Inerness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 20, 2007
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

thank you all lads for the warm reception and the gread days i had with you. the courses were fantastic, the weather beat all the previews and like everyone else here i am not talking about my golf. inverness is a nice holiday destination - lively city with good restos and pubs. i learned that i am still fit enuff to play 36 a day at least with "pause und jause" (break and snack) tween the rounds. today i added brora to to my itinary and this is one not to be missed either. hope for a sequel and as a famous compatriot quoted "i'll be back!"


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Was in work for 6am this morning :eek:

Seriously cannot be bothered :rofl:

Got loads of stuff to post up later on :D


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Was in work for 6am this morning :eek:

Seriously cannot be bothered :rofl:

Got loads of stuff to post up later on :D

Same here matey.

I'll post more up in due course, if others can also, as the more traffic we get to this thread the better, not only for the courses who gave us great deals, but also so we can send these threads to future courses for potential future deals.

Post away peeps........

Review the courses and the eternal question - If given a free round again, which would you pick - Castle Stuart or Dornoch, and why?

Get your pictures up also, even swimming pool ones.


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Well, well, well what can you say after all that? Its hard to put it all into words but im going to have a go!

The trip started for quite a few of us at Blairgowrie where we met John and his mate Bob for a game. As soon as we rolled up to the course we just knew it would be fantastic. We could see a few holes on the wee course as we drove around to the entrance and it looked immaculate without a blade of grass out of place. It reminded me of the starting credits of the US Masters at Augusta. We played the Lansdowne course and it was fantastic course with stunning scenery and the weather was blazing hot which was a sign of things to come. The course was quite long from the back tees so I was surprised how well I coped with the distance, the putter totally ruined my score though although the greens looked super fast but were a tad on the slow side after a fair amount of rain. John and Bob were fantastic throughout and great company and we had a good chat and a laugh in the bar afterwards. If either of you gents are ever on the north west you wont be short of a game :thup:

We stayed in Blairgowrie for the night and were supposedly just having a few quiet drinks but that fell by the wayside. About 10 pints and a few karaoke stints later (videos to follow) we retired to our hotel the Royal ( :rofl: ). Breakfast the next morning was served by the most energetic person ive ever met, she couldn't wait to serve us our food :rofl:

Saturday morning we travelled up the where we were staying before driving on to Castle stuart. All I can say about Castle stuart is WOW! the views, course, service and whole feel of the place is just fantastic. Although the course might not be everybodys cup of tea as it is a little tricked up with your approach shots I found the whole golfing experience of the place unreal and would love to go back. The golfing purist may not have enjoyed the manufactured feel about the place so I can understand it might divide peoples opinions. You get treated like golfing royalty though and its a nice change from the norm rather than diving out of the car and onto the first tee :reefer:

Sunday was Royal Dornoch and this course is definitely one of the most complete golf courses I have ever played. The course just had everything and the views were unbelievable. Dornoch had the much more natural feel to it than Castle stuart the day before and you can see why it is rated as one of the best courses in the world. Again the weather was fantastic which added to day for everybody as we could all enjoy the golf and the views without any daft weather.

Monday was Nairn and although we all expected a massive comedown after Dornoch I feel that wasn't the case. The course has a very good variety of holes and the first 7 down the side of the sea had some fantastic views. The course had some nice elevation changes and imo they had the best greens we played on all week by a country mile.

Tuesday we played a double header at Tain and Fortrose and Rosemarkie. Tain in the morning was a nice course with some cracking holes. My favourite was the hole with the big humps with the green behind then the sea, gave people a scare walking over the hump to see the sea at the back :eek:: I can comment too much on this one I played like a whopper and lost a boat load of balls, spent more time in the rough looking for balls than actually playing golf.

Fortrose was a lovely quirky little track out on a sort of peninsula with sea views on both sides for almost every hole. Although this course was short in yardage it was tight and you had to plot your way around. The wind cam in sideways on nearly every hole too so made you think about your line off the tee rather than just slashing one down there. We also managed to see dolphins out in the sea from this course too, just magic :whoo:

Boat of Garten was our last port of call on the Wednesday and what a way to finish. Having been used to immaculate sea views all week and some of the most complete golf courses I have ever stepped on we got the mountain view equivalent. Very hilly course and this finished a few people off with more ups and downs than a woman's moods :D Lots of blind shots on this course meant you needed to hit your spot from the tee or you were in big trouble. Nice views of the mountains with a steam railway winding through the course as well gave the eyes a real treat.

I want to give a special thanks to Liverbirdie for the original idea for this trip and also putting in loads of time to organise it as well and also for looking after the weekend competition. Also a special thanks to :-

Iron man podgster - A man that never stops and did so much for so many people on the trip and never grumbled once. Military precision timing ensured everything went to plan without any hiccups. Thanks mate.

Lincoln 'smiler' Quaker - Did a great job helping me look after the 5 day competition. Cheers mate.

Lig "herd of elephants/motorbike engine snorer" - The loudest snorer in the world bar none. Don't ever share the same side of the house with him never mind the room next door :rofl: He kept the house running very smooth though and made sure the food side was organised. Thanks mate, you did a great job.

The drivers :- "the wheels have come off with 32 points" Qwerty, Iain "bendy man" jocko, Andy "Belhaven bottom" Junior, Iain "the mouth" Scouser. Dave "Mahogany" 2blue.

Hopefully I haven't missed anyone :dunno:

The winners
Castle stuart - Toad
Royal Dornoch - Wes
Nairn - Liverbirdie
Tain - Liverbirdie
Fortrose - 2blue
Boat of garten - Birchy

2 Day comp champion = Wes
5 Day comp champion = Qwerty

Birchy's Inverness academy awards

Best golf course - Royal Dornoch

Best all round golfing experience - Castle stuart

Best greens - Nairn

Best clubhouse - Castle stuart

Goat track of the week - Tain (yes I played **** ;) )

Best dressed - Podge with the kilt at Dornoch and playing in it the whole way around will take some beating.

Best nickname - Mahogany Dave. Got the best all round golf tan of anybody I have ever seen.

Best starter - Nairn :thup:

Best welcome - Fortrose & Rosemarkie

Worst Kareoke performance - Stu C

Worst music collection ever - Liverbirdie


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

I knew it was going to be good but Wow, what a trip!!

Firstly a Massive, huge, enormous thanks to all the guys who had a hand in pulling it all together, especially LB & Birchy I can't believe what you did there.
The amazing courses you managed to get onboard and the meals & hospitality they provided, the organisation of the each days comps (especially the 36 hole day ) the accomodation/ranch, the flawless organisation of the curry night by Podge & the running of the house by Lig.
I was blown away by how well you guys pulled all this together and I can't thank you enough. I wish I'd said a bit more after B'O'G' but I wasn't expecting to be stood up there and I was absolutely knackered

First stop Blairgowrie on Friday, Wow what a golf club (your a lucky man John) probably the best all round set up Ive seen at a golf club.
We met John (toad) and his mate Bob and had a great round on the Lansdowne, it was tough, it was tight, but it was an absolutely glorious course on a stunning afternoon with great company. Speaking of company, Stu c started the opening few hole quite quiet but was soon into top gear by the 9th. apparently it smells like its a foot long :rofl:
Thanks again John, Much appreciated mate :thup:

A top night in Blairgowrie followed :D with around 10 of us out, Stu was in top form beltin' out some Neil Diamond, while I was getting verbally abused by the Karaoki woman who called me a Scouser :D

Saturday arrived and it was Castle Stuart. I was absolutely bowled over by the Hospitality of the staff on arrival and the day just got better & better. Some simply amazing Golf holes in a spectacular setting on the moray firth. Superb practice facilities and a stunning clubhouse. Nothing was too much trouble for the staff.
A day at Castle Stuart is a golfing experience not to be missed if you're in the highlands and one I won't forget in a hurry.

The night at the Indian in Inverness that followed was flawlessly organised by Podgster, around 30 of us out for the night. A great end to a great day.

Royal Dornoch on Sunday, Now this it what Golf in Scotland is all about. As soon as we pulled in the car park I knew we were in a special place.
I started well and was 1 over after 9 but coming back into the wind saw me on the back foot and after some bad mistakes on 16 & 18 saw me drop 6 shots over the last 3 to finish 10 over.
I just couldn't believe the views out over the beach at around 13/14.. Absolutely stunning, pics to follow.
The course is much more subtle than Castle Stuart but I think the one thing they both have in common is that pretty much every shot is a feast for the eyes and has you seriously having to think about what your trying to achieve.
In the clubhouse it was time to say the goodbyes to everyone who had travelled up for the weekend, the weather and courses had been amazing, could it get any better?

Nairn followed on Monday, Initial impressions were that this is a great members club, an absolutely top class clubhouse and a warm welcome. After a few of us chuckling at an American chap who had the worst start to a round Ive ever seen(I think he shanked 3 onto the beach and hacked a couple more off the tee) I knew golf Karma would get me on the 1st and a triple bogey 7 followed :rofl: I loved the course, It held your attention all the way round with a great mixture of holes with fantastic greens. A lovely clubhouse with magnificent views over the 1st 18th & Moray Firth.

Tuesday- We started at Tain, I can honestly say I enjoyed this course as much as any of the others. What a Gem!!
Quirky,Fun, Variety, Great views and again a warm welcome. If your in the area please make the effort and play Tain.

The afternoon saw us over at Fortrose and Rosemarkie. The friendliest Golf club Ive played at without doubt.
A lovely enjoyable course set on a peninsula in the Moray Firth. Sea views on almost every hole and a pod of Dolphins crashing in the distance.
A lovely steak and ale pie in the classy clubhouse topped off an unbelievable day of golf :thup:

Wednesday on the way home saw us at Boat Of Garten. Snow capped mountains in the distance and some of the most scenic holes you'll ever play.
It's a course Ive wanted to play for a long time and it didn't dissapoint. Really hospitable staff and another lovely steak and ale pie topped it off.

It was the end of the ultimate Golf trip, one I'll never forget. Sorry for the long post, it was that eventful I could of gone on for much longer:D
I thought before going that this would be a one off trip due to the distance.. No chance, I'll be going back. It's just a beautiful part of the world and simply blown away stunning beaches and lovely towns

Thanks again to the Silver tongued Cavalier and Liverbirdie, it was simply awesome fellas. What a trip :clap:
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Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Epic trip.... It really was a Calrsberg week...

Castle Stuart was immense. A real 2nd shot course as the fairways were fairly easy to find but the greens, the run offs and tricky pin placements were its defense. Firm greens really made you think about your approach and taking on pins is a real risk. Middle of the green 2 putts were the order of the day. For me the stand out holes were the 2 par 3's (3 and 10) and the 18th. The whole place was class and the service was 2nd to none, from the guy who walks out to greet you when you arrive, to the uber friendly and helpful starter. I think the no members and visitor only concept has been designed to serve the American market and whilst it seems a little manufacured, the course and the clubhouse are immense.

Royal Dornoch was everything I imagined it would be and more. 9 holes out and 9 holes back and a fair test of links golf. As a handicap golfer you needed to think about the holes to score on and the holes with which to be happy with a bogey. 3 club wind made the back 9 very tough but the views of the coast were something to savior. For me there are no weak holes but the 9th was my favourite, and not because i stiffed my 8i approach to 4ft :) The 9th was the last hole on the outward stretch and a good but blind drive funnels down to the lower tier leaving a short iron to the green. The views of the sea and beach when you walk down the hole are spectacular.

After an inconspicuous first hole Old Tom Morris designed Tain Golf Club turns into a real gem of a course. Undulating fairways in amongst bright yellow gorse made for a really beautiful setting. After dining at the top table with Dornoch and Castle Stuart I was nervous that the courses to follow would be a bit of a damp squib, but Tain really does not disappoint. It's a fair test whereby if you hit the fairway you can score really well. Its a course that demands you plot your way around rather than over power it with the driver off the tee. The dog leg 9th hole requires a precise long iron to the corner and a short iron approach to a small green. The other standout hole was the 11th that demands to well stuck shots to find a blind green in amongst 2 very large dunes. When you walk up through the center of the dunes the views that await you a breathtaking.

The first 7 holes at Nairn run along the Moray Firth and the water on the right intimidates on every tee shot. It's a spectacular stretch that requires good ball striking as you cant bail out left as the gorse and thick rough await. It would be wrong to just rate this course on the Moray firth stretch of holes as the inland holes are equally as testing. The 13th up a very steep hill away from the firth is worthy of being the si 1 hole as it demands a well placed drive right of the fairway bunker and a well struck 2nd shot to a large 2 tiered sloping green and anything right is in the deep bundu. The 14th is a long iron par 3 very much down hill to a well bunkered green. Once you have got over the spectacular views from the highest point of the course an intimidating tee shot awaits.

Fortrose and Rosemarkie was the 2nd 18 holes we had played and whilst being a short course, it is demanding and easy to relax think its there for the taking when really it isnt !! The course runs out and back with views of the Moray Firth on both sides. keep an eye out for Dolphins which regularly are seen from the course. We were lucky to see some, although they were quite far away and we had to view them through a bushnell rangefinder !! The par5 4th (par 4 of the yellows) is a cracking hole towards the lighthouse whereby a a precise drive requiring some 260 yards carry is required to find the lower level. You have the option to hit a long iron to lay up to 200 yards but anything inbetween you will struggle to find. The shot to a small sloping green needs to be accurate and even then a tough 2 putt awaits. This hole was as good as any we played on the trip !!!! The back 9 is really scoreable as there are several short par 4's, although a razor sharp wedge game is required to hit it close on the undulating greens. The other thing to mention about this club is the phenominal welcome and service we received from the secratary and Lorraine at the bar. They literally could not do enough for us and it just added to the experience.

Finally, the last round of the trip was to the Boat Of Garten. This James Braid course in the heart of the Cairngorn Mountains is oneof the most spectaculart settings for a golf course. Whilst the Spey river was the only water you could see, the course had a feel similar to the likes of Formby and Woodhall Spa although the undulations and elevations changes are a lot more prevalent at the Boat. The elevation changes and yellow gorse make for spectacular views of almost every tee. If you can keep it in play and are hitting the driver solidly, you can score well around here. I wish I was good enough to fade or draw shots at will off the tee as its one of those courses whereby if you can move the ball right to left or left to right the shape of the holes can be followed and you will be rewaded with easier shots into greens.

Words can't do this trip justice....6 days and 7 rounds of golf, a huge 'luxurious' cottage to stay in with a swimming pool and pool table, great company, fabulous weather, quite a few Belhaven beers and great golf courses made for one of the most amazing holidays I have ever had.

Im not too sure what else to say about the trip other than thanks to Birchy, Liverbirdie for the tireless amount of work and effort that it must have taken to pull all this together. I can't imagine the amount of hours that you guys must have put in to organise this trip. Thanks to Val, Lincoln Quaker and Fairway Dodger too as I know you were also instrumental and thanks to all who attended as I had one of the most amazing holidays I have ever had.


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Most of it has already been said but a a massive thanks to all involved in arranging this trip and the comps, Goat Track Birchy, "Lucky Pete" Liverbirdie, Lincoln Quaker, FairwayDodger, Val et al I doff my cap to you :thup: Social convenor and chef Podge deserves a special mention aswell :clap:

My thoughts on the courses below, but thanks also to all playing partners through the trip, always a pleasure to watch people play some proper golf while I'm making a fool of myself :rofl:


Blairgowrie - thanks to Toad for signing us on :thup: Stunning place, courses were absolutely immaculate and a great afternoon in glorious sunshine. Less said about The Cartwheel Inn the better...... :cheers:

Castle Stuart - most enjoyable course I've ever played, despite my poor efforts. Beautiful setting and just a great course to play with some crazy greens. Would play this place again in a heartbeat. Level of customer service and attention to detail here second to none that I've had the pleasure of experiencing. Hot dogs should be compulsory at all halfway huts aswell, just the ticket after the front 9.

Dornoch - Wow. By a distance the best course I've played, as a golf course it has absolutely everything, great mix of holes in terms of length and look of them. The raised greens still give me nightmares right enough!! Some of the views were every bit as nice as Castle Stuart aswell

Nairn - After witnessing what looked like some Americans acting out a Benny Hill sketch on the first tee we got going! :rofl: Lovely course, nowhere near as much of a ball breaker as Dornoch but by no means easy. Finally started playing ok here thankfully and I could putt on the greens there every day, up there with the best greens I've ever played on.

Tain - didn't look much from the clubhouse but a really enjoyable course to play, had a great morning round there and few holes surrounded by the gorse in full bloom were stunning. I really liked the back to back par 3s towards the end, first pretty short and second long. Would play here again happily.

Fortrose - picturesque to say the least. Lovely setting for a golf course and not easy by any stretch despite its modest length. Sadly I didn't make it all the way on this one, bailed after about 11 I think. However to provehow welcoming the club is the manager, Lorraine, welcomed me into the clubhouse and sat having a blather while I had a pint waiting for everyone to come in.

Boat of Garten - will hire a Sherpa rather than a trolley next time I play here!! Unbelievable amount of elevation changes in the holes and a really nice course, thoroughly enjoyed it even if it did leave me on my backside after a long few days!!

Can't believe how lucky we were with the weather which topped it off.

A superb golf trip with a great bunch of people.

Can someone rustle a golfer up to beat Dave next time....!!?

Deleted member 17920

Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Wow wow wow, what an amazing trip :D

started Friday for me with a 9 hr car journey up here and had a nice Saturday morning before castle Stuart.

Castle Stuart, what a place, 1st class service from start to finish, the course had views that were amazing. The course had generous fairways but very tricky approaches and greens that were firm and tricky to read. Put the ball in the wrong place around the green and you can walk off with a blob as I found out very easily in the 1st few holes:eek:

Then to Royal Dornoch on the Sunday, again 1st class service from the golf organiser right through to the starter, the course was as good as all the reviews I have read, the course was a fantastic condition and the wind on the back 9 made it a real challenge. Highlight for me hitting a cracker on the 2nd hole as it was the toughest par 3 I have seen from a tee box.

Nairn was next up and I didn't know what to expect, the starter was friendly and we got cracking, greens easily the best we played all week, caught me out for the 1st 2 holes, highlight for me was a nice eagle on the par 5 7th hole, fairway green and a 20ft putt :whoo:nice clubhouse and food after was very good.

Then up to Tain and what a belting little course, a real surprise for me as I really enjoyed it and it's really underrated,service from the staff again was 1st class, loved the greens and the layout of the course

Fortrose and rosemarkie was for me how little village golf courses should be, the staff again were brilliant and welcoming, the course was tight, tricky and well presented, greens very good, if I had a short game I could have had a great score round here as my driving that day was just unreal, the only birdie I made was pulling one down the road and rolling in a 40ft putt.

then onto the final day and the boat, views to die for and teeing off in a t shirt with the snow in the background was unreal, the boat is a hidden gem and my god I would be fit if I played here regular, up and down like no other, the course was in great condition and the fairways were lovely and the turf so easy to hit off, went round the 1st 9 in 1 over and wasted shots galore on the back 9 but walked off wanting to go again. The clubhouse staff yet agin were 1st class and offered 3 different options for the meal and by heck the curry had some kick in it.

Big thanks to all that I played with over the last few days as it was unreal.It was a pleasure to meet so many new people and to be involved in a trip that will be talked about for years, thanks to podge for organising the Indian on the Saturday night, it run so smooth you have now elected yourself mess manager for the next trip.

cheers to val and Karen for the input into the 2 day comp

Well done to steady Dave winning the overall event, how anyone's wheels can fall off and still have 34 points on a championship course is beyond me. Good job the boat score didn't count :ears:

spent the day at fortrose today watching the dolphins and tomorrow I am in the middle of negotiations with the missus trying to play Brora tomorrow then it's another drive back south

Special mention to the 2 guys who made this trip happen they really are superstars liverbirdie and birchy

The hours and hours of work to get us the deals to play these courses and without them none of this could have happened:cheers:
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Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

First of all I would like had my thanks to everyone involved in organising the trip on behalf of me and my guests. It must of taken a lot of work behind the scenes as well as everything you did on the days. So thanks to Liverbirdie, Birchy, Lincoln Quaker, Val, Fairway Dodger and Podgster, it was greatly appreciated. Many thanks should go to 2blue for all the driving he did, I think we racked up an easy 1000 miles, however the miles seems in no way tedious when your travelling through such stunning scenery. We should also thank 2blue for the weather, apparently all his visits to Scotland involve glorious sunshine! :whoo:

The week started by playing Glenbervie courtesy of Kenny (HDIDKenny) and Aaron on Friday, thanks guys. Its a lovely Parkland course which was in great nick, it wasn't too tight but as with most courses accurate driving really helps you score well. It is definitely worthwhile playing and was a great way to start the week.

Castle Stuart the next day was spectacular. The hospitality was second to none with people coming out to greet you before you even got through the door. The clubhouse is stunning with some great views across the firth especially for some reason from the gents! The views are prevalent on the majority of the course which is visual treat. It is a real tough test with lots of tricky run offs and huge undulating greens that requires you to think about your shots and how you play the course. I especially liked Birchys approach on how to play the 7th :p. Overall an absolute delight to play.

Royal Dornoch is another top notch course with the backdrop of spectacular scenery which is pretty much the general rule at all the courses we played. Another tough track, especially into the wind but it gives you a chance to score if your playing well. The stretch of holes from 3 to 8 were particularly memorable but having said that there isn't a weak hole on the course.

Nairn is another enjoyable golf course which has so much variation you could certainly see yourself playing over and over again and having great fun every time you do. The greens were exceptional and probably the best of the trip.

Tain was a fantastic course with the majority of the holes situated more inland. It offered a great challenge with a lot of elevation changes with some extremely undulating greens such as the par 5 13th. The views across the bay to the Glenmorangie distliery were awesome. There were some very unique holes such as having a 6 metre mound in front of a green.

Fortrose and Rosemarkie was a lot shorter than the other courses played but it was just as enjoyable. It is set on a peninsula so yet again there were great views on all sides of the course. Despite not been held in the same esteem as some of the other courses it is a lot of fun to play and is a worthwhile visit. The welcome from the staff was excellent and the food was much needed and delicious.

Boat Of Garten was the last destination. It offered a nice change to the all links and was an interesting course. The elevation changes were humongous which made for a lot of tough walking but yet again the setting was awesome with lost of great views around the course.

After 7 rounds in 6 days I am only just now becoming able to appreciate the sheer quality of all the courses played, obviously the 3 stand outs were Castle Stuart, Royal Dornoch and Nairn (in no particular order) but the other courses were great to play too. I would be hard pressed to find a hole that I wouldn't want to play again. This trip has added to my love of Scotland and how lucky we are to have a great country on our doorstep. I would also just like to add my thanks to all my playing partners as they added to the overall experience which was fantastic.

I look forward to see how you are going to top this trip because in my view it was pretty much perfect. Next time I will give you some tips to get into r kids head. I can't be having him win it again, that's if he would be welcome!


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Next time I will give you some tips to get into r kids head. I can't be having him win it again, that's if he would be welcome!

Haha of course he would be welcome mate. It as great to see you again and meet your brother and Dave. Next time though, make sure you share the tips of how to get into his head ;) ;)


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Results from the trip

2 Day comp
1st place Wes
2nd place Qwerty
3rd place Fourdoors

5 day comp top 10 finishers
1st Qwerty 170 points
2nd Wes 164 points
3rd Lincoln quaker 163 points
4th Birchy 159 points (countback :D )
5th Liverbirdie 159 points
6th Barnsley Dave & NWJocko tied on 155 points
8th Andy W 154 points
9th Chiefio 153 points
10th Simon 145 points

Well done to young Wes for winning the inagural forum open trophy and i hope he will be back next year to defend it :thup:

Well done to wheels off but ended up with 34 points Dave for winning the 5 day comp.

Well played gents, hope to see you both back next year :thup:


Tour Winner
Feb 17, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Haha of course he would be welcome mate. It as great to see you again and meet your brother and Dave. Next time though, make sure you share the tips of how to get into his head ;) ;)

I second that....


There should be a vote if him and Qwerty are allowed in comps


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

A few photos from the trip..








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Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Royal Dornoch.

On the way..









I'll post some more tomorrow. I've got a cracker of Birchy & Scouser but I'm waiting to see if the video from the cartwheel inn at Blairgowrie appears first ;)
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Journeyman Pro
Jun 23, 2013
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Have to echo the sentiments of the other guys, not over the courses (the pics and reviews say it all) but purely to the guys who made the trip so welcoming, open and organised.

Repeatin myself but Toad and Bob, super stuff for Blairgowrie, a wonderful opener and there's already talk of a return in August - thank you.

Pete, thank you for your salesman like tactics and keeping the door open for the two latecomers in myself and Andy. Had I any idea what the courses would have been like in advance, it wouldn't have needed selling so top man for the persistence and to Birchy, as always, flawless modest admin, that takes so much effort completely unseen by most but by no means unappreciated by all.

And a wee bit or a public, personal thank you....Podge - for driving me around out of your way, for eating into your personal chill time, for nothing being too much of a problem, for helping me find my arse muscles again with ya mad-time saving speeds and for being a true gent in a very short friendship, I tip my hat to you Sire, thank you :thup:.

To anyone reading these threads perhaps who are new or who are hanging back in the shadows not wishing to post and get involved I joined here 12 months ago and have since played courses I would have never dreamed of but above all else have accidentally stumbled across an absolutely superb set of guys and gals that has increased my passion and pleasure of the game tenfold. Get involved, get on the meets - you will not regret it.


Tour Winner
Mar 23, 2013
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Can't really add to what has been said but would just like to add our thanks to Peter and Scott for organising a fantastic trip and Steve for organising the Indian. We both had a fabulous time, met some great people and we hope to see some of you for a game at ours soon. I think Castle Stuart was my favourite but am really undecided. Dornoch was my least favourite but that was mainly because I played the crappiest golf I've played for a long, long time:eek:


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

A few photos from the trip..









nice to see the whinn bushes at Tain have started to grow back. They had to cut most of them down when i was still a member there 2 years ago as they had got very leggy. must ring a mate up and get a game up in the next few weeks.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Re: Inverness (2) Royal Dornoch, Castle Stuart ** updated **

Pictures first, Castle Stuart:-

Lig and Iang (puffs who played off the yellows)


Lig, approach into the 2nd.


I saw 8 shots up and down this swale from FC's......


Never seen these before on a course, like mini bunkers stop you putting up the swales, only about a foot tall.


Lovely framed par 3


Davey fourdoors, "infinity" green in the background


9th hole with clubhouse background


Par 3


Yes that swale is part of the green


Lovely part of the world

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