How are comps ran at your club?

My old club was like that. If you wanted to tee off on a Saturday between 7am and 5pm in the summer. You had to play in the comp.

When I think about it more, that was a reasonable chunk on top of the annual memebership cost just to be able to use the course at the only tme I was able to play.
Every weekend when there is no other competition, the club runs an optional entry stableford comp on the Sat and a separate one on the Sun. Entry is usual £3.50 plus optional £2 for twos sweep.

There are no tee times allocated to this competition. We just book a tee time as normal at any time of the day, and any of a group (can be group of 2, 3 or 4) who wishes to play in the comp, even if it’s just one, can do so, others in the group who don’t want to don’t have to. Register to play in it, choose White or Yellow tees (can be mixed tees in any group) and off you go.
We pay £3 for all our comps. £1 for 1st and 2nd (60:40 split), £1 for twos and £1 goes to the handicap committee so we can do engraving, pay for food on finals day and prizegiving and are also responsible for course markers. Our results go through V1 and HDID so even though we dont publish details of prizes or entries players know how the money is shared out so can work it out for themselves if they wish. We take entries cash and pay out winnings in cash as we have no other way of doing it at the moment, however we are ooking at membership cards. No pro shop either so cant give credit for the shop
Well....kind of. Just not an official comp if you are playing with friends.
If you are playing against friends.....on a handicap are kind of playing a comp. Just not run by the club.
The title of the thread pretty much defines the context in which comp is being used, ie: run by the club ?‍♂️. Can’t say I know any golfers who would never play against another golfer in any context. Do they exist?
£1.50 to enter. This pays for engraving trophies & vouchers given out at the end of the season.
Optional 2s, scratch and hcp sweeps - £1 each.
Some of the entry fees here are interesting. If you can only play at weekends and do not wnat a ridiculously late finish, I have been at clubs where you pretty much have to enter a comp. With some clubs charging a fiver to enter, that is an extra £100-£200 on top of the current membership cost for a weekend golfer just to ensure getting a round at a reasomable time.
Mine is like that. Most Saturday's from April till end of September are reserved from 7am till 3pm for the competition. £2 comp, £1 sweep, £1 2's. Before WHS the only way to get a handicap was to play in a comp so I don't have an issue with it. I don't think I've played a single round at my home course this year that I didn't pay to enter the comp or the midweek sweep.

Any winnings (comp/sweep/2's) you have through the year are put onto your club card and you can use this to pay entry so I don't mind it at all.
The title of the thread pretty much defines the context in which comp is being used, ie: run by the club ?‍♂️. Can’t say I know any golfers who would never play against another golfer in any context. Do they exist?
Actually yes. Until I moved back to the UK, when I played with friends of mine it was almost always just playing the best you could. No money involved. I prefer to play for no money.....but in the UK if you want to play golf, it's almost always required to play for money.