Help required! Short survey on slow play


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Jul 22, 2006
GM Towers
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Hi all

the Golf Club Secretary publication with whom we work closely is running a survey on slow play - focusing on golfers perceptions of the main causes

It takes only a couple of minutes to complete but it think the results will be very enlightening and hopefully useful for golfers/clubs when looking at ways in which to address the problem that only seems to be getting worse

It really is very simple to complete so hopefully you can take the time to fill it in

thanks in advance


Deleted member 17920

Done and interesting to see what the conclusions are.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Done, we don't have a halfway house, but on invitation days we have a BQ and bar so if everyone stops there for 5 mins what's the problem.
If only Carlsberg made golf courses.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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it's a shame because the way it's set out prevents a true shared picture IMO.

these are some of my reasons for saying that -

1. medal play doesn't inherently create slow play - but in conjunction with playing ability, course set up and size of playing groups it can become a very different time proposition.
2. the above makes any pace of play guidelines either inappropriate or too complicated to be effective for their simple task!
3. pop guidelines in themselves create a problem when a group believes it doesn't need to consider following groups because it's meeting them!
4. DMD's and buggies will speed up play for some people in some situations - but can contribute to slow play for others.
5. the ability for players to reach a par 5 in 2 self evidently means they will play quicker, but for both the group and the one's behind, the perception will be one of 'slow play'.
6. most inland courses have something 'beyond the rough' (usually trees) and the nature of this is frequently the biggest cause of players searching for balls (in the absence of long rough).
7. there's nothing wrong with marking a card before teeing off; it's a good time to do it! Just don't do it when it's your turn to play!
8. they seem to be missing 'arguments/discussions about whose turn it is to play; lack of appropriate concessions, players marking instead of tapping in, and the latest associated issue of player's alligning their balls before every putt...

in the box with a load more :thup:

I wonder what effect 'free replacement balls' would have on pace of play ?


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Playing ability number one.
I saw 2 ladies on or course yesterday who no disrespect shouldn't have been on the course.
One lady took 8 shots to get to the corner of our 4th,a dog leg,she was half way.
I was on the practice area watching.
We all had to start somewhere.
When I started my dad used to refuse to take me on the course when others were around,partly
due to me being dangerous and being courteous to others.