Help me beat my mate.........


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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Playing against my old flat mate form Uni, aint seen him in ages and have been giving banter back + forth for ages.

I know the tip about giving him some putts to start and then making hm sweat later in the game but what else can I do?

I don't want to be doing anything like ripping open my glove at the top of his swing etc.
I find throwing a few comments like " the course has been playing really long/tough lately" always adds an element of doubt. You could try the "is it me or is the wind starting to get up" and give him something else to worry about. Other than that just play your best golf and you'll be fine.
An old mate ? Who cares who wins, just enjoy the game and the banter and have fun !

But club comps can be a different matter ......... ;-)
one of the best is the classic "do you breath in or out on your take away?". :D
Can really mess with someone's head.

Others are making a point of stating where the trouble is, look at that rough on the right etc etc..

Or ' I can't believe how well you're playing, what have you done to improve your swing?'

If it's sunny you can accidentally cast your shadow over their ball etc when they're playing.

Basically anything to draw their attention to problems and away from the business end of playing golf.

Have fun.

Peter Allis has a load in his little paperback biography.. None come to mind right now, but look them up, well read the book very funny in places.

Yeah, placing things in peoples mind is an evil practice, which many people do, whether they realise it or not. My Mate tries to do it to me all the time even though he can beat me easily most times of the year... He's obviously trying to be helpful in telling me where the trouble is or about the slightoverswing, or his best... "Oh you really must see my coach" Not sure if he knows how much that one annoys me, especially seeing his swing...rofl, its awfull.

I'll beat him in North Wales again where it really matters.

"You really want to kepp left on this hole, or that ball is going to get seriously wet" (Nefyn on the second). He lost about 5 balls that day over that cliff onto the rocks & water below intwo rounds. Serves him right for the rest of the year.
Wait until the 10th or 11th hole and then say.....
"Looks like you're on target for a great score. If you keep this up you could shoot a (insert 5 strokes better than handicap score here). Well done, mate!" :D

There's nothing like the crushing pressure of a potentially great score to wreck a card.
I know everyone expects there to be a bit of gamesmanship in matchplay, but I can honestly say that I have never said or done anything to try to put off my opponent.

I have had numerous attempts on me though, from placing the flag a few feet directly behind the hole on your line in the hope that you will leave it short for fear of hitting it, swinging their putters just close enough for me to see it as I'm about to putt,tearing off the glove as I'm putting and the usual stating where all the obvious OB's and hazards are.

Always taken in good humour and I find that I concentrate more and try harder when someone starts the funny antics with me.
when in a bunker playing with the work lads they took the flag out and put it on the other side of the green hit a decent shot about 50 foot from the proper hole

complete b******s
hire madandra as your caddy, get him to analyse your mates golf swing and bobs your uncle he will have it in the bag,he will have him all over the place
my best one is, just before they swing say I shanked it from there last week ..then watch their swing disintegrate before your eyes!
Just got back in, I beat him on both days! Well happy. I shot rubbish scores, 97 first day and 93 today, however, I was playing consistently bogeying every hole and not having any 8s like I normally do when I lose my concentration.

We have both sworn to never play on a bank holiday again it took nearly 5 hours for us to go round today.