Has anyone heard of Orka Golf ?


Medal Winner
May 31, 2007
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Im fairly new to the game (8 months) my handicap is 26 will probably will be nearer 20-22 going by my scores recently.I have been advised to get custom fitted clubs and found a company called Orka Golf. Is it worth getting fitted while Im still a hacker and has anyone heard of Orka golf.
sorry can't help you there. Have they got a web site?

Ur local pro would be better than going to a company because the company will just sell you the most expencive gear they have and no disrespect but who r u to argue?

good luck but try ur Pro shop!!!
I shall just answer my own question here.

Yes they have a web site and they make their own clubs, so I guess they will be trying to fit you with a set of their own very expencive clubs......

Go To Your Local PRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The site is orkagolf.co.uk think they only sell their own clubs, my only worry about going to the club pro was I assume he will offer me the brand he is linked to, its mainly all titelist woods etc in the club shop.
I will have to disagree that they are expensive or a bad option. They only sell through professional club fitters and the person who I saw spent 2 and a half hours fitting me for an Orka Kii Driver. Best club I own at the moment and is the only driver I can hit straight. Cost is less than most off the shelf clubs and the irons, hybrids etc are comparable prices to MD etc. Send them an email, they will reply quickly with some good advice. At the fitting appointment I was under to pressure to buy and were willing to correctly fit my own kit if it was a better option than buying new. Got a new driver and all of my clubs fitted, adjusted and re-gripped. Go to the web site for Strikeright golf near northampton to get an idea of what the clubmaker does (you will see my feedback on there as that was where I went). Really think that they are worth a look for something a bit different and alot cheaper that is truely custom fitted. And before anyone asks, no I do not work for them.
Ok U win, I have to say that seening as not many people have heard of them (iknow it doesnt make them a bad make) but why pay cheaper for something rubbish and pay a few quid for the real stuff. I was allways penny pinching when I started but I have seen the light. U get what you pay for..........
The price advertised for a set of their irons is £200 I assume the fitting will be added to that, my thinking was if I got properley fitted, does it matter if I only spend £200 on clubs at my current level of handicap ?
I went to them because I had wasted 200.00 on a Taylormade Burner, 150.00 on an R7 460 and 80.00 on a Hippo Hex all of which were sold to me by various pros and retailers as being perfect for me and after you hit enough balls on the range you believe what they say. All were wrong, all produced a high slice most of the time. Orka sold me a club through their fitters that was right for me, shorter shaft, higher loft etc. They are cheaper, as with other lower cost makes, because they do not blow millions on sponsoring tour pros. It is because people are willing to ignore these new companies that we get charged a fortune by the bigger names who are supposedly selling a better product. Besides, these clubs can cost as much or as little as you want depending on what shaft and grip options you choose. I would recommend that anyone go to a club maker and give Orka and other smaller companies a go. I assure you that, if nothing else, you will end up with a properly fitted and weighted set of clubs rather than clubs fitted on a size and measurement chart and fitted to suit the manufacturing procedures of the big companies
I agree 10000percent................. The only thing I dont agree with is all this bullshit about shaft's, heads, grips, shoes and whatever else they want to throw at us. As I said on Wednesday I tryed out the new G10 and on the shaft it was like the working of an aeroplane. Can someone please tell me what all this stuff they print on shafts and boxes is about. All I want to do is buy a set of clubs and be able to hit them (straught).
The last time I had a paid for lesson was whenever I was 15 I'm now 40 and playin good golf. The last set of clubs I boughts was 3 years ago, I have went down 2 shots with them, and the only reason I bought them was because I liked the look of them.

Must admit Im starting to think the same way as you GB72. Surely if my clubs are properley fitted (not just by some basic measurements) thats going to help me more than using a big brand and paying twice as much or am I just being tight ?
You are not being tight at all. I started playing properly about a year ago and have bought cheap gear and I have bought expensive gear. What I found with Orka and with their using professional club makers and fitters is that I bought the right gear following a number of expensive mistakes. Most of the fitters sell more than just Orka and sell other makes such as Snake Eyes. You will get the right set of clubs and they will fit and if your fitting is anything like mine, you may learn a few things as well. As an example of the care taken, I spent 2 and a half hours being fitted then another hour trying the clubs a week later to check they were all OK. If there had been any issues then they would have been adjusted on the spot. Have a look at www.strikerightgolf.co.uk (the company that I went to) just reading the web site is an eye opener. Use makes like Orka, MD, Benross and the like, THEY ARE NOT LOW QUALITY, they are cheap because they do not waste money on pro sponsorship
Does this mean I walk into a shop and take everything the guy behind the counter says to me as gosple? No I didnt think so. I can understand gullible people but listen lads its golf, it's money and ur going to take a guy's word for it that u have never met before. Sorry lads it dosent work for me. Even now I wouldn't listen to a pro. If Tiger or any of the top pro's said to me tomoorw I should use Nike irons they'd have a hard sell.
I seem to get the feeling there are alot of the people on here that have just started to play golf. am I right?
I got a set of King Cobra FP's 5-sw, custom fitted, for £369. I haven't looked back since and having correctly fitted clubs make such a difference to my game and the confidence it affords me knowing my clubs are right for me.

I thought £369 was more than reasonable for a set of clubs of this quality.

I trust my pro shop implicitly, The guys stopped me buying clubs that are wrong for me before.

There are some pro's whos only interest is getting their commission, and there are also some great ones. Never once have mine tried to upsell me from my faithfull f-speed driver!
I had custom fitted clubs for a while and they were great. I'm sure the guys at strikeright etc. and knowledgeable pros will sort us all out just nicely with a set of clubs.

What I do know though is this; if you are set in your ways and don't plan to change your swing, then custom is the way to go. For sure....

However, what you could do is waste £100s on new kit and then completely change your swing to the point where your custom clubs are pointless....as I did....when I was lucky to earn about £500 a month.

I regret it sorely......if you are tall, get a little longer etc. but selecting shafs and lies/lofts when you are always changing fundamentals is a waste of time. I've gone from regular, to stiff, to regular, to graphite, to steel etc. and I've done it with second hand stuff ever since my costly mistake. My pros would rather sell me some geezers trade in set and give me a course of lessons than see me throw good money away for the sake of some shiny kit.

Okra kit has been getting more and more coverage recently, and all of it good. By all accounts they appear to be the new MD golf but with a very strong focus on the fitting.

I would give them a call, go along try the clubs and the fitting and decide from there.

Either way good luck with your search for new clubs.
Hi All,
I might be able to help here as I am the owner of ORKA golf. My interest is not in selling you the most expensive set there is, but in seeing you play your best golf. The clubmakers will not charge you for their time even if you do not buy from them. In addition the cost you see on the site is a fitted cost, there is no additional charge unless you have a different shaft option.
I believe our pricing to represent excellent value for fully fitted clubs, but I appreciate there will be more than one opinion on this.
I truely believe in custom fit, that it will produce your most consistent golf for you, but I also believe in having lessons. If you have things in your swing you need to put right, do this before you buy new clubs and then have them fitted. Look around, hit some demo's and see a clubmaker and see what you think, then decide.
If I can answer any direct questions about the brand, or how we conduct ourselves please do not hesitate to ask.