handicap question


Tour Rookie
Jan 25, 2008
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As you may or may not be aware i play off 28.

If i went out in a medal and shot 98 with a 12 on a hole would i still get a cut? I've been told before that anything more than a double bogey on a hole is just counted as a double bogey therefore if i played the rest of the course to 6 shots below my handicap would the 12 on a par 4 just count as a 6? meaning i played the full 18 below my handicap?

I know for my medal score it would count as 12 strokes but i'm sure i've been told its different when calculating handicaps?

Hope this makes sense!
Not quite correct Minty.
The 12 would be reduced to a nett double bogey. If the hole you had the 12 on was a par 4 and stroke index 1 (hardest hole) you would be scored an 8 for handicapping whereas me off 5 handicap would be scored a 7 and a scratch player would be scored a 6.
You would get one shot for holes with stroke index 1-18 and then another shot for holes 1-10 so a total of 18+10 = 28 shots.
If the hole was stroke index 18 (easiest hole) then you would be scored a 7.
Sounds complicated but it's not.

You need to tell me the course CSS on the day to see if you get cut.
Cheers birdieman, i'm pretty sure i understand. I know i get two shots on s.i. 1-10 so lets say for example the par is 70 (which it is off the whites) and i have played fairly well shooting 86 on 17 of the holes however the 18th par 4 (si.5) i got a 12. My medal score would be 98 minus 28 = 70.

However for handicap purposes my handicap secretary would work it out as an 8 on the 18th meaning i actually shot 66.

4 shots better than my handicap thus ensuring a cut?

Is this correct?
I think it is correct but only if the par 70 is also the SSS. Handicaps are calculated from the SSS, not par. The SSS changes a little day to day to reflect course conditions so if everyone is scoring low the CSS will be 1 lower than SSS and conversely if everyone is scoring poorly then the CSS can go up by up to 3 shots I think, then it becomes non-qualifying.

If CSS is 70 you would be cut 4 x 0.4 = 1.6 taking you to 26.4 exact so a 26 handicap. If you have any other 8's 9's etc on the card you would maybe get some more off.

They may cut you further if they think there's a bandit about!
Shhhhh birdieman, dont mention the bandit word.

I've played in a few competitions already and havent even played to 28 in them but thats all going to change next weekend. I've got the club championship (two rounds in one day) and i'm sure thats going to be the day i play to what i know i'm capable of.

Its going to be a big test though, 36 holes off the whites is tough. The driver is definitely staying in the bag that day.

Thanks for the help
Stu, I had this arguement with my last club when I shot a 77 scratch and had an 8 on the par 4 5th S.I. 3 and didn't get cut further than my 0.4 .... Can it be down to the discretion of each club.
The Match and Handicap Sec before me didn't use stableford adjusted scoring because it was too difficult for him to work out manually, consequently eveyone had too high a handicap.

Now everything is computerised with Club2000 software there should be no excuses for it not to be done, it is worked out automatically nowadays.

I once went round my home course in gross 77 with 6 birdies and a 12 on the 6th hole, that is the prime scenario when you should be getting cut via the stableford adjusted scoring system.

I still hear of clubs not doing it for away scores (they should) but I think all clubs do it for home scores.
We certainly adjust by Stableford or medal, depending which gets you cut the most. Obviously you can't win the medal on stableford, it is just for h/capping. Don't do it for away scores though. Unless you are county.