

Club Champion
Sep 11, 2015
Knock GC - Belfast
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I’ve got a sudden bout of knee tendinitis following some hard running over the last few months.

First hurt it around 2 weeks ago and took a total break from all hard activity. Seemed to help and midweek I had a great lesson and range session, felt like a huge improvement in my swing.

Knee started feeling better so went on a short run last night to test it - a little sore but nothing too bad.

Played a round tonight and had to bail after the 2nd hole because of the pain - couldn’t walk the length of myself. It was really affecting my swing too as I couldn’t put any weight on my left hand side

Will need to take a longer break of running and hopefully get to play some golf in a couple of weeks. Just pretty demoralising as I was feeling great after that lesson and I was understandably shocking tonight


New member
Aug 18, 2020
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I’ve got a sudden bout of knee tendinitis following some hard running over the last few months.

First hurt it around 2 weeks ago and took a total break from all hard activity. Seemed to help and midweek I had a great lesson and range session, felt like a huge improvement in my swing.

Knee started feeling better so went on a short run last night to test it - a little sore but nothing too bad.

Played a round tonight and had to bail after the 2nd hole because of the pain - couldn’t walk the length of myself. It was really affecting my swing too as I couldn’t put any weight on my left hand side

Will need to take a longer break of running and hopefully get to play some golf in a couple of weeks. Just pretty demoralising as I was feeling great after that lesson and I was understandably shocking tonight

Sounds like the same thing I had for the last 4/5 years of my football career - caused by weak quad muscles. It’s absolute agony !


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Sorry to here about the problem.

Seek a doctors advice who will hopefully suggest an ultra sound check to see what damage there is and advise accordingly.

As a non expert sounds to me like your body no longer likes the impacts from running.


Active member
Jan 23, 2020
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I’m no doctor but have been the recipient of some chronic and acute injuries over the years from skiing, rowing, rugby, running and rock climbing. Apart from avoiding sports that begin with ‘r’, I found that getting in the gym and focusing on compound lifts, particularly squats and deadlifts, made a huge impact on my general levels of pain and my resilience against injuries.

Obviously you need to speak to a medical professional first but there is a more enlightened view coming to the fore that rest isn’t always the best approach except to allow inflamed and injured tissue to repair. Starting up the same activity that caused the injury is most likely just going to lead to the injury again. Getting in the gym and progressively and sensibly strengthening your body will have a huge impact. Just a perspective worth considering as part of your king term recovery plan.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Sensible option would be give the running and golf a rest to let the body recover and get medical advice to find out the exact nature of the injury. Trying to play with an injury (I have been prone to back issues) just means you tray and protect the injured area (even sub-sconsciously) and that can lead to making some compensations in the swing which aren't always conducive to hitting it well