Ignore function

I haven’t seen a flounce.

Just someone understandably getting fed up of someone else who is either always on a wind up or tries to shut down something that doesn’t fit their narrative.

If you want to see a flounce look up how MrPing left.
Youre imagining that my friend, I'm happy to talk about anything, if I disagree with something I'll say so, simple as that !
And yes it was a massive flounce.
I have three - constant bi***ers, whiners and excessively negative. Can't handle types who will not see anything positive about anything.
When I was club captain one year, we were having our end of season men's night, awarding all trophies etc. There was one person who had been totally negative all year. I sat down with him and asked about one thing we had done all year that was positive. He was stumped. Unbeknownst to me, one of the members was behind me and asked the negative person how much he had paid in annual subs that year. He answer $xxx. The other member hauled out his wallet, counted out the amount of the subs and suggested that the complainer take it and leave the club. Very satisfying but the complainer was still a member the next year. Perhaps he got the message.
I haven’t seen a flounce.

Just someone understandably getting fed up of someone else who is either always on a wind up or tries to shut down something that doesn’t fit their narrative.

If you want to see a flounce look up how MrPing left.
Oh yes that was a worthy “Golden Flounce Award” winner
Mind you, if he was 5 minutes later, he’d have been blackballed anyway 😎
Only have 2 on ignore. Sadly there are still some that will argue any point to the finite degree or move goalposts to score points and it has definitely sucked a lot of life out of the forum in the last few years. Many inculding myself are only infrequent visitors now as it has definitely become a more toxic place and lost a lot of what made it good 3-5 years ago.