'Interesting' Email conversation. Warning - long 'rant'!


Nov 16, 2011
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Thought you might be interested with the attitude of the Manager of Sutton Green Golf Club after the incident I had on Wednesday.

Here's the body of the correspondence:

<Me to him>

As I have done several times recently, I contacted your Pro Shop with a view to playing a round as a visitor this evening.

Having been assured the course was 'not busy' I rolled just after 5 to be faced with quite a queue for the first tee. However, the 10th seemed fairly free and I wandered there along with a couple of members (Wayne and Simon) who kindly let me join up.

Unfortunately, we then experienced that most hated of experiences - the slow 4-ball that won't let quicker groups through and won't even acknowledge the group behind's existence! This one comprised 3 elderly gentleman and a lady and we were waiting on every shot bar 3!

There was absolutely no need to hold us up the way they did! It took 2 hrs 20 to play our front 9 and 1 hr 40 to play the back - and we only just managed to finish before dark. The ignorance of these members has left a distinctly poor taste and I shall certainly be considering carefully visiting again! If I do, I would like some assurance that the message that such poor golfing etiquette is unacceptable has been relayed to those responsible.


<His Reply>

The course was not busy by comparison to many courses like hoebridge, we just had a few groups out.

Starting at the 10th put you behind golfers more than half way round, who had organised a golfing day.

It is a shame not all golfers call faster matches through, but i disagree with many of your comments and the position you feel Sutton green should adjust for you.

Many thanks

Bernard White
Sutton Green GC

<Me to him>


I am a little surprised with your response!

I don't expect SGGC to adjust to suit me - simply to stress the Etiquette area of The Rules to visitors (and members). You could check with the members I had the pleasure to play with and they will confirm that there was never another group within several holes in front of the offending group.

The Pro Shop could also confirm the situation, as I commented similarly after playing the 15th (didn't have my phone with me, otherwise I would have deemed it appropriate to call from the course!). Even after doing so, we still had to wait for them to leave the 17th Tee and they were so slow that we had to wait to Drive on the 17th (and 18th like all the other holes) as well!

Now I have no real issue with slow players - as long as they let quicker groups through. Your response gives me no confidence that that is likely to happen should a similar situation arise. It is the difference between having a pleasant 3 hour round and a decidedly unpleasant nearly 5 hour one!

It is, indeed, a shame that some golfers don't apply the specified Etiquette, but very disappointing to observe that your attitude seems to be to simply shrug this scourge! You have cost your club money by doing so!

Which of my comments did you disagree with - and why?


<his Reply>

I have many members and visitors to look after – most adhere to etiquette and speed of play. They did not this time, but your attitude is out of context to the problem in my opinion.

Bernard White

<me to him>


Thanks for your reply, which I somehow missed for a couple of days.

I've estimated that in the last 6 weeks or so, I've spent around £100 as a , 'low maintenance' visitor - you haven't had to 'look after' me at any time.

It restricts/inconveniences me slightly, but I shall be selecting one of your 'competitors' for future Golf expenditure this year.

I shall also be loading the bodies of our correspondence onto a couple of Golf forums, so that others are aware of the way you 'look after visitors'.

<his reply>

You correspondence is out of context for the incident – you got held up on the golf course, it happens at every golf club every day – thank you for the threats about online and I trust you will encounter no one holding you up ever again at other courses.

Bernard White
Sutton green gc

<end of correspondence>

As far as I can recall, this has been the first time I've written to a club with anything other than positive comments. I never expected to be offered compensation - though had mentioned that I'd be demanding my money back, if we failed to finish before dark, when I nipped to the Pro Shop to notify them of the problem.

Seems to show that at least 1 club seems to consider slow play 'par for the course' and not something that should be specifically chased!


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Exactly what did you expect him to do? He can't be on the course at every hole to ensure other groups let faster groups through. You had a bad experience, whether you go back is up to you.

P.S. Since when did 2 hr 20 mins and 1 hr 40 minutes equate to nearly 5 hours?

P.P.S Last time I played at Sutton Green my group was informed by a member in the group behind (but not having to wait on any shot) that he expects to be let through shortly as members have priority on the course. I politely told him that he would be allowed to play through should the need arise and was told to have more respect for the members of the club. I haven't been back and since and have no intention of doing so.
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Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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Wow. I think you may have gone a bit overboard. Did it really merit such a tirade? Your emails read quite patronising. Maybe you p*ssed him off.


Nov 16, 2011
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Exactly what did you expect him to do? He can't be on the course at every hole to ensure other groups let faster groups through. You had a bad experience, whether you go back is up to you.

While I agree partially, his attitude appears to be that this is simply part of golf - no need for the club to do anything about it.

P.S. Since when did 2 hr 20 mins and 1 hr 40 minutes equate to nearly 5 hours?

They were for the 2 9s! Double that for the 18-hole pace.

Exactly what did you expect him to do? He can't be on the course at every hole to ensure other groups let faster groups through. You had a bad experience, whether you go back is up to you.

P.S. Since when did 2 hr 20 mins and 1 hr 40 minutes equate to nearly 5 hours?

P.P.S Last time I played at Sutton Green my group was informed by a member in the group behind (but not having to wait on any shot) that he expects to be let through shortly as members have priority on the course. I politely told him that he would be allowed to play through should the need arise and was told to have more respect for the members of the club. I haven't been back and since and have no intention of doing so.



Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Wow. I think you may have gone a bit overboard. Did it really merit such a tirade? Your emails read quite patronising. Maybe you p*ssed him off.

Still very bad management IMO , something like

I am very sorry to hear of your experience at our club and would like to assure you it is not a common experience , we like all clubs do have some issues with slow play tho thankfully it doesnt happen very often , and i apologise it has effected you this time on your visit . i will indeed endevour to contact the member you joined up and investigate this further

As for the delay on the 1st tee when you contacted us it was a quiet day, it seems a few others had the same idea as yourself for an evening game and unfortunately all seemed to arrive at the same time ..

Thankfully most of our members are like the two guys that invited you to join them and i would ask you to see the very many positives rather than the unfortunate negative you encountered ..
We would appreciate your and possibly your friends future custom at our fine club , maybe next time you are coming down you could contact me personally in advance as i can make sure you are looked after in some small way to make up for this bad experience ..

Job done and a happy repeat customer and good PR and publicity .

Now i know people are going to sat the club sec cant be regularly meeting people who have a bad experience or complain etc , on the flip side if they are receiving too many to deal with then ther is a bigger problem to deal with , With Hawkeye also having encountered a not so pleasant member how many more is there that the sec is not hearing about ..
in this financial climate It is imperative that members treat guests with respect , make them feel welcome and most of all want the guests to return and to speak positively of their visit


Q-School Graduate
May 8, 2011
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poor old Bernard...

i understand your frustration but i think this one got taken too far. the fault lay with the pro telling you it was quiet and then a 4 ball of geriatrics who held you up, but golf pros who have questionable versions of reality and seniors not calling you through does indeed happen on every golf course every day...

shouldn't, and golf would be more fun if it didn't, but sadly such is a gold club manager's lot....


Journeyman Pro
Feb 11, 2010
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The ignorance of these members has left a distinctly poor taste and I shall certainly be considering carefully visiting again! If I do, I would like some assurance that the message that such poor golfing etiquette is unacceptable has been relayed to those responsible.

And you expect him to relay the message onto those responsible based on your description of them as '3 elderly gentlemen and a lady'...... :D


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 24, 2011
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i disagree with many of your comments and the position you feel Sutton green should adjust for you.
This is the bit I don't understand. What position do they have that he thinks you want changing? Is he saying that the club DONT encourage players to let quicker groups through and wont be changing that position?

I also dont understand his comments about the group being there for a day of golf so why should you be allowed to play through just because you started on the 10th. Very odd.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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If I do, I would like some assurance that the message that such poor golfing etiquette is unacceptable has been relayed to those responsible.

Not quite sure how he would manage to do that to be honest. The tone of your original email was a bit over the top imho...


Nov 16, 2011
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This is the bit I don't understand. What position do they have that he thinks you want changing? Is he saying that the club DONT encourage players to let quicker groups through and wont be changing that position?

I also dont understand his comments about the group being there for a day of golf so why should you be allowed to play through just because you started on the 10th. Very odd.

I think he meant 'Golf Day', so with another group. Though we never saw them, so the group we were behind were over 3 holes behind the other group in the party, as we would have seen them on 18 from the 16th.

I think replacing 'context' with 'proportion' in his replies would make sense too.
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Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Foxy's email was a slight bit OTT imo. This guy clearly hasn't got any customer service skills though.

The standard procedure would be to call the emailer a complete throbber to everyone in the office then send a reply with :-

We value your custom and will do everything in my power to see this doesn't happen again blah blah blah :thup:

Even though you aren't likely to do anything about it at all :D


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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There was absolutely no need to hold us up the way they did! It took 2 hrs 20 to play our front 9 and 1 hr 40 to play the back - and we only just managed to finish before dark. The ignorance of these members has left a distinctly poor taste and I shall certainly be considering carefully visiting again! If I do, I would like some assurance that the message that such poor golfing etiquette is unacceptable has been relayed to those responsible.

Did you not try the method of one certain forumer on here who has a distinct dislike for sloooow players that hold HIM up, by going up and have a word with the members and point out the problem they are causing?


if its all clear in front of the group you are behind, simply tell them to move aside and let you play through.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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If that consitutes your most "hated experience" you have led a very comfortable life.

As you were waiting on every shot bar 3, did you make any attempt to ask the group in front if you could be let through?

The reply of the email was a little blunt and lacks a certain amount of customer service, but you're over reacting IMHO


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 10, 2013
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Not quite sure how he would manage to do that to be honest. The tone of your original email was a bit over the top imho...

I agree.. I thought he was quite restrained in his response..

I wouldn't be cut out for customer relations as I would have answered in two short words ;)


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Foxy's email was a slight bit OTT imo. This guy clearly hasn't got any customer service skills though.

The standard procedure would be to call the emailer a complete throbber to everyone in the office then send a reply with :-

We value your custom and will do everything in my power to see this doesn't happen again blah blah blah :thup:

Even though you aren't likely to do anything about it at all :D

And that is how its done :thup: