had the name of the club our previous pro had left for. The second thing I noticed when I went in was stock of clubs in the pro shop, which we haven't had for a few years as the shop was run by the club not the pro and they didn't have the knowledge to fit or sell clubs effectively.
When I went out to the range he was giving a lesson to another member and kept an ear on his teaching methods as well as practicing what I wanted to. I liked the way he was talking to the member and how he was teaching him too.
After I had finished practicing Fay, one of the owners, introduced me to Richard and we chatted as me and the lads I play with had a beer.
On Sunday I popped up for another range session as I didn't have time to play a game with jobs to do on the car. When I finished Richard was there setting up the pro shop which is small but he was making good use of the space.
He showed me the lines he has in at the moment including IJP clothing, Royal and Awsome trousers (already eyeing up a pair of those when I have enough in vouchers!) Callaway clubs and his Ping fitting outfit. His prices are very good being cheaper than buying direct from Royal and Awsome and IJP directly.
He has some good plans for lessons including mens group lessons, winter evening lessons when the range has had it's refurb and wanting to get out and play with members when he can. He is also bringing new people to the club as he has a good amount of people he gives lessons to who will be coming to the club for lessons and he hopes to get some the them to join the club.
We also chatted about Tuesday night roll ups as I've been told I'm organising it again this year which he is intending to attend some of and we have organised a reduction on green fees for non members that take lessons with him to join in.
It's a shame we have lost Phil as he was doing a great job and was a good friend to many of the members but Richard seems to have a good plan on how he wants to do things and the owners seem to be happy to back him.
All in all it's an interesting time for the club.

Sid Rixon IV

Head Pro
Jul 22, 2013
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"Royal and Awsome trousers (already eyeing up a pair of those when I have enough in vouchers!)"

In the words of John McEnroe "You cannot be serious!" :eek:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 15, 2012
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I was thinking the same Sid, have seen a few pairs of these but not sure I could pull them off.

This sounds like the new pro has good ideas and ambition, hopefully the members will get on board with what he is doing. If they do sounds like it could be good times


Tour Winner
Jul 22, 2011
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Interesting .....
Good to see a pro doing well for himself getting himself involved with club stuff I like that to be honest

Good luck to the bloke


Tour Winner
May 8, 2012
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"Royal and Awsome trousers (already eyeing up a pair of those when I have enough in vouchers!)"

In the words of John McEnroe "You cannot be serious!" :eek:

Oh yes I am and oh yes I will wear them!

The only time you won't pull off wearing them is when you think you can't.
Be confident and wear them with pride. I will.

Deleted member 15344

Oh yes I am and oh yes I will wear them!

The only time you won't pull off wearing them is when you think you can't.
Be confident and wear them with pride. I will.

They look great

I have a blue and white pair of shorts from r&a

Good luck to your new pro - sounds like you have a good one


Tour Winner
May 8, 2012
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I really hope he is as good as he seems to be. A few people have said he's a bit cocky but I like that in people, it means he's confident and knows what he wants to do. If he can help guide the club in a positive direction then that's fine by me.
I do everything I can for the club partly as I love the club and secondly I have known the owners since I moved to Cornwall, they have given me work when I've needed it and have always treated me well. I try to help anyone that I can and giving what I can back to the club helps a lot of people at the same time.
I'll keep you updated as to how he gets on.


Tour Rookie
Aug 18, 2011
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I really wish our club would get a pro...

Hope it works out for you guys, certainly seems as though his intentions are spot on.


Tour Winner
May 8, 2012
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Thought I would give a little update on how things are going with the new pro.
Where to start?
I think i'll start with how he is getting on with the juniors. Well he has gone from 5 to 15 juniors on a Saturday morning in 3 weeks which is pretty good. My two daughters who go like the way he teaches and what he is teaching them with both making good improvements in their basic swings.
He has also kitted out the pro shop with some great products and has a Ping and Cleveland fitting units with a few players at the club already having fittings. He has a putter station in there as well which is great for a bit of practice when the weather doesn't permit course time. He has some great offers on gear with a large selection of gloves and hats coming in soon.
This is all his money making stuff I know but he has been working with the green keepers and owners extensively to improve the course. Unlike Phil our previous pro who would make suggestions as to how to improve the course Richard is getting out there and showing them. He is working around the course rebuilding all the bunkers to a much higher standard, he's having the club fill in a bunker that does nothing for the course, introducing drop zones in the right places and having them change some of the staking on some of the water hazards.
He's already showing pride in the course and wants to make it the best he can for the club and members.
I hope the owners look after this one better than they have the last couple of pros we have had as he really wants to make a go of getting the club to where he thinks it can with the return of the short course championship and possible a short course pro-am or two each year.
From the things we heard to the reality of the guy are like chalk and cheese. He really is working hard for the club and the members.


Tour Winner
May 8, 2012
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Would be interesting to hear how the club where your old pro went to is getting on. As it sounds like you've had a straight swap.

He was promised the earth but doesn't seem to be getting much of what was promised.
They have built a driving range but it's not finished yet when they promised it would be ready for Easter. It's also too short for men to hit a wood on as it goes onto one of the holes. There's no power to the range, there are no sides to it which is quiet important as they are ment to be putting in a flightscope etc for him.
I am very happy with the progress Richard is making and hope it continues for a long time to come.