Help 4 Heroes Liphook charity site details


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I have now set up the JustGiving charity site for the Help for Heroes day at Liphook Golf Club on the 2nd October 2018.

I would be grateful if all those that have indicated they would like to play and are in the the 80 players below, would make their donations by the 1st April. After that date if there are spaces available I will start moving up those on the reserve list. I am hoping that Liphook will give us some more spaces, and will be seeing the secretary in the next couple of months.

The donation is £30, and as it is a donation and you are not receiving any benefit, it is eligible for Gift Aid assuming you are a tax payer. Please read the Gift Aid instructions when making your donation on the JustGiving site carefully. If you could include your real name and forum name on the donation it makes my job of allocating payments much easier. Please do not include words such as deposit/payment for golf day, as gift aid will get taken away. General messages of support for the charity are fine. I have made my donation to get the ball rolling.

Payment for the golf at Liphook of £55.00 is made on the day, and must not be made to the JustGiving site. I will not be able to refund any additional payments, and you will still need to pay on the day. Full details of the day at Liphook are in the other H4H threads, but if there are any queries regarding the day either drop me a pm, or post on the appropriate thread. Please keep this thread for specific queries regarding the JustGiving site. If you can no longer play please let me know by pm.

I will update donations on this page as and when they are made.

The link to the JustGiving site is I will also put the link in my signature.

Updated list of players :

1. Lincoln Quaker
2. Liverpoolphil
3. Dufferman
4. DarrenWilliam
5. Jobr1850
6. Liverbirdie
7. Richart
8. NWJocko
9. Stuc
10. Dando
11. JamesR
12. Twire
13. Imurg
14. PhilTheFragger
15. Sam85
16. Crow
17. Birchy
18. PaulW4701
19. Junior
20. SteveW86
21. Anotherdouble
22. TheDiablo
23. Pokerjoke
24. Pete42
25. Drive4Show
26. Piece
27. CVG
28. 2Blue
29. Badger
30. Kraxx68
31. Khamelion
32. Hacker_ Hughes
33. HomerJSimpson
34. Mikejohnchapman
35. Bigfoot
36. Matty6
37. GG26
38. Fish
39. Blue in Munich
40. Cake
41. MashleyR7
42. Val
43 Swingalot
44. FairwayDodger
45. Troymcclure
46. Wookie
47. PNWokingham
48. Radbourne2010
49. Therod
50. Chiefi0.
51. Bogie Boy
52. Topoftheflop
53. Artyd
54. Midnight
55. IanM
56. Hobbit
57. MendieGK
58. JakeBarnes
59. Sawtooth
60. Jates12
61. GeneralStore
62. Sandy
63. MackamSlice
64. RW1986
65. 4Woody4
66. TimRitchie
67. Njrose51
68. SaintHacker
69. Pieman
70. 94tegsi
71. Scott Blaney (Battle Back)
72. Merv79
73. Old Skier
74. Swinger
75. Battle Back
76. Battle Back
77. Merv_swerve
78. Mark/Auctioneer
79. GM
80. GM

Deleted member 1740

Rich Can you put Duffers on the reserve list please, he is down to play at west hill on the Monday.



Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Rich Can you put Duffers on the reserve list please, he is down to play at west hill on the Monday.

He is on the reserve list Stu. All on the reserve list are on the 'list of players' thread which I have just updated.:thup: As soon as we get to 1st April I will allocate spaces to those on that list.
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Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Thanks for all the donations, but please don’t use the words ‘deposit’ or ‘payment’ in your wording on the justgiving site. As you are not receiving any benefit it is a donation and therefore eligible for gift aid. All payments are made on the day in cash, and go 100% to Liphook Golf Club.

Sorry to be a nag but JustGiving check the wording on their sites, and have been known to take away tax relief on donations with the words deposit/payments etc.

Great to see the donations rolling in so fast. Hopefully we will have a H4H record turnout of forumers.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Thanks guys for the recent donations. Well over £1000 raised already, and we are only a couple of thousand short of the £100,000 total. Is there a champagne popping icon on the forum for when we reach it ?:)

This amount is due to the incredible support we have had on the forum over the last eight years. Rickg started the forum H4H day back in 2010, and I know how proud he was that he got so many forumers, and non forumers supporting the day. Whilst it is just one days golf amongst a lot of forum meets, it can be very time consuming, with planning starting almost immediately the day has finished for next years event. A forum meet itself is hard work as quite a few on here will testify, but trying to raise monies for such a deserving charity just adds to the pressures and work load.

Robin (Fish) has put a huge amount of work in over the last two years, whilst juggling his working and personal life. He told me he would be standing down at Christmas, and whilst I personally was saddened by his decision I quite understood. I know when he is back on the forum he will be thanking those that have shown support, but his decision has nothing to do with events over the last couple of weeks.

Robin was of course one of the first to show his support for this years event by making his donation to confirm his place. Anyone that thinks he would stand down lightly or that it was some sort of flounce because of recent forum events does not know the man.

Right now that I have got that off my chest lets get back to raising loads of money.:thup: Oh and we will be after plenty of helpers this year as always, so don't go quiet on us.:)
