Hand notice in before having a new job lined up

  • Thread starter Deleted member 25172
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Deleted member 25172

I pretty much know what the majority's opinion is in regards of this, but perhaps there'll be a response in there somewhere that really gets to me.

I'm in the gambling industry, working in the marketing department where my job basically is to make sure that we keep our customers for as long as possible, making sure they spend their money with us. Highly immoral, I know.
Now, me and my colleagues are divided so we're looking after different regions, and it so happen to be that I've been given 2 regions, whilst everyone else looks after one. I've been sucking it up for over a year, doing all the daily work double, all the monthly meetings - double, all the reports - double. You get it. Double of all as I have 2 regions, whilst everyone else has one.

I did a quick calculation just counting the bare daily work essentials, and in a year, it shows that I do about 18 working days more (based on 8 hour working day) than my colleagues for the same tasks do to me doing it double.

This morning the big boss sent out an email, requesting for us to put together a learning presentation template for the programs that we're using. Now, most people received 2 programs each to create a presentation for, but - they were paired together with another colleague, whilst I was given 2 presentations to make also, but on my own.

I almost lost it there and then but managed to get myself out from the building and walk around the block before answering.

I've spoken to managers on several occasions before about workload, but nothing seem to get better, but just more work getting piled on. I'm an anxious person as is, but this is really starting to take it's toll now. Some friends have just said to "work less" and look for other things in the mean time, but I can't work less, cause I'm not in a line of work where I can delay things and just show up doing nothing. Campaigns and comms to customers has to go out.

Have anyone here left a workplace before finding something new?


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Yes I quit on the spot once when I was told I was not getting a pay rise when all the others had. Luckily my wife backed me up when I told her and I got a new job within a couple of weeks.

It is very much industry dependent and if you are in some sort of computer programming job I doubt you will find it hard to find another. My son works in that industry and is responsible for recruiting his own team which he finds difficult because of a lack of candidates.

Deleted member 16999

Can you not request a formal meeting to put forward your grievances?

I’m sure they’d rather be aware of what’s happening before you either leave or, god forbid, you go off work ill with stress etc.

Robin Hood

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2018
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Difficult. I have always believed it is easier to get a job if you are in a job.
However if your current role is too stressful, move on quickly. Life is too short.
I have just read Pauls response and agree that this is a good starting point.
Good luck.

Deleted member 21258

Never quit without something lined up as such, don't think I would ever do that, as always had responsibilities. Would grin and bear it for the time being and sort out a new job and then leave the job and pass my comments on what was going on(if you don't mind burning bridges!).

That said, I did hand in my partnership notice after I 'rushed' a decision :D(I was not a happy bunny for quite a while and something just pushed me over the edge) and then negotiated the terms of 'retirement' from the partnership and how much I would pay for the terms I wanted, which took the following week iirc and formally withdrew after my 3 months notice I had to give. Couldn't find any premises suitable in that period, all a bit seat of the pants stuff, for my liking, but we(me/wife) made it happen and it worked out.

Hope you get it sorted, best of luck.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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When I was in the Purchasing Department of a frozen fish importer the blame for mess ups landed on my desk instead of the people who were actually dealing with the issue.
Got to the point where a Buyer promised delivery of an item that was in transit. I quoted that said item "should" be delivered Tuesday. Buyer promptly tells customer he'll have item Wednesday
Tuesday comes and no fish - because the lorry broke down in Dover
Buyer rants at me saying is promised delivery, took it to the MD, got called in, got the 3rd degree, slammed my paperwork on his desk, told him to stick his job where the sun doesn't shine and walked out.
Began Driving Instructor training 3 days later
Best thing I ever did...:LOL:


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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If I lived by myself and had no money concerns, I might. If I had a wife/partner, housing responibilities or family there's no-way I would burden the rest of them just because I felt aggrieved at work. I would start looking for another job and have a quiet word with my superior over how it was unfair, and why was it like it.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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When I was in the Purchasing Department of a frozen fish importer the blame for mess ups landed on my desk instead of the people who were actually dealing with the issue.
Got to the point where a Buyer promised delivery of an item that was in transit. I quoted that said item "should" be delivered Tuesday. Buyer promptly tells customer he'll have item Wednesday
Tuesday comes and no fish - because the lorry broke down in Dover
Buyer rants at me saying is promised delivery, took it to the MD, got called in, got the 3rd degree, slammed my paperwork on his desk, told him to stick his job where the sun doesn't shine and walked out.
Began Driving Instructor training 3 days later
Best thing I ever did...:LOL:

that story sounds fishy to me ??


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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So sorry to hear of your problems. The answer is I would not unless I had a job lined up. What are the options for a new job and have you checked your options with what there is available?

What do your colleagues feel about the situation. You mention going to other managers but are you being assertive enough? How about going to the person above the managers, if there is one, after telling them what you are about to do if you do not receive support?

No idea how many regions but say 9 with 8 employees why can the Company not change the person around so everybody has 2for a month.

Good luck and remember health is more important.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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There is no easy answer to your dilemma, however if its causing unwarranted stress and impacting how you feel outside of work then the first port of call would be to arrange a meeting with the person causing you the problem, lay out how you feel, what you feel is unfair and ask them for a resolution. If they are adament nothing will change inform them of your intention to look elsewhere. They can't fire you for that honesty and it may shock them into making positive changes for you, or they may say fine nothing will change your choice is your own, but at least you will know where you stand and have a clear conscience.

I have once walked from a job on the spot after months of doing extra hours covering after a manager above me walked out, the company then chose to overlook me for someone less qualified whose first action was to tell me they were cancelling my holiday id had pre approved for months for time away with my kids he told me get my priorities right work comes first. I walked there and then it was a great feeling but not financially the sensible one.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Do you have someone who supports you in formal supervision sessions or a line manager. I definitely would be making my feeling known to them. If your job is making you ill you have to look after number one.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Does your company have an HR department? If so you may be able to discuss your concerns with them. Companies have a responsibility for Employees health and that includes how they do not create a stressful working environment. I hope you can resolve this and please dont let it make you ill.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I worked for ICI for 27 years in Cheshire. I met my partner who lived in Glasgow and as the company were offering redundancy terms I took them and moved up north without having a job lined up. My partner supported me as she felt that I was being undervalued at ICI anyway.
I managed to find a job in Scotland, then as with Wolf was overlooked for a job as Assistant Manager. I warned the company if they messed me around I'd leave but I don't think they believed me. And I'd just won Account Manager of the Year. They appointed someone with no experience, expect me to train him and then respond to him and not the manager. I found another job at £10k a year more and handed in my notice. The managers office had a full glass front and he was in with his manager at the time. The people in the office saw this and said they saw both managers shrink back from the envelope when it was put on their desk :LOL:. I've done far better now than if I had stayed at ICI.

The thing to remember is that if you're doing two jobs then they won't change while you put up with it. If you leave they will have to get two people to replace you or may get two other people to do two regions which I imagine would be difficult so I think you're in a pretty strong position. Let them know you're unhappy, are looking elsewhere and will move if things don't improve.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Yes have done so twice in the past and left there and then, both times feeling I was put in a position that was unresolvable by the owner of the company, as an accountant at the time jobs were aplenty and had full faith I would have the pick of jobs (which ultimately i did) but I certainly would not have stayed another day in 1 of the jobs even if I wasnt sure about getting another job (as staying wouldve have potentially risked my whole career anyway)

You need to assess how easy it will be to get another job and whether its worth trying to stick it out until you find one or not


Sep 11, 2011
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Request a formal meeting with HR. Explain the efforts you’ve made in the past to resolve this - hopefully you have emails to support this, and tell them it’s become a work related health issue.

As blunt as it might seem, go direct to HR over your boss’s head.

If you want to walk without a job to go to that’s entirely your choice. Personally, I’d go down the health route first.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Me I would make it quite simple, I would let it be known that “ I am looking for another job”. If they don’t give a monkeys, Then you know you are doing the right thing. I they ask you why tell them and don’t hold back. If you love your job, then you can fight for it. But I would not jump without another job. That said I don’t know your circumstances re mortgage and family etc.
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Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Request a formal meeting with HR. Explain the efforts you’ve made in the past to resolve this - hopefully you have emails to support this, and tell them it’s become a work related health issue.

As blunt as it might seem, go direct to HR over your boss’s head.

If you want to walk without a job to go to that’s entirely your choice. Personally, I’d go down the health route first.
That is sound advice in your circumstances.
Looks like your health is suffering because of your company's work place actions.

Mind you I knew someone who worked in the Gambling sector and it was high pressure dog eat dog stuff.
She was very highly paid so stuck it out for a few years to build a nest egg then quit.

I quit my last job 20 years ago due to lack of support and leadership issues.
When the Director read my detailed letter of resignation he just looked up, laughed, and said 'I see there is no point in me trying to persuade you to stay'
4 Weeks later I got an offer to go back as a consultant to finish a major stalled project. I went in for a meeting and when it came to mentioning fees I asked for a silly amount.
They politely declined.:love:
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Deleted member 25172

Thanks all for the replies given.

I'll have a good think over this weekend over how to handle this. Some here have already met me and may know that I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve from time to time. I can be very impulsive and make rash decisions that I later come to regret. On the other hand I'm probably the most conflict scared person you'd ever meet, so a thing like this is a big one for me. I've previously dealt with depression/anxiety on and off for quite a few years time, and I start to see way to many familiar patterns emerging at the moment.

Come Monday, I hope I've gathered enough self esteem to ask my line manager for a chat to let my feelings known.

Thanks all again for the response, really appreciated.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Good advice... always talk before you walk.... and don't see this as conflict.... cos it is not. If you were a the boss and had a team member with a grievance.. you would prefer them to come and talk to you about it, wouldn't you. This is the way to remove the anxiety... explain how you feel and what you need. If they don't act, they don't deserve you as an employee.

- I left a job without another to go too, but only after I'd tried to resolve it.

- and on the other point. I got a "name your price" offer from a tobacco company once - I laughed and said I wouldn't work for them whatever they offered.

Deleted member 1740

If you are comfortable enough financially to not work for a couple of months I'd leave asap.

If not then grin and bear it and look for something sharpish.

Best of luck fella.
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