Impact of carrying on the knees?


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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I've been having problems with both knees over the last few months. Played 9 holes yesterday, felt fine afterwards, but my left knee stiffened up as the night went on, and is worse this morning, painful to walk.

I went to the range on Friday, hit 120 balls and was totally fine afterwards. Went to the gym Monday morning, decent session, again, fine afterwards. Been giving some thought to what is different on the golf course. Our place is pretty flat, so it's not that. However, we have been carry only any time the course has been open over the winter.

I had assumed that the impact of carrying would mainly affect those with bad backs, but mine has been fine. Is it likely that it's the carrying which is knackering my knees?
I've had bad knees for years but carrying a bag over 6 miles only affects my back.
But 30 seconds crouching to get something out of a cupboard and I'm limping for an hour.
If I carry for 18 I strip as much as possible out of the bag and take no more than a half set.
Even 9 means I take fewer clubs.
I've never liked carrying as my knees and ankles have been dodgy since before I started playing..
If I can use the trolley I will...carrying a full set and a normal amount of stuff in the bag would mean I'd struggle to walk next day...
Fragger has dodgy knees too...more on this later...
Just picked up the lads pencil bag that he uses in winter. There's a driver, 4 wood, HB, 7,8 Wedge and 54 degree in there, plus putter. Range finder, balls and tees. I'd say it weighs about 5 kgs.

Most of us are at least that overweight - I know if I gain a few pounds, my knees start to give me jip.
The golf swing puts extra pressure on the knees. Weight slightly forward on the balls of your feet, twisting motion........None of that helps.

In the case above, @rudebhoy nothing has changed I'm guessing, with your swing? I had a lesson 3/4 of the way through the season that moved my weight forward more. Great for my golf, bad for my knees. Has something similar happened? Maybe we need to accept thinning a few shots for the sake of our bodies 😄

As to the point of carrying, yes it must make a difference. Extra pressure, extra weight on a suspect area.
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I had assumed that the impact of carrying would mainly affect those with bad backs, but mine has been fine. Is it likely that it's the carrying which is knackering my knees?

Have you considered it might be your shoes? Using a new or older worn pair for winter?

No doubt carrying puts extra stress on your body but from what your saying about other general health I’d look at the problem from the ground up and start there.
The golf swing puts extra pressure on the knees. Weight slightly forward on the balls of your feet, twisting motion........None of that helps.

In the case above, @rudebhoy nothing has changed I'm guessing, with your swing? I had a lesson 3/4 of the way through the season that moved my weight forward more. Great for my golf, bad for my knees. Has something similar happened? Maybe we need to accept thinning a few shots for the sake of our bodies 😄

As to the point of carrying, yes it must make a difference. Extra pressure, extra weight on a suspect area.
It's funny you should mention that. I watched this Danny Maude video last week where he was recommending pushing the left hip forward.

I was focussing on doing that yesterday, and was hitting some great drives as a result.

Whether that's the cause of the pain, I don't know as its been happening regularly before I tried the above tip.

But yes, the point you and others make about extra weight is no doubt a factor.
I would say carrying has no or very little impact on your knees.
The twisting and turning and the forces that go through the knees when taking a shot would imo have much more impact.
I have really bad knees now after a round and will be suffering for hours after.
I have started to flare my toes out a bit more at address which slightly helps.
I’ve been on you-tube looking at “Bullet proofing your knees “ so have started to do this,however atm not much improvement.
Just picked up the lads pencil bag that he uses in winter. There's a driver, 4 wood, HB, 7,8 Wedge and 54 degree in there, plus putter. Range finder, balls and tees. I'd say it weighs about 5 kgs.

Most of us are at least that overweight - I know if I gain a few pounds, my knees start to give me jip.
Just weighed my carry bag - 8.9kg :oops:

Driver, 4 hybrids, 2 irons, 2 wedges and putter. Waterproofs. Not helped by the fact there are 20 balls in the bag! Took them out and it went down to 7.1.

Have now taken out a couple of hybrids, a wedge and 15 balls, now down to 6.5kg.
I would say carrying has no or very little impact on your knees.
The twisting and turning and the forces that go through the knees when taking a shot would imo have much more impact.

I have really bad knees now after a round and will be suffering for hours after.
I have started to flare my toes out a bit more at address which slightly helps.
I’ve been on you-tube looking at “Bullet proofing your knees “ so have started to do this,however atm not much improvement.
That's what I would have thought, but as per the original post, I don't get a problem hitting 100+ balls at the range.
When I was into hill walking I remember reading an article that the weight in your back pack adds the equivalent of x number of elephants through your knees over a 10 mile hike.
Since my meniscus popped I have to wear a knee brace whilst carrying in the winter but have no problems when hitting 150 balls at the range
I would agree with the comment that knee pain has nothing to do with carrying.

I was advised many years ago by a physiotherapist to avoid going to a range if possible to avoid playing and range on the same day. She said it is the repetitive nature of hitting balls on the range that does the damage.

The funny thing for me was that I had never had knee problems until my Doc suggested going on an exercise programme to help my overall strength and lose weight.
Different knee problems are probably exacerbated by different things but if you have suddenly found it's worse after carrying a bag chances are quite high that it is carrying the bag that's made it worse. I have bad knees and carrying things certainly seems to exacerbate the pain.