How to Break 100


Medal Winner
May 10, 2012
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looking for the thoughts of everyone on regulary breaking 100, I have broke 100 a few times but not doing it on a regular basis, unitl I am able to break 100 I am not wating to compete in the monthly medal.

I recently read that to break 100 you should stay clear of the driver & woods & concentrate on using your irons off the tee, 5 or 6 iron & then play from there as you will be able to control the ball better with these irons.

Just looking for everyone ones opinion on this, should pack the driver away & just work with the irons until a time when I am breaking 100 regularly.



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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try and work on getting down in 3 from the red marker. 110yards. you wont go too far wrong if you can do that more often than not.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Play smarter golf .. if you are in trouble take an iron you know you can hit & get it back in play , trying the miracalous shot will cost ya ..if there is water or other hazzard near the green , lay up short or away from them , this will minamise the penalty drops .. work on your pace putting , id say in the over 100 shots there are a few 3 putts , try to minamise this ..

& not being smart here but work on using your driver or 3 wood , even if you drive it near 200 then a mid iron wil get you near most par 4 .. then you are down to the card saving or card wrecking , chipping & putting , only thing for this ..? practice


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Not sure on your general ability, handicap or distance. But what do you hit 150 yards? 7-iron? So going on that you willl probably get around 170 with a 5i. So if you hit 2 5 irons then you are around the 340/350 mark. How far are you away from a lot of the par 4's at your course? Chip it on 2 putts there's a bogey. so before you know it you will be easily hitting in the low 90's.

Not saying this is the exact way you should play, but it is an example on how to make this game easier. Do not worry about the look on your mates faces when you take an iron off the tee, you can give them the same look back when they are in the cabbage trying to find their ball.....:thup:

To break 100 I think it all comes down to sensible golf and not giving yourself a chance to get into trouble.

The 5th at my place is a great example of sensible golf. 295 yards to the front, tight landing area with lots of bunkers to go into, trees both sides that if you get under, the bunkers make almost impossible to get on the green in 2. The good golfers take a 3/4 iron off the tee and leave themselves with a 80-100 yard to the middle of the green. The people that do not think take the driver and go for it. Yes it is easy to get yourself an eagle putt. But drive slightly offline and you walk off with a bogey or worse...:rolleyes:
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Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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If my life depended on going round in 100 or less i would be using 3/4 swing at a maximum, concentrating on keeping in play.
I'd still use my driver just a really controlled swing
No fancy lob wedge approach shots, bumping and running it on. Putting, contentrating on distance, lagging it up to the hole.


Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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People have said don't use your driver but I'd say play to your strength and play the odds. Most peoples weakness is their driver but it might be your strength. What I mean by play the odds is, by way of example, if hitting driver off the tee brings in the danger of hazards, out of bounds, in the trees etc then maybe play an iron/fairway wood. Work out what's the likely outcomes from selecting certain shots i.e. perfect drive gives great chance of par but a miss hit driver makes a high score likely and an iron off the tee might make par very difficult but might make a 5 very easy to achieve. 18 x 5 =90. That's what I do anyway.

Oh and work on chipping and putting-taking out the silly miss hit chips and reducing 3 putts really helps breaking 90(I know that might be easier said than done). Last thing try not to think about mechanics too much when playing a round, save that for the practice ground.

Hope some of that helps
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Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Lay up on long par 4s, that helped me stop getting 7s and 8s when trying to nail a 4 iron in over a bunker when clearly a 7 iron and a pitch would have done a better job.

I started shooting mid to low 90s after I started doing that. That and buying a V-Easy from bobmac will help you break 100.

One more tip would be look to leave a nice easy putt when chipping on, dont try and get it as close as possible as sometimes you will leave a tricky long downhill putt. Instead look to roll it to the low side so you have a greater chance of holing the putt and therefore getting up and down.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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You're asking a tough question.

How many putts are you taking? Can you hit a 5 iron into the trees as easily as a wood? Are you duffing it around the greens?

I didn't step away from driver/3 wood to break 100, I got better and straighter....and learned how to putt.
I got into course management to break 90, that was easy.
Breaking 80 is not that tough either, but it's about the bad shots (how bad they are!) not the good long as you have a short game.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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If my life depended on going round in 100 or less i would be using 3/4 swing at a maximum, concentrating on keeping in play.
I'd still use my driver just a really controlled swing
No fancy lob wedge approach shots, bumping and running it on. Putting, contentrating on distance, lagging it up to the hole.

I agree.

Then again, if my life depended on it, I'd probably ditch the driver in all honesty, and the 3 hybrid, and the lob wedge....


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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I've just started to regularly break 100. How I did it was try and play sensible, aiming to take one more shot than par to hit the green. I found by doing that I started taking the pressure off myself and actually started hitting more greens in regulation as a result.
Also I only tend to use the driver if I have an 'escape route'. I'm lucky that my course is quite wide open and there are a good 6 holes where I can open up with the driver and not worry too much as there is only trouble down one side.
I'm concentrating on chipping close and putting now as getting a few 3 putts off my card will get me under 90.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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I honestly believe it is all about course management, common sense, and just taking all the dangers out of the equation.
I reckon a decent golfer could caddy for a high H/cap .... say 25-28 capper, and tell him every shot, almost sure to break the Ton every time, if they have half a decent game/swing to start with.
Too many high handicappers, DONT use their shots, risk TOO MUCH, and are playing for Pars, when bogey/double bogey should be the target.
Too many players are aiming TOO High.
EG ..... Ive got a mate 16 H/cap, trying to go for Par 5s in 2, when hes got a shot on these holes....!!!

power fade

Assistant Pro
Jul 24, 2012
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i have just started to regularly break 100 myself and i have been able to do this by improving by playing (started last year) and like some of the other guys are saying, by playing a more percentage style game.

The first thing i did was leave the driver out the bag and I always use my 3 hybrid off the tee. At my course i am still able to reach most Par 4s with 7 iron or under following drive and with the longer ones i treat them as Par 5s and rather than try to smash a shot 220 from a bad lie through trees and hoping to miss greenside bunkers, i now use mid/shortish iron and position it to then chip on close for three and two put for 5 or knock put in for par if lucky!. Remember all you really need to score 90 is 18 x 5.

I used to go for the impossible shot than only comes off 1 in 20 times, but you tend to regularly end up with 6s and 7s if things go awry. What i am finding now is i am enjoying my golf more and as i improve i will no doubt become more aggressive - but as Clint Eastwood used to say - you got to know your limitations!!

Best of luck mate


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Practice from the hole backwards. Learn to putt well, it is the BIG score dropper. Pitch and chip. Hit mid irons into the green from 150 - 100. Learn what club will get you 180 yards down the fairway fairly safely. Get off the tee with as many different clubs as possible that will keep you on the fairway (3 and 5 woods)

AND!!!!! Practice !!!!!!!!


Nov 16, 2011
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Unless you are having major problems with the Driver, or you hit your 3-wood a similar distance, it makes little sense not using. it in my view, as it gives you such a head start down most holes.

However, so much improvement can be made by proper course management - taking your medicine when you get in trouble or staying away from danger in the first place,

Chipping and putting is the one area where huge improvements can be made by practice at his level and it continues to be the place where shots can be saved at the highest (lowest?) level. And learn your distances, so you can confidently pic the club for the distance within 120yds. Pelz's finesse swings, or the 3/4 and half swings are important in this area and are quite simple to get close, if not perfect.

Good Luck!


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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A good idea is to get a playing lesson where the pro goes out with you and teaches you about course management. Playing the sensible shot everytime will break 100 easily. Like has been said already you have shots so use them. standing 200 yards from the green on your SI1 and grabbing the 3-wood to go for the green is really not the thing to do. Just knock it down there and chip on, try to make par that way but make sure your going to come away with nothing worse than a 6.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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As an experiment due to my bad driving, Yesterday I played my 5 iron off all tees bar the first 2 par 4s, result all fairways hit, round in 94, what I lost with distance I more than made up for in accuracy and often I was as far off the tee as I would have been had I not been dead straight with my driver.