In two minds after lesson, what would you do? (Swing Video Included)


Club Champion
Jul 21, 2009
Ok, guy’s opinions please…

I have a very flat swing, bit like Matt Kuchar on the back swing, but not as good obviously! :p However on the way down and through I swing left and hold off the club head giving me an out to in fade and my miss is mostly right or a pull if I don’t hold off the release. Very different to say Kuchar who releases more down the line and would hook as a miss.

I had a lesson with a good pro yesterday; he coaches a current European tour player with a win last season to his name, so he is half decent. He would change my plane to be a bit steeper and more conventional that see’s me release the club head with a follow through more down the line, he wants me to use the explanar machine to specifically alter my swing plane.

Now conventional wisdom is do what the pro tells you right?

Unfortunately, this pro is leaving the golf academy at the end of this month, he is also taking his expanar with him. I’m not only going to be unable to have follow-up lessons from him, but I will not have the machine to practice the way he wants me to either. The second point is that I have never hit the ball so well as I am doing now and he did tell me that if I make this change I’ll hit it crap for a month or two until I ingrain the new plane.

Last night I did some you-tube research, (The pro recommended I did this!) I specifically watched two vid’s by Matt Kuchar’s coach and he has me quite convinced that my flat one plane swing is not the end of the world.

part one

part two

So what would you do?

Make a change? Or keep the flat swing but work on releasing down the line a bit more to minimise the bad shots..? Or wait and find a new pro that will be around to follow up with?

My Swing

Ps.. By the way, I know the swing in the net was a horrible one and a miss hit, the pro did not care he only wanted to show me my swing plane.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I would change.

I had a very flat rounded swing it got me to single figures with no lessons, but if I were to start again it would be with lessons from the start. When mine goes wrong it goes very wrong. Hooks, pulls and the dreaded sherman tank! :D I had started working with and coach up here that does all the young guns at the Royal Dornoch academy. Haven't had a lesson since October but the stuff I have been working on is a vast improvement. :p

If you do stick with the lessons and a pro, you have to practice what they teach you and work on it. Lots of people just expect a pro to wave a magic wand, its down to you to make it work.


Assistant Pro
Feb 28, 2011
Near Edzell / Montrose
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I'd wait on a new pro, not saying the 1st one gave bad advice but he won't be there for future checks AND he is taking his m/c with him.
Pity, because he sounds like he must know what he is on about.


I would make the change. Have some lessons with him now and do alot of practice while hes there to check with. Get this one thing sorted quickish then you have the rest of your life to fix whatever comes next.. :D


Club Champion
Jul 21, 2009
I would make the change. Have some lessons with him now and do alot of practice while hes there to check with. Get this one thing sorted quickish then you have the rest of your life to fix whatever comes next.. :D

I could try this, the academy is 50 Min's away and I will have to steal time to make it over regularly, but it could be done.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Not sure I'd be happy with the pro in the background being logged onto the GM forum while you hit. I was quite flat for a while and it led me into a horrible over the top action. It can work as Kuchar shows but I think at our level where we can't put the hours in then something a little more reliable and up and down would be the way I went


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Its flat but not excessive IMHO and its nicely on plane. I was always told that better players generally have flatter backswings and are more upright in the follow through so I dont see what the problem is.

I'd stay as you are but if anything it looks like you can afford the club to travel back a little further. Still laid off (as irons should be) but not quite as short as you are in this clip.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I was quite flat for a while and it led me into a horrible over the top action. It can work as Kuchar shows but I think at our level where we can't put the hours in then something a little more reliable and up and down would be the way I went

Ditto to this and the more I'm working on it the quick the h/c drops which is ultimately everyones aim, I need to up the range sessions DVD drills to get it finished but my pro has cause my hc to drop from 15.2-13.4 in two medals and if I'm honest with a few more sessions I don't see my target 12 a long way off

Get the changes made


Money List Winner
May 26, 2010
Gloucester, UK
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As someone who had a horrible over the top swing 4 weeks ago (see here, exhibit A:

I have spent the last 4 weeks trying to get rid of my over the top loop and get a better swing plane...and it's paying off. I've probably spent £40 or £50 down at the range in balls, but it's been worth it as I'm finally working towards having a consistent swing...This is my latest swing, Exhibit B:

It's still got a bit of a way to go and needs more balls to be hit to get it ingrained, but it's a much better shot shape (straight or small draw when hit "right")...And the ball flight is much better.

I would make the change and and take the pain for the couple of months, as it's totally worth it in the end.