hybrids ,how do you hit them?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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have posted about the 'down' in a golf motion a bunch of times on these threads

always the difficulty is folks understanding & perception of 'down' in a swing & how that is really achieved to have control of 'low point' in a swings arc

just speaking to the norm intention & actual motion in a full swing & what exactly happens to the club

the 'lowest' point the hands handle are at (so traveling 'downwards & forwards) is opposite the lead thigh - at this point in the swing the club shaft would be around horizontal to the ground or club head a tad higher or tad lower than the hands

from this hands/handle lowest point opposite the trail thigh & because of good body motion then the hands/handle as they continue to travel forwards on the arc they are also traveling a tad upwards & a tad inwards or leftwards in relation to what ever shape the swing path is taking whether that is in to in - in to out - out to in

if anyone ever really studies a slow motion swing of an elite player from face on - it's pretty easy too see the low point of the hands/handle opposite the trail thigh area & the continued travel that is then forwards & upwards

it's this motion of the hands/handle (from their low point opposite the trail thigh) traveling forwards/upwards/& inwards/leftwards & those torques & forces being applied by the hands/handle travel that send the shaft & the clubhead outwards & 'downwards' to strike the ball (as in newtons 3rd law)

it's this motion of the hands/handle moving forwards/upwards/inwards from their low point opposite trail thigh that create the down & out travel of the shaft & club head

if someone just kept swinging down they would just dump the clubhead in the ground & not contact the ball - unless they stood up before round contact

however if someone learning the game has the misconception & therefore instinct or intention to try to 'help' the ball 'up' so trying to 'flick the clubhead upwards in the air to get the ball 'up' it would be necessary first off for them to understand it's the 'downwards' & forwards motion of the clubhead that sends the ball up - hence the often heard guidance to a player being told he needs more 'down' so strike ball then hit the ground

my take - have found it's about trying to have folks understand how to 'control' the low point of the swing arc but also it's
all really to do with 'where' in their individual journey of trying to learn the game as to the tailored (for them) instruction