Hearing Tests


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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Went for my test today and walked out with 2 new hearing aids with Bluetooth, still getting used to them and waiting to surprise the missus when she gets home . Whilst still very early do feel my tinnitus is less but then do get a slight rustling as my head moves 😅


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 25, 2015
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Went for my test today and walked out with 2 new hearing aids with Bluetooth, still getting used to them and waiting to surprise the missus when she gets home . Whilst still very early do feel my tinnitus is less but then do get a slight rustling as my head moves 😅
I used to get the rustling when the ends of my hair scratched across the microphone.
You’ll find that certain sounds like crockery and cutlery getting put down on a table can make you jump out of your skin! Also you might find the sound of yourself eating is horrible. Don’t worry about it as the brain manages to get used to it and somehow ignores it after a while. Stick with it, it’s worth it.
If they annoy you, take them out for a while and gradually build up the length of time you wear them.
I have worn hearing aids for 35 years now, and I’ve gone through a lot of technical advances since my 1st pair that were analogue.
Bluetooth has been the greatest advance I have had. I can now be quite confident on my mobile phone and can actually hear it ring even if I’m in my garage and left my phone in the house!
The other great advancement for me is rechargeable batteries. I pu them in a pod overnight and they recharge. No more wondering if the batteries are losing power and having to fiddle about with changeing them and making sure I’ve got spares with me if I go out.
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